Islamic supremacist group is holding a conference, all day, in Chicago today to discuss their vision: the "Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam". The group is called Hizb ut-Tahrir, with strong ties in the US, Britain, Spain and France. Oh, and by the way, they are not on any of our terror watch lists. Of course many of our own soldiers coming back to the states are being considered right winged extremists.


The bitter irony- they passionately oppose freedom of speech as it represents a threat to Islam. But our own hate crimes law prevents others from opposing their group with the same level of intensity.
Needless to say, it was unwise in the extreme to invite Islamics into the United States. Anyone with an IQ above 75 would have known that from day one.

There was a time in our nation's history when immigration policy was based on which peoples/cultures would be most likely to adapt to our values, rather than attempt to overthrow them. Those kinds of considerations were thrown out the window in the 1960s. That was the beginning of the end.

Short of a civil war, I'm not sure this rapidly metastasizing disease is any longer curable.
Extreemists of any flavor are not a good thing...
Aren't they spewing hate & intolerence if you don't believe as they do? Yet we can't oppose them....we are in serious trouble here I think!!
The level of government we have today and the person we have in the White House will be the down fall of this country and our way of life. The American people better wake up and put a end to this attack on our culture before there is no way out. This would have never happened 50 years go when people still had some balls in the US.
I don't see very many people of Islam where I live, but the ones I do see seem to be "gentle" and friendly. Unfortunately, there are far to many sub cultures of Islam that are very violent and extreme. Those groups make me fear Islam as a social virus whose goal is to ultimately take over the world as its host.

Some of these groups truly believe that their mission in life in service to Allah, is to convert people to Islam OR KILL THEM- period, end of story. They also believe that some of the most important cornerstones of our legal system such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion shall be completely forbidden.

Those freedoms threaten Islam directly. They also consider the legal systems of the western world, in general, blasphemous because they are a collection of "man's laws" instead of God's laws. So, as an extension of that philosophy, they completely dismiss the concept of separation of church and state.

I don't know if this type of situation played a part in the forefathers' belief in the right to bear arms. It seems that right had its strongest roots as a defense against an oppressive government. But we may have an equally important reason to bear arms if this insidious threat continues to develop in the future.
Here's a link to the actually commercial video these guys produced for the conference:

Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Needless to say, it was unwise in the extreme to invite Islamics into the United States. Anyone with an IQ above 75 would have known that from day one.

There was a time in our nation's history when immigration policy was based on which peoples/cultures would be most likely to adapt to our values, rather than attempt to overthrow them. Those kinds of considerations were thrown out the window in the 1960s. That was the beginning of the end.

Short of a civil war, I'm not sure this rapidly metastasizing disease is any longer curable.


Save for your last comment, I'd have to agree.
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Needless to say, it was unwise in the extreme to invite Islamics into the United States. Anyone with an IQ above 75 would have known that from day one.

There was a time in our nation's history when immigration policy was based on which peoples/cultures would be most likely to adapt to our values, rather than attempt to overthrow them. Those kinds of considerations were thrown out the window in the 1960s. That was the beginning of the end.

Short of a civil war, I'm not sure this rapidly metastasizing disease is any longer curable.

I agree especially with your last comment.

I'm an old man broken down and badly bent. It's going to take the young people to come together under force of arms to take back the country from the fascists. Voting is not going to do it. Once a politician gets to Washington and starts drinking the water and smelling the ladies (you all know what I really mean) they lose whatever intelligence they ever had. This loss of intelligence seems to happen to male and female politicians alike.
If ever there is a civil war agaisnt muslim extremists it won't be civil. They'll be hiding behind their face coverings, and innocent women and children, and we'll be fighting to save our necks. Literally. The media and our own government will be resolvedly against us.

For some reason dingleBarry's longed-for domestic force comes to mind. Violent black racists taking orders from their muslim owners like trained attack dogs with overwhelming vengence and hatred against a mostly disarmed American populace trying to hold their own.
I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too. Organized religion is not a good thing IMHO...
My problem with any type of organized religion is that it always seems to revolve around ONE mouthpiece who professes to have "GOD" speaking to him...Look at Heavens Gate guru Marshall Applewhite...Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple fame...hell, might as well throw the Pope out there too...How many more little catholic boys are gonna have to suffer the indignaties imposed on them by their delusional priests before the world wakes up & finally realizes that religion & its promise of an afterlife are nothing more than the biggest scam to ever infect the planet.
Muzzies & their promise of a buch of virgins waiting to service you AFTER death is even funnier...How about a sample "BEFORE" I depart??? Who could actually believe that a "Soul" has reproductive organs??? Can you even "see" a soul??? Especially after you are dead???
Organized religion is only about two things...money & power...
PT Barnum got it right...there's a sucker born every minute.

Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too. Organized religion is not a good thing IMHO...
My problem with any type of organized religion is that it always seems to revolve around ONE mouthpiece who professes to have "GOD" speaking to him...Look at Heavens Gate guru Marshall Applewhite...Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple fame...hell, might as well throw the Pope out there too...How many more little catholic boys are gonna have to suffer the indignaties imposed on them by their delusional priests before the world wakes up & finally realizes that religion & its promise of an afterlife are nothing more than the biggest scam to ever infect the planet.
Muzzies & their promise of a buch of virgins waiting to service you AFTER death is even funnier...How about a sample "BEFORE" I depart??? Who could actually believe that a "Soul" has reproductive organs??? Can you even "see" a soul??? Especially after you are dead???
Organized religion is only about two things...money & power...
PT Barnum got it right...there's a sucker born every minute.

AMEN brother!!!!
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too.

Dude, we could debate the merits or bad points about organized religion all day. I could make arguments either way and think the effort would be futile. But I have never been to a Christian church in modern times that tells people they should walk on to a crowded bus full of innocent people with 5 pounds of C4 strapped to my chest and blow everyone to hell.

If somehow you are claiming those 2 religions are realistically comparable, I think you're watching too much Comedy Central.
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too.

Dude, we could debate the merits or bad points about organized religion all day. I could make arguments either way and think the effort would be futile. But I have never been to a Christian church in modern times that tells people they should walk on to a crowded bus full of innocent people with 5 pounds of C4 strapped to my chest and blow everyone to hell.

If somehow you are claiming those 2 religions are realistically comparable, I think you're watching too much Comedy Central.

No kidding . You see alot of Christian bashing lately including on this board . But the Christians ain't the religion that says *convert or die*......

Lets get real here .
They actually worship the same god...just differnt messengers.
Jews....same god but no prophet. As far as brutality & a change in thinking...it was but a few hundred years ago the suspected witches & other "heathens" were burned at the stake.
You ever read up on the crusades??? Spanish inquision???
No god that I'd want any part of would sanctify such bullchit...YMMV
The message from the religious "leaders" changes from time to time...to suit their percieved needs & goals. Some religious leaders might actually believe the bullchit they spout off about...but my guess is that most don't...I could go off on a rant here....& actually did...but edited it out before posting.

The bottom line for me is that if your personal beliefs "as far as religion go" have no effect on me & my way of life... have at it...if it gives you comfort in times of tragedy...I envy you...
edit to add...I wish I were that ignorant...
Originally Posted by sdgunslinger
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too.

Dude, we could debate the merits or bad points about organized religion all day. I could make arguments either way and think the effort would be futile. But I have never been to a Christian church in modern times that tells people they should walk on to a crowded bus full of innocent people with 5 pounds of C4 strapped to my chest and blow everyone to hell.

If somehow you are claiming those 2 religions are realistically comparable, I think you're watching too much Comedy Central.

No kidding . You see alot of Christian bashing lately including on this board . But the the Christians ain't the religion that says *convert or die*......

Lets get real here .

Christians have done the same chit...just not in your lifetime...Get Real??? Give me a friggin break...Real???
If it were up to religious leaders the world would still be flat & the entire universe would revolve around "gods creation"...earth....Get real???? Give me a friggin break.
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Extreemists of any flavor are not a good thing...
You need to study the history of relations between Islam and the West since the inception of Islam. They are either kept out by force or they will seek domination by force. There is no in between.
All I know is that I live in the here and now. I live in my lifetime. I don't give a rip about what happened in the crusades, during the witch hunts etc. All I care about is that Islam is responsible for about 90% of the terrorist attacks around the world right now. It's a clear and present danger- Christianity is not. And that's getting real.
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
All I know is that I live in the here and now. I live in my lifetime. I don't give a rip about what happened in the crusades, during the witch hunts etc. All I care about is that Islam is responsible for about 90% of the terrorist attacks around the world right now. It's a clear and present danger- Christianity is not. And that's getting real.
Many forget that The Crusades were a series of defensive wars waged by the Christian west (Christiandom) against a steady multi-century Islamic onslaught. Islam's advance by the sword had finally reached Constantinople. The leaders of that dwindling civilization (the last remnants of the Eastern Roman Empire) sent out a call to the west for military assistance, or they would fall. Prior to that, the west had always felt safe against Islam, because they were sure the Eastern Roman Empire (a Christian empire) could hold them off forever.

Look at Constantinople (now Istanbul) on a map. If it fell, western Christiandom (that's us) knew that a huge doorway for Islam to invade the west (the open goal of Islam) would be wide open. That's why the west sent military assistance to Constantinople. To save their own hides.

After several tries, we eventually lost The Crusades, and Islam (as predicted) spread by the sword from there (by two prongs, an upper and lower) all throughout North Africa, up into Spain (conquering all but the mountainous northern tip), threatening France from the west; and in the east (through Constantinople) all the way through Greece up to Hungary, threatening Italy and Austria.

We almost lost it all. The west was just barely able, with all it's resources united, to stop Islam from destroying Western civilization completely. Their goals have not changed. Only their methods.
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
All I know is that I live in the here and now. I live in my lifetime. I don't give a rip about what happened in the crusades, during the witch hunts etc. All I care about is that Islam is responsible for about 90% of the terrorist attacks around the world right now. It's a clear and present danger- Christianity is not. And that's getting real.


Jesus was a gentle caprpenter that told his followers to turn the other cheek and love their enemies .

Muhammad begin his career by raiding caravans , beheading Jews , making slaves out of captives, and such . Just a little difference in philosophy there .

Christianity was spread by the word of mouth .

Islam spread by the sword .

And that is giving you a friggin break.
Don't forget the Crusades against other Christians.
Don't forget the Christians used the sword to spread Christianity in Western and Northern Europe.
Seriously, the enemy here and now is Islam not Christianity yet.
Al-Qaeda is meeting in the USA and you people are attacking Christians. WTF?? That is wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to start. If we don't pull together as Americans they will take over because we are too busy fighting each other.

I need to add to my ignore list so I don't get sucked into this carp any deeper.
Modern liberal self-critism has morphed into something I can't understand. Miner and Derby make their dislike of Christianity a rational for supporting anti-Christian mass murderers.
"Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam". ???

Sorta ironic given that the most frequent victims of Radical Muslims are other Muslims, and given that the only even-semi functioning "Islamic" States are those which are propped up by massive income derived from selling oil to Capitalists and which states are categorised by a massive inequality of wealth and sharply limited freedoms.

Further ironic that those Muslim immigrants to the West are as a group experiencing wealth, health and freedoms beyond their wildest dreams in their own countries.

Of course I doubt anyone would be allowed to point out these obvious truths at that conference.

Furthermore I'd guess the whole conference deal was bankrolled by our "friends" the Saudis.

Originally Posted by ZeroGravitas
Modern liberal self-critism has morphed into something I can't understand. Miner and Derby make their dislike of Christianity a rational for supporting anti-Christian mass murderers.

Miner does not support anti-christian mass murderers...I don't know where you pulled that little gem from.
Round them up and throw their asses out, along with their fellow travelers.
H*LL,don't pass our problems on to someone else! Eliminate'em here and now.
Originally Posted by ZeroGravitas
Modern liberal self-criticism has morphed into something I can't understand. Miner and Derby make their dislike of Christianity a rational for supporting anti-Christian mass murderers.

Like Miner said I don't know where you pulled the little gem from. Derby Dude doesn't support anti-Christian mass murderers nor any other type of mass murderer.
Only thing I have to say on the matter is that, Capitalism never was forced on anyone, but we know that Islam is being forced on to people all over the world at this time. Kinda of an oxymoron title.
The reality is in demographics. Muslims are outbreeding Christians by 6:1. Until all those good Christian families start pumping out kids in the 5s and 6s, there's no changing that fact.

The only other solution is to firmly entrench secular government. A tradition of a secular state means that no matter what religion is ascendant (or non at all), government is by rule of Constitutional law.

And if you think that Islam is the only religion with conversion by the sword, you need to read history.
An old friend is known to pray" And lord, save me from the religous". The argument can be made that more people have died for the sake of religion than anything else. With that having been said, are we to sit and watch as our society degenerates to mid-evil times. I think not. At some point you have to rise and say" NO MAS". Wether you believe in an afterlife or not, by law, is your decision. As for me and mine, we believe in Jesus Christ as being our savior, and the hope of the world. At no point am I willing to force you to believe as I do. Thats your buisness. Also, I am not willing to have other peoples beliefs forced on me. Isn't that one of the founding fathers principles of the beginning of this country. I therefore will no tolerate any of this crap by the militant muslims. If we must fight, lets do it first thing in the morning, while its cool

Islam is the only religion TODAY that still beleives in conversion by the sword , at least that I am aware of .

As Outlaw said , I don't give a rip about the stuff that happened 600 years ago , I'm worried about the here and now....and Islam is obviously a clear and present danger TODAY .

I think you already have your secure secular state , but that won't do you a dam bit of good if the Islamists get a majority in your country , or even a stong minority .
Christian or no, look at where muslims are in control. North Africa, the middle east, these places are a mess! No freedom of religion, speech, etc. Public beheadings, stoneings. The religious eliete live like fat cats the rest live in slums. Most of these people are living in the f-ing stone age. Then take a look at where we live. I'll take the good ole U.S.A. any day.
Originally Posted by sdgunslinger
Islam is the only religion TODAY that still beleives in conversion by the sword , at least that I am aware of .

As Outlaw said , I don't give a rip about the stuff that happened 600 years ago , I'm worried about the here and now....and Islam is obviously a clear and present danger TODAY .

I think you already have your secure secular state , but that won't do you a dam bit of good if the Islamists get a majority in your country , or even a stong minority .
The only important point is that Jesus never directed his followers to convert by the sword (quite the opposite, in fact), but Mohamed very clearly did. To the extent that a nominal Christian pursues that policy, therefore, he is sinning against the religion he claims to uphold. To the extent that a Muslim pursues that policy, however, he is earning his reward in heaven according to the teachings of the founder of his religion.
"As Outlaw said , I don't give a rip about the stuff that happened 600 years ago , I'm worried about the here and now....and Islam is obviously a clear and present danger TODAY ."

"Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Considering the current middle East situation and the radical Muzzies trying once more to take over the world, it looks very much like what got things startd back in 1096 AD, a series of battles that did not end until IIRC 1291 AD, nearly 200 years of constant warfare.
In 1096, Islam was a clear and present danger not only to Christendom, but a danger to all other religions in existance at the time. Today it's the same situation. However, somebody running this country and all the other non-Muzzie countried had damn well better emove their heads from their rectal orifices and do it damned quick. A few tatctical nukes in strategic locations staring with Mecca would be a good start. Let's face it, the Vigaro is gonna hit the Mixmaster sometime in the not all that distant future. Do we sit here with one thumb in out mouths and the other in our rear end playing switcho-changeo? Or do we take the initiaive and prepare for what we all know is coming, but refuse to acknowlege while out illustrious Dingleberry in Chief continues on his merry way disarming us.
yeah, I'm mad as hell. You should be too.
Paul B.
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