How are you folks balancing the Horde of Illegals with your American/Christian upbringing..?

When I was a kid, I went on many church building trips to Mexico and I've seen some of the conditions that some of these people are trying to escape from. If I was in their shoes, I too would probably do everything possible to escape poverty and head for the land of Milk n Honey.

Also I was raised not to Hate(which is proving extremely difficult) and to do the "Christian thing" when the opportunity presents itself. The whole "be a servant" idea..

So that's on one side..

The other hemisphere of the brain is so PO'd, it's about ready to hemorrhage. I see Pelosi down on the border rolling out the welcome mat. I hear our President circumventing the law and issuing Presidential degrees. I see a bunch of Freeloaders just waiting to get on the American Welfare teat and make the Gringos pay for it.

Part of me wants to take a Louisville Slugger down to the border and start swinging at the politicians and finish on anything that's Brown and has an accent..

There's no way Dr. Jekyll could ever live with Mr. Hide..

I don't know how you folks on the border deal with it, it's tearing my mind apart..

How do you resolve the 2 and live with some sort of peace.?

Like you, my church took us down there to Mexico to help less fortunate folks there. They were good people, and those that came across to work did so and went back home. They worked on farms and ranches and went home around Christmas most years for a few months.

They would send their families the money they made. At $8-$10 a day, that's saying something. wink

Fast forward to about the mid 90's and you are seeing criminals, rapists, welfare rats, cartel, and God knows what come into our country illegally, and STAY. They bring their families, overload the healthcare system and hospitals, get free public education, and force US to hire teachers to teach them in Spanish.

They overload the welfare and foodstamp programs. They drive without insurance. And they vote for those that give them the most benefits without having to work for them.

I don't have a right brain-left brain issue.

The people that I helped and sympathized with are long gone, and we are left with the unwashed stink of what we have now...
The problem ballooned when holder had billboards signed trumpeting the 'dream act' from nicaragua, el salvador, honduras, guatemala, to mehico.
Seems the Bible has a verse or three about obeying the law.
Its not hate.

Its law. Civilized society is forwarded by law, which creates order.

Were not a free for all.

They pay thousands for coyotes. Put it toward doing what is legal to go thru the process.

Ship them all back.

Old Testament begat New Testament. They had 10 laws.
Yup, Steel, and I DO hate em WAR.
And screw the NT, it's an eye for an eye.
Roger that Scott.

Also, I do not mind helping them in THEIR country, I DO NOT need or want them here unless they have something WORTHWHILE to offer THIS country. The takers can stay home the contributors are welcome in limited numbers.
I don't see them running to Ellis Island.

Find a Sioux and ask them about unregulated immigration.
My uncle ran a mission and ministry in Mexico (Reynosa) for 60+ years. He was adamantly opposed to illegal immigration. He loved the Mexican people and worked his whole life to improve their conditions in Mexico. The problem isn't the US - It's Mexico. Help them with business micro loans, trade skills, education. Plugging them into Obama's teat doesn't help them - IT JUST DEGRADES THE US.
Do we have no charismatic Republicans who can make an effective argument to this effect??

When did the gift of rhetoric and speech become a dead skill?

Im baffled by how the lack of a cohesive, common sense argument can not combat this liberal assault,and motivate independents, undecideds, and become effective sound bites,?.

Yep, all they become are bean eating versions of K unta Kinte. (because it bleeped K u n t a)
It's a pc liberal custerfu-k WAR, nothing to do but kill to protect yourself and loved ones from it.
Any candidate that would even try to speak honestly about it would be branded a RACIST by the Kosher media.

You guys seeing how this schit works yet?

It's over.
Yup, screw the jews AND illegal aliens.
So brand them. The sheer volume of people who can present a cohesive argument, with the facts, cannot be denied.

But its not even spoken to.

The silence does more damage then the argument. The silence makes them complicit.
This entire issue is about importing a constituency that will approve an agenda that the electorate will not, and establish one-party rule once and for all. Turn Texas blue, game over.

As to the poor folks in Mexico, I am not heartless and indifferent to their plight, but the fact of the matter is this is just another instance of these people being used. They are ignorant of history and ignorant in general.

Who is it that eggs them on about how "their" land was stolen from them by the gringos? I'll tell you who: it's the OLD MONEY of Mexico that controls 97% of the nation's wealth and ALWAYS has. These are the same families who came from Spain and dominated the indigenous people of the southwest and enslaved them and who have stifled the rise of a Mexican middle-class since the arrival of Europeans. These wealthy families are still connected to European old money, and old money wants the feudal system reinstated. And that dream happens to coincide well with The Zero's wish to destroy the American middle-class (being white and Christian, by and large).

We can't survive as a free republic with open borders, for obvious reasons.

The only thing that's broken about current immigration law is The Zero's (and the political ruling class's) refusal to enforce it. They should be tried for conspiracy and treason and used to decorate lamp posts throughout the District of Columbia for a few days. Buzzards gotta eat, too.
The liberal agenda coincides with the communist agenda, and that involves making the USA a Godless nation. They are succeeding.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
The liberal agenda coincides with the communist agenda, and that involves making the USA a Godless nation. They are succeeding.

Heading for that as fast as we can run. frown
This whole thing stinks.

Buses of illegals just happen to show up when the dems
are facing possible annihilation in the mt's.

The media is reporting it as unaccompanied minors only. There are mothers with
a lot of those kids.

Any bad thing said against kids will look heartless.

The talking points on this are switching to "refugee".

Republicans either pass immigration reform or wear the obvious label.
Along with many, many others here I admire, honor and have participated in varied missionary and social efforts to help the less fortunate raise themselves up - here and in other countries. However, I do not believe in breaking the law or violating our national common sense in order to render such service.

Most of humankind always has been striving for better economic and living conditions - nothing new in the human nature that causes the illegals to try to get here. This country not only developed a highly desirable standard of living and sustained it, but also has been very generous in taking in those from elsewhere who continue to strive for better lives for themselves and their kids. All good - but those successful practices were based on some very sound values and principles and, for the most part, we could depend on our government - and our neighbors down the street - to uphold those principles as well as the laws (thanks, Steelhead) designed to make the system work.

Given the events of recent years, we no longer can depend on our government - particularly the administration - to uphold those foundational values and principles and to properly enforce the those laws. Instead, we can depend on them to bend, evade, obstruct and even break those laws. And, we no longer can depend on all of our neighbors down the street to understand the values on which that great sytem has been based and to expect/demand that the government enforce the related concepts and laws. It is as if our populace has slipped into a civic/social malaise - often unconcerned with government wrongdoing and somewhow mistakenly believing that general "do gooder" attitudes will sustain our republic. Not so, and not without precedence in previous societies.

In my better moments I would like to think that some beautiful heartfelt human behaviors have gotten us here. Not so. Greed for power - economic and political - have played a huge role in the downward spiral of this illegal alien situation. Who will reverse the pernicious behavior - and how?

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