Now correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Angela Merkel say it was wrong to spy on your allies?

Throughout the whole Snowden thing, I never once condemned spying on allies. They do it to us, we do it to them. Spying on Angela Merkel, that's Angela Merkel's problem; get a secure phone Angela. Spying on me, that's my problem; and it shouldn't be done by my own government.

But it seems ole Angela is as much of a spineless two faced politician as Obama is.

Why not just come out and say, "Okay you bastards you got me this time, I'll get you next time." Because that's the way it is. Nations all spy on each other.
There you go again, making sense. Stop it! smile

None could ever hope to spy as does the nsa. Reagan even warned us on public TV.

Every single thing to hit the air waves, phone lines, fax, email, satellite, or any other communication device/method since the late 70's is recorded in the databanks.
Including Louis Lerner's "lost" emails.

Doubt it not.

You mean Germany spies on its allies who spy on them?
We know we are spied on, focus-grouped, "security-camera-ed " -, etc. to no end.

So don't add to it by putting chit out there on the public media....

24hourcampfire is my only vice in this respect. I don't do "social media"...Dumb-ass notion to start with...

'Course, my gun parts orders to Brownell's and Jack First might be telling...

My rule is "don't put anything across the keyboard or phone you wouldn't want your wife, mother, or sister to see."

Originally Posted by TBREW401
You mean Germany spies on its allies who spy on them?

Everybody spies on everybody else, allies included. It isn't exactly breaking news or an OMG moment.

The great shows of indignation are kinda funny, really.

�Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests."
Originally Posted by TBREW401
You mean Germany spies on its allies who spy on them?

Do tell!!!
So you trust Obama and expect the Germans to as well?
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