Originally Posted by Greyghost
Appointing an agency head has very little to do with rule making or reporting which is governed be law. Rules and rule making is up to the agency, congress, and the judicial system. ...

If you think that this is all done by the President or even under close watch by the President, well you don't understand the government.


Only a socialist who truly believes that the ends justify any means to further his twisted utopian view of the world would stretch the truth about executive branch rule making under the current regime, as you've done.

Clearly it is not the POTUS who "under close watch" develops the rules. It is the handpicked ideologically committed socialists he has entrenched throughout the agencies who do that. A cute little rhetorical trick on your part, but it's a distinction without a difference.

Most of the time the bureaucratic rule making significantly changes the intent of the laws Congress passes. It is executive overreach through so called 'rule making' that has led to the current state of Federal tyranny that regulates every aspect of each citizen's life.

No better example exists than the EPA, HHS, Dept. of Education.

As to the Federal judiciary's involvement in checking the power of Executive branch agencies, the Circuit Court for DC is a rubber stamp for regulatory despotism - it never met a Federal regulation it didn't like. And with respect to the current SCOTUS' role in checking this imperial POTUS, witness ARA (Obamacare) and John Roberts' role in abetting the unconstitutional power of the POTUS by creating new legislation from the bench.

You obviously either live in a fantasy world or you are just another propagandist enabling the progress of statist rule. Either way I would ignore you but you're not worth the effort.

Last edited by Wildcatter264; 11/29/15.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty of give me death! P. Henry

Deus vult!

Rhodesians all now