Got invited to see this last night. Not a movie I'd ordinarily go see but I really enjoyed it. It's about Alfred Hitchcock, "The Master of Suspense", and covers the period in his life when he was making "Psycho". It is partly background on that movie and partly a study of the man.

Not a big action pic, obviously, but if you like character based movies this was good. Anthony Hopkins is always a great actor and did a great job as "Hitch". Helen Mirren played his wife and also did a great job. Scarlett Johansson played Janet Leigh and I don't think I've seen her look prettier. I almost wish women would go back to some of those hair styles from the early sixties (no, not the bouffant!), but it gave her a very classy look.

As I read on one review here about another movie (IIRC it was "Lincoln"), it's "just a bunch of old people talking" but I thought it was well done and certainly kept me entertained throughout.

Nothing earthshaking but a nice little movie. This might be a good one to watch for on Netflix or DVD.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!