I had to put my 13 year old black lab down today. That marked the end of 31 years of Lab ownership without a break. I don't have a dog at all now and I just don't think I can get another one. Each time one dies it seems to hurt worse and worse and this one is real bad. I don't think I can go through it again. They're wonderful but they just don't live long enough.
We put ours down several years ago and have not gotten another. Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss and the pain that goes along with it. Been through it many times and it's never easy.
Sorry for your loss.
A hard day. Like loosing family. Sorry for your lose.
Sincere condolences, Mike.
Same here, Mike.
Sorry, and we can fully relate as we put our terrier of about 14 years down recently. In the final days we were essentially caring for an invalid that was unhappy with her slip ups. That being, a lot of time has been freed up.

Still miss her severely though, and I know what's on Cookie's mind when I hear background sniffling. Takes her a couple years to vacate the pain. Saw her sitting by the little grave a couple days ago.

We might go without as well.

All dogs go to Heaven,
Thanks guys. The famous African PH JA Hunter said in his book 'Hunter' that "he wasn't sure if the pleasures of dog ownership were worth the pain caused by their deaths". I fully understand that statement.
I feel your pain Brother.I hope your Bud RIP.
I am sorry for your loss. It never is easy. Unfortunately I have been down that road before.
I had to put my 12 year old yellow lab down many years ago. Couldn't bring myself to get another real soon. Also9 was going through a major life change; school, new occupation, being prepared to move to where jobs were, living in a city for 3 years. Finally got fed up with city life and looked for a dog friendly place for a few years; one of the requisites for whatever I bought was it had to be a decent place to have a dog. Found such a place, still took me several years to get a dog, but I got a black lab 6 years ago after 20 years without a dog. Still hard to believe how happy I am that I got another, and he's 8 years now and know I'll feel the same as you in a few years. Never say you'll never get another; when/if the time is right will be when to start looking. Sincere condolences on your loss.
I feel the same way. The last dog was the best ever. Only ten years....FAR too short a time with such a wonderful friend. I just can't take it anymore....
So sorry for your loss. Darn dogs just rip a hole in your heart.
Originally Posted by 284LUVR
So sorry for your loss. Darn dogs just rip a hole in your heart.

Indeed they do.

I am so sorry. I have deep empathy for you.

Dogs are the only pets that love us more than themselves, which is why they'll willing risk their lives to save ours.

Our dog is spoiled. He's treated like a member of our family, and he is. He is well loved, and he loves us. I hope to God I never have to put him down. I can tell you right now that I could never do it. Were his health such that continued life would be continued misery, I'd take him to a vet, say a very long goodbye, and hope that that vet's assistant holds him while he's off to where dogs go when they leave our world.

moosemike, you have my deep and sincere empathy and sympathy.
Originally Posted by SansSouci

I am so sorry. I have deep empathy for you.

Dogs are the only pets that love us more than themselves, which is why they'll willing risk their lives to save ours.

Our dog is spoiled. He's treated like a member of our family, and he is. He is well loved, and he loves us. I hope to God I never have to put him down. I can tell you right now that I could never do it. Were his health such that continued life would be continued misery, I'd take him to a vet, say a very long goodbye, and hope that that vet's assistant holds him while he's off to where dogs go when they leave our world.

moosemike, you have my deep and sincere empathy and sympathy.

How true!
I lost my chocolate lab, Moose, in 1998. He was 14 and a wonderful friend. I still miss him. I'm sorry for your loss.
You have my heartfelt condolences. In two years I've gone from a three dog household to "just" Gipsy. I'm not at a point, yet, that I can bring in a new beagle, so I guess I have some understanding of your feelings.

They always leave a hole.......

Very sorry for your loss Sir, they do leave a big hole in your heart when the leave.

Rainbow Bridge
(Author unknown)
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been
especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all
of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine
and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or
maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times
gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they each miss someone very
special, someone who was left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the
distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from the
group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your
special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy
kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into
those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the
Rainbow Bridge together...
I think a good bit of our old lost friends comes back to us in the puppy we get to fill the hole they left in our lives.
I'm very sorry for your loss.

I think Will Rogers said "If dogs don't go to heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they are."
Sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you, I have out lived way to many 4 legged hunting partners. Keep the memories close for gundogs and their human partners there is no "Rainbow Bridge" only woods fields and marshes loaded with birds where the season never ends. The pain never seems to leave us but the best thing to dull it is puppy breath.
I felt that way for a few years after I lost my last dog and still haven't got another dog.

My son lost two dogs in the span of a month a couple years ago when my son was 11 years old. He got another dog soon after those two died. I asked him if he was reluctant because of how much it hurt losing the other two. He said "life is short and dogs don't live long so that just means I have to love the next dog even more." Smart kid...

In any case sorry about your loss Sir.
Condolences on your loss.

Congratulations on all of those great years with a great dog.

If you care about dogs, I do not know if you can really escape the pain of their passing.

After my great old Malamute went at nearly fourteen some years back, I decided no more dogs it hurts too much to lose them, myself.

Then my Mom's great old Golden got cancer last year. Her vet said that with that type of cancer that she would, with very vigilant care, have about four to eight good months, only experiencing discomfort and disability very near her end. Mom, herself, is / was to old and frail to provide such care; but she wanted to give her dog what good time she could.

One is my Mom and the other was a great dog, so I made the three state away trip to take the Golden and do what I could to give her some good months. More credit due to that brave and strong old dog than to me, she made her full eight good months until two tough days made it clear that the vet needed to make a last house call to ease her path.

Losing her was as hard as losing one of my own.
Very sorry for your loss. As bad as it hurts when you lose them, they'll always be worth it.
Originally Posted by moosemike
Thanks guys. The famous African PH JA Hunter said in his book 'Hunter' that "he wasn't sure if the pleasures of dog ownership were worth the pain caused by their deaths". I fully understand that statement.

As I always say.......dogs are better than children...they only break your heart once. You will survive this...get back on the horse and ride again...life is too short to go through it without a dog...they add so much comfort and their love is unconditional.
Thanks guys. I knew I'd have a lot of company in how I feel. Every dog owner goes through it.
I am very sorry for your loss. I went about 10 years without a dog in my life. Dad was a hound man, and had some of the best beagles around. There's nothing out there quite like a beagle when it's hard on a rabbit's trail. I will never forget the sounds of those hounds when they'd open up on a big snowshoe up at camp. I moved from beagles to labs, and what a rude awakening-these dogs actually had to be trained! I don't know who trained who, but a better companion, a man could never ask for. Shane was the consummate buddy. When he left, I didn't think I could ever own another dog. 10 years later as I'm sitting here typing this, Pixie the Wonderbeagle is up on the back of the couch looking out the window surveying her domain. She's worthless as a hunting dog, but guards the house with reckless abandon. No one sets foot in our yard without her knowing about it, and barking about. Dog fill a lot of different roles in our lives, and I sincerely hope that the day comes when another dog figures out a way to come into your family. My heartfelt condolences for your loss, sir.
The pain is sharp at first, but it is the quality of the relationships you make in life that makes it worth living. I firmly believe that dogs count! Hopefully the pain will trend to fond memories soon!
Sorry for your loss moosemike, Been through it several times myself. Cried and grieved every time. However, I will never be without a lab. Coming home to an empty quiet house is not for me. They live short lives because they love so hard.
You have my sympathy. I've had to do that several times. It's hard. Last one, I went 6 months without a dog before I even wanted to think about getting another one. But, mostly because of my wife, we adopted a Black Lab mix stray puppy. She's been with us now for a little over two years. We love her so much that it hurts just to think of losing her at some point.

My advice, follow your heart, but don't give up on having a dog. They are better than most people.
Got four dogs planted around the place here, that I personally put down. Ive not owned a dog for five years now because of that heart ache. I have a strong desire to have one more good dog....but think I'll wait until Im pretty sure the damned thing will out live me this time around.
Originally Posted by T LEE
Very sorry for your loss Sir, they do leave a big hole in your heart when the leave.

Rainbow Bridge
(Author unknown)
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been
especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all
of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine
and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or
maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times
gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they each miss someone very
special, someone who was left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the
distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from the
group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your
special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy
kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into
those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the
Rainbow Bridge together...
This made me cry like a baby when I lost my golden. I know its hard to think of another dog Mike, but it will help you heal. There are many dogs out there that would be so happy in a loving home with a loving family. RIP
Man, that sux majorly and I truly feel for you. Had to go through that just a week and a half ago myself when we put down our buddy Cowboy, who was 15. It always hurts. Don't try to hold it in. Mourn him or her well and cherish the memories. I keep ol' Bo's tag on my key ring (he's my avatar <<<<< ), and seeing it and feeling it brings back the good times we had.

The hurt is a testament to your love. And Love endures, and flourishes in spite of adversity, so maybe when the time is right, there'll be enough love for another one. There's a lot of good, wonderful dogs in shelters and with rescue groups that are looking and waiting for good folks to share their love with.
Sorry to hear. I lost the best beagle I ever had, best dog ever really, last june 6th. It doesn't seem like he been gone over a year and I still miss Bill very much every day. I feel your pain man. Sorry again.
Sorry you lost your friend Mike, it is never easy.
Sorry for your loss.
frown Really sorry to learn this Mike. Danged critters have a way of getting into us like nobodys business.
I know what you're going through. It'll hurt a long time.
Very sorry for your loss they become like family

Sorry to hear it, I know exactly how you feel. Please consider adopting a dog from a shelter, there are lots of dogs who need and deserve an owner like you.
Thanks everybody. I'm going to keep an open mind going forward and if the right dog comes along, who knows.............
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