I think it would be a smart move. What say ye?
whether it would or not, she won't do it. McCain would have given it to her if she'd have taken it. She won't. Period.
I would sure love to see her in that role. PERfect.....

We can hope and dream, right?

Just imagine the VP 'debates'! They would be hilarious.
She's a driven intellect first and was in politics but incidental to her sense of duty, IMO. She's repeatedly said "no interest" and by God, I think she's telling the truth. Which may make her more attractive, LOL.

At any rate, just don't see her in that role.
Absolutely NO! She voted for Obama. That shows me she is not smart enough to not make emotional decision.
I think Rice could be the sleeper VP candidate.
The big surprise announced about the time of the Olympics.

I don�t see Romney wanting to do that, not his style, not his M.O. he plays it safe, not bold.

But if he is in trouble in the polls�maybe�

Rice is too much of a RINO for lots of Campfire folks.
Bad choice. Condi is well qualified and very intelligent. She is also a social moderate and probably a closet lesbian.

She would not generate any additional votes for the ticket from women or blacks, and she could alienate the base.

She doesn't strike me as having any talent for, or interest in, being a leader of anything.
ol marco rubio was walking like a gwinnettian today while signing his book in lawrenceville.

while jindal and pawlenty remain supportive, i don't know who the Romney should select. while a lot of potentiality among many, many have weaknesses as well.

Originally Posted by tjm10025

She doesn't strike me as having any talent for, or interest in, being a leader of anything.

She was a lawn jockey in the Bush administration.
Look how far the Republicans around here have evolved. A black woman being discussed for VP. No not evolution just scared.
She should be in GITMO along with the rest of the Bush regime.

Lying bittch.
Originally Posted by FlaRick
Bad choice. Condi is well qualified and very intelligent. She is also a social moderate and probably a closet lesbian.

She would not generate any additional votes for the ticket from women or blacks, and she could alienate the base.

she is still hugely popular with republicans, and finished very high in polls a year ago....far higher than Savior Ron and most of the people who actually ran. But she won't run so it's all pretty much irrelevant whether she'd be a net plus or minus....although it would be fun to watch the MSM turn themselves wrong side out explaining how voting for Romney/Rice instead of Obama/Biden was completely racist.
I put her in the same catagory of Colon Powell. Never figured the attraction to either.

Rice has given enough clues that I don;t trust her politics.
I'd go in a heart beat for Allen West but I think the old guard GOPs will go for someone "moderate"(whatever that means).
I agree she's pretty much of a squish on domestic politics...for somebody who was very much a hard eyed realist in dealing with the Soviets, she's the opposite on domestic feel good stuff.
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
....although it would be fun to watch the MSM turn themselves wrong side out explaining how voting for Romney/Rice instead of Obama/Biden was completely racist.

The MSM would go batshit after the election discussing what caused the low Republican turn out.
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
....although it would be fun to watch the MSM turn themselves wrong side out explaining how voting for Romney/Rice instead of Obama/Biden was completely racist.

The MSM would go batshit after the election discussing what caused the low Republican turn out.
Not hardly,the ABO vote alone will have Romney winning,his choice of VP is just icing on the cake.
It don't matter to me. True the ABO vote is all Romney has but that ABO chant does not carry beyond Republican gatherings. It will be interesting.
Wont work.

Originally Posted by elkhunternm
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
....although it would be fun to watch the MSM turn themselves wrong side out explaining how voting for Romney/Rice instead of Obama/Biden was completely racist.

The MSM would go batshit after the election discussing what caused the low Republican turn out.
Not hardly,the ABO vote alone will have Romney winning,his choice of VP is just icing on the cake.

we all certainly hope so. the fact is, whomever the VP candidate is, will either help or hurt the effort. i'm sure the quantitative people are examining every angle, and well they should be. but, said another way, if it's a win, then it's a win, no matter who tags along.

personnally i don't think the Mitt can win without the right vp attachment. but, i could be wrong.
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
It don't matter to me. True the ABO vote is all Romney has but that ABO chant does not carry beyond Republican gatherings. It will be interesting.
Yep,your democrats are in for a political slaughter in November.
Now that would give us an all neocon ticket on the left and, well, whatever the Kenyan is. It will almost assure Obama's reelection.

Whatever. crazy
Romney/Ryan, you heard it here first....
Condi is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a tough cookie and I would love to see her on the ticket.
Originally Posted by wildhobbybobby
Condi is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a tough cookie and I would love to see her on the ticket.

So's Ron Paul.

Go with the authentic & shy away from the imitation.

Is Romney wheat or tear?

Take care,


Originally Posted by Kenneth
Romney/Ryan, you heard it here first....

If Romney ain't a sure bet, which he ain't, lessin' you're shortin' the market, Ryan's a no-go.

You heard it hear first.

Whoever helps him to take FL, MI, VA, OH & NC. Probably Rubio....

I'd still like to think there is a great non-politician pick for VP out there.
Originally Posted by stray round
I'd go in a heart beat for Allen West but I think the old guard GOPs will go for someone "moderate"(whatever that means).

I would too, but I prefer he not have anyone's stench clinging to him when the time comes for hit to do bigger and better things.

People are only going for Romney because people see him as being the only one capable of beating Obama and he's someone democraps can live with if their boy loses.

We need to keep Allen West in reserve he can be available for when the country bottoms out (and it's going to) in the schitthole.
Originally Posted by Ringman
Absolutely NO! She voted for Obama. That shows me she is not smart enough to not make emotional decision.

Someone sees her for what she is. Maybe she could be Oberry's VP though Bam Bams really has to lose Joe I'm all mouth Biden.
Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
Originally Posted by Ringman
Absolutely NO! She voted for Obama. That shows me she is not smart enough to not make emotional decision.

Someone sees her for what she is. Maybe she could be Oberry's VP though Bam Bams really has to lose Joe I'm all mouth Biden.

So did Colin Powell, which proves that the Republican Party has been co-opted by neocons.

When Romney supporters are forced to give up their guns, who will they blame?

Play the cards and let the chips fall where they may. We have already lost the game. All we can do is hope to reverse the trend. Otherwise rear view mirror what was once our country. One-world-government is our destination, and Steve_No will be driving one of the UN's buses.

Pray for a brokered convention in Tampa.

No way Jose. Read Don Rumsfeld's book "Known and Unknown". Seems Miss Condi blew her top at a meeting and told the SecDef and others that "human rights trumps national security".

Proud...Proud...A Step Forward
Is she a Republican?
Originally Posted by Raisuli
Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
Originally Posted by Ringman
Absolutely NO! She voted for Obama. That shows me she is not smart enough to not make emotional decision.

Someone sees her for what she is. Maybe she could be Oberry's VP though Bam Bams really has to lose Joe I'm all mouth Biden.

So did Colin Powell, which proves that the Republican Party has been co-opted by neocons.


Colon is a POS not a conservative. But then most of the GOP is now comprised of moderate POS.
Originally Posted by stray round
I put her in the same catagory of Colon Powell. Never figured the attraction to either.

Rice has given enough clues that I don;t trust her politics.

No women and no blacks in charge of running this country gets my vote .....
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Proud...Proud...A Step Forward
Is she a Republican?
The question is, is she American?
She is a recipient of affirmative action policies just like Powell.

She supposedly has a Phd in Russian studies and speaks fluent Russian.

When I worked in Russia and she came for a visit. The Russian reporter interviewing her was very exited and aware of her impressive academic background and began the interview in Russian asking a simple opening question like how are you doing today. She looked puzzled clearly not understanding the very basic Russian question
and requested the interview be conducted in English

lost all respect for her.
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
It don't matter to me. True the ABO vote is all Romney has but that ABO chant does not carry beyond Republican gatherings. It will be interesting.

no, independents hate Obama, too. it'll just be you and the other comrades at the Obama party come November, Chuckie.
It's pretty obvious that the Dems are very very nervous concerning voter turn out for Barry this Fall. He is grasping or even creating faux issues to energize his fleeing base especially in the swing states.

I know quite abfew independents, like myself and my wife, who will be voting ABO this Fall.
Originally Posted by Plinker
I think it would be a smart move. What say ye?

Oh, hell yes!
Originally Posted by ribka
It's pretty obvious that the Dems are very very nervous concerning voter turn out for Barry this Fall. He is grasping or even creating faux issues to energize his fleeing base especially in the swing states.

I know quite abfew independents, like myself and my wife, who will be voting ABO this Fall.

I don't think so. I think Obama will win if Romney is his opposition. Every recent poll I've seen shows Obama beating Romney, especially among Hispanic voters.

Obama is expected to raise a billion bucks. If he does, he might landslide the election.

She would be great as a VP, but not on the campaign trail.

Romney needs someone who can get folks fired up. I'd LUV to see Chris Christie get the nod- that man can tear up BOs record. And there is alot to pick apart- that jobs number yesterday was PATHETIC!

Originally Posted by ol_mike
No women and no blacks in charge of running this country gets my vote .....

Originally Posted by Plinker
I think it would be a smart move. What say ye?
It would cinch it for Obama. A Massachusetts liberal paired with a George W. Bush neocon.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
She should be in GITMO along with the rest of the Bush regime.

Lying bittch.
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
I agree she's pretty much of a squish on domestic politics...for somebody who was very much a hard eyed realist in dealing with the Soviets, she's the opposite on domestic feel good stuff.
Domestic feel good stuff like dealing with our national debt time bomb that's getting ready to explode?
Originally Posted by elkhunternm
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
....although it would be fun to watch the MSM turn themselves wrong side out explaining how voting for Romney/Rice instead of Obama/Biden was completely racist.

The MSM would go batshit after the election discussing what caused the low Republican turn out.
Not hardly,the ABO vote alone will have Romney winning,his choice of VP is just icing on the cake.
You folks are living in fantasy land. You screwed the pooch picking Romney. This should have been an easy win for the Republicans, considering how radically leftist and anti-American Obama has proved himself to be. All they had to do was put a halfway conservative candidate in there to win it. Get the base a little enthusiastic. So they pick a Massachusetts liberal. Marvelous!
Originally Posted by Kenneth
Romney/Ryan, you heard it here first....
That would be about the best we could expect, and would actually give Romney a chance of winning. Ryan would energize the base to some degree.
it's going to be so much fun shoving these moronic posts up the asses of the Paul clown car crew come November.....they'll have a new gospel by then but the internet never forgets.

oh, and Raisuli, you really ought to read some news that's not months old....try Drudge....Obama's losing the fund raising battle dramatically. that billion dollar stuff is so 2011.
Originally Posted by Raisuli
Originally Posted by ribka
It's pretty obvious that the Dems are very very nervous concerning voter turn out for Barry this Fall. He is grasping or even creating faux issues to energize his fleeing base especially in the swing states.

I know quite abfew independents, like myself and my wife, who will be voting ABO this Fall.

I don't think so. I think Obama will win if Romney is his opposition. Every recent poll I've seen shows Obama beating Romney, especially among Hispanic voters.

Obama is expected to raise a billion bucks. If he does, he might landslide the election.


I can�t think of much of anything much more useless than mid-summer pre-convention polls�
7/7/12 Rasmussen Tracking: Obama 45, Romney 45 (tie)
7/7/12 RCP Average: Obama 47.1, Romney 44.1(within the margin of error)
7/7/12 RCP Job Approval Average: Approve 47.4, Disapprove 48.1 (tie)

Statistical ties usually mean big [bleep] trouble for the incumbent, but we have seen it flip.

More better to look elsewhere for strength and weakness.

From the Christian Science Monitor:
By Liz Marlantes Jul 3, 2012
The recently leaked recording of a conference call among President Obama and some of his top 2008 campaign donors sparked a new round of less-than-rosy headlines about the president�s fundraising. On the call, Mr. Obama didn�t mince words: With donations pouring in to Republican "super political-action committees" and the Mitt Romney campaign, Obama said he is on track to become the first sitting president in modern history to be outspent by his opponent.
In fact, Obama�s campaign has been making this claim repeatedly, in a battery of urgent fundraising pleas during the past few weeks. Republicans, in turn, have been accusing the president of crying wolf � pointing out that his campaign holds the advantage in cash on hand over Mr. Romney�s.
So who�s right? Could Obama � who famously shattered all fundraising records back in 2008, collecting nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars � actually lose the money race this time around? Or is he just trying to instill fear in the hearts of Democratic donors who have been reluctant to pony up?

The short answer: Yes and yes.

Obama may wind up being outspent, but he�s still ahead in fundraising for now (we think � though the activity of some outside groups is murky enough that it�s hard to be totally definitive).
What seems more certain is that the president won�t wield anything like the overwhelming cash advantage he had over Sen. John McCain in 2008.

Instead, 2012 is shaping up to be a very competitive fundraising battle that will probably break a variety of records�

From the Des Moines Register report:
619,452 Iowa voters are now registered Republican, compared to 598,074 Democrats. Both parties, however, are outnumbered by No Party voters, at 655,457.
Democrats held a lead in registrations for several years beginning in mid-2006, but fell behind Republicans earlier this spring.
In an e-mailed statement, Iowa Democratic Party spokesman Michael Hunt said additional Republican registrations in June were probably related to the unusually large number of contested GOP races in the June 5 primary election, rather than a new and specific preference for Republican policies over Democratic ones.

From the New York Times:
At a campaign stop in Poland, Ohio, on Friday, Mr. Obama urged voters to take the long view, and to be mindful of the economic state he inherited.
�I want to get back to a time when middle-class families and those working to get into the middle class have some basic security,� he said. �We�ve got to deal with what�s been happening over the last decade, the last 15 years.�
Mr. Romney, on the other hand, emphasized the more recent string of weak job growth that has taken place under Mr. Obama�s leadership.
�This is a time for Americans to choose whether they want more of the same,� Mr. Romney said from Wolfeboro, N.H., where he is vacationing. �It doesn�t have to be this way. America can do better. And this kick in the gut has to end.�
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
it's going to be so much fun shoving these moronic posts up the asses of the Paul clown car crew come November.....they'll have a new gospel by then but the internet never forgets.

oh, and Raisuli, you really ought to read some news that's not months old....try Drudge....Obama's losing the fund raising battle dramatically. that billion dollar stuff is so 2011.
I actually hope, in this case, that you're right and I'm wrong, Steve. Not by much, but a 70 MPH crash into a stone wall is likely preferable to the same at 80 MPH.
Obama looks more and more like a snakebit loser....and it's pretty clear there will be no good economic news by November, and perhaps dramatically worse news.

Obama has a relatively high floor....blacks, public unions, homos, America haters, and guilty white liberals who think only a Klansman would vote against a Negro. that's his high 30s % that he'll never lose, even if he sacrificed Moochelle to Satan on live TV.

Obama probably overpolls by five per cent, at least, on the Bradley factor, which would have him losing most of the swing states even based on current numbers, which are unlikely to get anything but worse. It is sort of political gospel that undecideds break against the incumbent, and he's already got the monolithic devotion of his base, so he's really got noplace to go for more voters.

but the voters outside that base are falling away rapidly....my worry is what kind of desperate ploy these comrades will come up with in October.
Steve, you left out college sluts.
You left out the illegal mexican wetback voters.
i wouldn't trust those polictical polls any further than i could throw a bull cow by the tail. those things have become instruments of propaganda by both parties, imho.
Marco Rubio is who he should pick
plinker and poboy, I stand corrected. college sluts, fortunately, vote at pretty low levels.....and I wonder how much in love with Obama Mexicans are with their unemployment rates this high. his green card stunt for illegals who came as children is kind of meaningless when there's no concrete for them to pour.

but yes, that should have been part of the list of the elements of the modern democrat party. should have added bunny huggers and gun grabbers, too.
Originally Posted by bea175
Marco Rubio is who he should pick
Where was he born?
in Florida.
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
in Florida.
Were his parents citizens when he was born?
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