Originally Posted by rcamuglia
I simply stated that passing up animals for the express purpose of attempting a longer shot is the wrong attitude to have when hunting

I couldn't agree more.

Game animals are not steel targets. A poor shot matters.

That being said, Congratulations on one unique Muley and one heck of a nice shot!!!!

First to the OP congrats, good shooting and nice buck, even with the "trash," LOL.

Personally I tend to agree with what Heavywalker said, but I also realize that is my own personal ethic, not to be confused with "ethics." And not to be imposed on anyone else. To put it another way, just because I may have tried to get closer or taken a shorter shot doesn't mean anybody else needs to think the way I do, or is in the wrong for not thinking the way I do provided they are capable of making the shot, which the OP obviously was.

It's true, game animals are not steel targets and a poor shot matters.

There was no poor shot here though.

A wise man is frequently humbled.