The Japs attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. By this time WW2 had been going on since 1939. Here's the kicker, our people had broken the Japanese code, and were monitoring their communications. The only people surprised by Pearl Harbor were the the poor dumb bastards sacrificed so Americans would be pissed enough to go to war.
Previous to this event, America suspended sales of scrap metal to Japan. Japan, having little in the way of steel manufacturing, was heavily dependent upon those sales. Analysts knew it would pressure the Island nation.
Wake was another giveaway. The Japs had their hands full with the spirited defense put up by the small American garrison, but the brass, and the navy, decided to let them hang.
Lots of Americans were killed by the Japanese in WW2. How many of these deaths happened because of strategic choices made by American high command? Most, if not all.
A soldier cannot decide their fate, they do as they are ordered to do, even if these orders mean they will be sacrificed, and killed.
By the way, the same holds true for the Japs.
Our manufacturing has been off shored because the geniuses who run manufacturing care more about their own profit than the well being of their country. It just so happens that they have bought American politicians to make it all happen.
I'm not happy that most of the Winchester offerings are imports, but the truth is that these imports really are well made, well functioning examples.
Miroku uses premium steel, and their fit and finish is very well executed.
No, these will never match the craftsmanship of the real Winchester 71 made by Americans hands, but then those hands are long gone, as is the factory they were made in.