
Link above is 'on-line newspaper' forum out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Or it originally was. Most of these 'flake' groups reach globally anymore.

There are literally tens of thousands of these 'anti-cliques' types around the world. You would also be surprised at how many of them trace back to Maurice Strong & henchmen for support of one kind or another. There are thousands right here in the Continental US. And many of these people VOTE. I bet that makes Obama PROUD !

Anyway, if you want to mess with it, click on almost any topic and it will be a 'HOOT' !!!

'Know Thy Enemy' sort of thing.
They are doing the work of Satan.
This radical 'activism' is about the only thing that these types can do to think their otherwise meaningless existence actually has some sort of value to it..


Does anyone else feel the same?
I'm sorry if this topic is in the wrong section, but I was wondering if anyone else is feeling dead/helpless inside because you feel that you aren't doing enough for animals?
I am, and the stress and weight on my chest is getting to me. I refuse to stop being an animal activist, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips on dealing with the constant pain?
I am only 16 years old and have been an animal activist my whole life, I never want to change, but I just don't know how to properly deal with stress or whatever yet.

( Good, go slit your wrists!)

Example 2, the Response...

Rookie Animal Activist
Rookie Animal Activist

Joined: 05 Nov 2005
Posts: 246
You must not and cannot take the weight of the world on your shoulders. No one person is strong enough for that. But remember always that you are not alone, and that many candles are being lit all over the world by people who are aware of the injustices in the world.

The pain must not take over your life. And I believe that the animals would not want you to suffer.

Be proud of what you do.

Every single day victories are being won for the animals and the antispecisism is growing all the time. Remind yourself of this constantly.

Thank you for being who you are. The world is a better place because you are you.
"In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka."

( anyone up for a chorus of "Kumbiya My Lord" )

What a pair of morons...silver spoon in their mouths and they feel "so helpless" in life...

anyone want to guess who they supported in the last presidential election?
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