This guy is causing a lot of waves for this rant against fat/diet/laziness. Sounds like truth to me and I ain't the pinnacle of health. What say you?


I don't disagree.
Becoming/being/remaining fat is a choice, just like (starting) smoking, IMO. If they haven't already, I would not be opposed to insurers increasing premiums on the fatties out there or at least those deemed clinically obese.

Is there any argument a fat person can make that justifies their current physical state? Perhaps there is something out there that I have not thought of, like some bizarre medical condition, but I doubt it.
Doc told me I was obese - 6'1/2" - 196# (clothed) - and 11" around the wrists. I wear 35" waist Wranglers and 17 1/2 X 37 denim shirts.
The educated idiots must speak.
My main concern is who draws the line defining obesity, mental illness, or any other touchy subject?
Good point on the kids.
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Doc told me I was obese - 6'1/2" - 196# (clothed) - and 11" around the wrists. I wear 35" waist Wranglers and 17 1/2 X 37 denim shirts.
The educated idiots must speak.
My main concern is who draws the line defining obesity, mental illness, or any other touchy subject?

If you mean each wrist is 11" then you probably have the world's largest wrists.
I was thinking that too. Checked mine, and they hit 9 inches. I'm not a small fellow. 6'2", 235.
Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Good point on the kids.

Yup. If someone doesn't care enough to take care of himself, that's his business. With kids it's not.
I'd say he should be more concerned with himself and not worry about others, but he's obviously as into himself as it's possible to get.

He'll have a miserable life.
I attribute the cause of a lot of obesity to laziness and unwillingness to watch what they eat. I had not been paying attention to what I was eating and had gotten up to 311# a few years ago. A morbidly obese guy who had to weigh over 500# told me that once he passed 350# that no matter what he tried he could not lose weight. I decided that was not going to be me, I spent some time with a dietician and by following her advice have lost 50#. I continue to lose and am now within 15# of my goal weight and have set a new goal. I walk 3-4x a day and feel great at 65, my BP and blood sugar have shown improvement since starting daily walks.
Good job, I've got to get on the stick as well.
I've seen a couple gym rats like that that dropped out after 3 days on a wildland fire. Get them away from all their supplments and protein shakes and they folded up like cheap suits on base camp food.
There probably is some truth in his message though.
I don't care if someone's a fat roll unless they are a cop, fireman, EMT, school teacher...
If you have kids who see you Dailey and you supposed to be an example, you should look at least healthy.
Ripped isn't possible for some folks. But having a 30+ BMI is killing you.
As well it destroying everyone else's insurance rates.
I bet his boyfriend is happy with his health.
I love when virgins make youtube videos.

The extra 30 pounds I'm carrying may stop a bullet.

[bleep] him.
For those that don't read Japanese, his left shoulder reads:


Translations: Douchebag.

I think it's funny how small he is. If you're gonna go on and on about how fit/buff you are, better get some size. He DOES have a point about fat lazy people, though. My daughter is fat. She is fat, because she eats too much. A 4.0 in college, success in the business world after that, and she cannot figure that out.
I didn't listen to the inked up gym rat for very long. He has stupid signs all over his body, cannot communicate without dropping f-bombs, and my vehicles are older than he is, so why should I bother? However, I did read the thread.

Long story shorter, the simple fact of the matter is that if you are like most people (there are exceptions) and eat a lot of refined sugar and carbs, they are going to spike your insulin and make you hungrier than if you had chosen to eat something else. So, it is not a simple equation of calories in and out. I can eat a healthy bowl of oatmeal or a "healthy" muffin for breakfast at 6:30 and by 9:00 be hungry enough to eat the bark off a tree. If I eat equivalent calories in eggs or some walnuts swimming around in butter, I am good till noon or later. So I eat fewer calories in that day. Sometimes I forget to eat if I get busy.

A low carb diet with plenty of non starchy vegetables, a little fruit, meat, and no processed food will make calorie restriction and "moderation" more doable for most people. It kills the cravings after a few weeks. It ain't the easiest way to live.....that would be to eat processed food and fast food like the majority of sick fat people in the country, but for me it beats the low fat diet(which is a disaster), as well as "moderation and will power". I simply cannot consume sugar and refined carbs in moderation and don't think many people can, which is why we have the problem with diabetes and obesity that we do. All processed food is loaded with them and all processed food is concocted by scientists in a lab and laced with chemicals to make you addicted to their products so the big food companies can make their wall street quarterly numbers. Yet we are told to eat right and being fat is all our fault. I call BS.....it is just another way that the public is getting raped by corporations. Leave that crap on the shelf if at all possible. They sell us crap food that we eat for a lifetime which sends us to the medical industry which causes us to have to pay ridiculous insurance rates. Notice a pattern?

If you are fat, materials by Atkins, Weston Price, David Perlmutter, and William Davis are your friend. They are all variations on the same theme....just don't eat any processed crap that they may sell....especially Atkins. Eat whole foods only. The only thing left to say is that if you think you can run or walk enough miles or lift enough weights to make up for a poor diet....well, you can't. Exercise is great but you will simply be a fitter fat person....been there done that.
Didn't listen. The pic screams douchebag loud and clear though.
Originally Posted by mathman
Didn't listen. The pic screams douchebag loud and clear though.

you should listen.

He has all the answers.
So the impression was accurate. grin
Originally Posted by benchman
My daughter is fat. She is fat, because she eats too much. A 4.0 in college, success in the business world after that, and she cannot figure that out.

Would you rather she be a high school dropout on welfare with no job so long as she was skinny?

It's pretty amazing what criteria some people use to determine other's value or status in society.

For me it's tattoos. If I see some tatted up freak I automatically tune them out, for example the guy in the video. I didn't watch it because I automatically assume he's an idiot due to the fact that he purposely had someone stencil that crap on his chest. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm judgemental that way.
The guy is a jackwagon, but the points he is trying to make are mostly sound.
I ate a Swiss Cake Roll while watching it.
Don't teach a child to be a good citizen: Bad
Don't teach a child not to do drugs: Bad
Don't give a child enough food or medical care: Bad
Don't give a child opportunity for an education: Bad
Don't teach a child to not be obese and avoid early death: Fine....

A foul mouth is an illiterate mind trying to express itself.
+1 on the above post. Not only trying to express itself but also to draw unwarrented attention to one
s self when they've done nothing in life to be deserving of such attention.
Originally Posted by Reloder28
A foul mouth is an illiterate mind trying to express itself.

Agreed, but our society is filled with illiterate minds. Maybe they will understand the tatted-up, foul-mouthed dude in the video and learn something. Maybe, just maybe, it will spur them into learning about food and nutrition.

But probably not.
Originally Posted by RJY66

Long story shorter, the simple fact of the matter is that if you are like most people (there are exceptions) and eat a lot of refined sugar and carbs, they are going to spike your insulin and make you hungrier than if you had chosen to eat something else. So, it is not a simple equation of calories in and out. I can eat a healthy bowl of oatmeal or a "healthy" muffin for breakfast at 6:30 and by 9:00 be hungry enough to eat the bark off a tree. If I eat equivalent calories in eggs or some walnuts swimming around in butter, I am good till noon or later. So I eat fewer calories in that day. Sometimes I forget to eat if I get busy.

A low carb diet with plenty of non starchy vegetables, a little fruit, meat, and no processed food will make calorie restriction and "moderation" more doable for most people. It kills the cravings after a few weeks. It ain't the easiest way to live.....that would be to eat processed food and fast food like the majority of sick fat people in the country, but for me it beats the low fat diet(which is a disaster), as well as "moderation and will power". I simply cannot consume sugar and refined carbs in moderation and don't think many people can, which is why we have the problem with diabetes and obesity that we do. All processed food is loaded with them and all processed food is concocted by scientists in a lab and laced with chemicals to make you addicted to their products so the big food companies can make their wall street quarterly numbers. Yet we are told to eat right and being fat is all our fault. I call BS.....it is just another way that the public is getting raped by corporations. Leave that crap on the shelf if at all possible. They sell us crap food that we eat for a lifetime which sends us to the medical industry which causes us to have to pay ridiculous insurance rates. Notice a pattern?

WHOA DUDE! WAAAAAY too much veritas there! That's some all-out street-preacher stuff there.

You might as well be reading Proverbs 31 in a brothel.

Fat people will always have an excuse, just like drunks.
He's just angry because a lot of lard asses out earn him 5 to 1.

Looks like a minimum wager to me.
Originally Posted by whodat
He's just angry because a lot of lard asses out earn him 5 to 1.

When you can't mow your own lawn, or clean out your gutters, or tie your own shoes, you'll NEED a lot of money.
I bet he likes sucking a fat dick
Originally Posted by RWE
Originally Posted by mathman
Didn't listen. The pic screams douchebag loud and clear though.

you should listen.

He has all the answers.

Does he shave or wax?
Good points..

My 54 year old brother who's a specimen would nod his head in agreement..

Then slap him around the gym for bein' such a dumbass. smile
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Doc told me I was obese - 6'1/2" - 196# (clothed) - and 11" around the wrists. I wear 35" waist Wranglers and 17 1/2 X 37 denim shirts.
The educated idiots must speak.
My main concern is who draws the line defining obesity, mental illness, or any other touchy subject?

I'd like to see that "Doc" try and keep up with you in the field for a coupla'/ three days or so, you crazy old bastid.

Little fencing job or the like would do nicely.

Originally Posted by mathman
The pic screams douchebag loud and clear though.

Originally Posted by Reloder28
A foul mouth is an illiterate mind trying to express itself.

This little gem of Texas logic accounts for all those Commissioned Officers we've been cursed with throughout our nation's history.

Originally Posted by pointer
I ate a Swiss Cake Roll while watching it.

Did you puke it back out at your next W.O.D.?
Originally Posted by SockPuppet
This guy is causing a lot of waves for this rant against fat/diet/laziness. Sounds like truth to me and I ain't the pinnacle of health. What say you?



That bro has sick tats.
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Doc told me I was obese - 6'1/2" - 196# (clothed) - and 11" around the wrists. I wear 35" waist Wranglers and 17 1/2 X 37 denim shirts.
The educated idiots must speak.
My main concern is who draws the line defining obesity, mental illness, or any other touchy subject?

Mark! You are far from fat!!!
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Reloder28
A foul mouth is an illiterate mind trying to express itself.

This little gem of Texas logic accounts for all those Commissioned Officers we've been cursed with throughout our nation's history.



I think he's trying to say that profanity is the crutch of the ignorant muthaphooker.

But I don't really know.
Other people may say that this guy is a hater, but in reality this guy is preaching love. Tough love is love and probably a higher form of love than just saying what people want to hear regardless of whether or not it actually helps them.
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Doc told me I was obese - 6'1/2" - 196# (clothed) - and 11" around the wrists. I wear 35" waist Wranglers and 17 1/2 X 37 denim shirts.
The educated idiots must speak.
My main concern is who draws the line defining obesity, mental illness, or any other touchy subject?

It depends on the quality of your mass. A 6' - 6' 1" man can easily get up to 215 in mostly muscle with working out and eating right.
Is 24 Hour Campfire anti-fat shaming? A nation of lardazzes is a nation in decline.
nah not so much that I can tell, I think it's more a lot of the guys here are

anti 20 something punk with a loud mouth that thinks he's got the world figured out because he got skinny genetics and has pushed a lil bit of weight in the gym
Originally Posted by Texas_Mauser
Other people may say that this guy is a hater, but in reality this guy is preaching love. Tough love is love and probably a higher form of love than just saying what people want to hear regardless of whether or not it actually helps them.

So this guy's a motivator...? And he's preaching love...?
Yeah, right...when he's tellin' em' that he "don't give a phuuk" about em', 'that' love is real. And not in some superficial Hollywood sorta way. The love emanating from him is palpable, you could touch it.


Two things strike me when viewing that video.

1. he is a mouthy wee little skinny fellow.

2. I have seen a better head on a point of beer.
He reminds me of what the nuns in grade school said 45 years ago. "Empty cans make lotta racket."
Being rude and condescending rarely is the ticket, regardless of the degree of accuracy of sermon.
You can always tell a man's self worth when his tit's are bigger than a woman's and his belly is the size of a bean bag chair.

But their response is always, "It's my genetics."
Originally Posted by krupp
You can always tell a man's self worth when his tit's are bigger than a woman's and his belly is the size of a bean bag chair.

But their response is always, "It's my genetics."

Is that correct...I have worked with an awful lot of big heavy fellows that worked like Trojans, and have worked with enough skinny and muscle bound fellows who couldn't raise a sweat in an iron lung to not make broad sweeping generalisations like you have just done.

Seen a few big fat fellows beat the living piss out of fellows that looked like a million dollars to know that I no longer judge a man on how he looks.

Have a nice day.
Of course genetics have nothing to do with it, thats why all of todays girls are 5-8 with blue eyes and men are 6-2 with wavy dark hair.
All you have to do is wish it, the part I don't understand is why people choose to die of cancer, I would have thought more folks would have chosen dying in there sleep.
Of course genetics play a part, but there are folks out there with "bigger genetics" in their family that were big themselves and then got it under control. It's nuts to say genetics dont' matter, but also to say that genetics are the only thing that matter. Some do use the genetics issue as a crutch when food and activity are also a big part of their problem. Some have legit problems with health because of their inherited issues, but they're not the majority. Over 1/3 of the citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi are classified as obese. That ain't just genes at work, that's Popeye's Chicken and Little Debbie too.....
Genetics is huge. You can take 100 people, feed them the exact diet and have them do exactly the same work over a few months time. Some will lose weight, some will stay the same and others will gain weight. Some people have bodies that are far more efficient.

Down through history food has always been either plentiful for short periods, or scarce at other times. Those that were more efficient served a better chance of survival through the lean times.

But in modern times with plentiful food at all times those people really have to work a lot harder to maintain a healthy weight.

Not saying there isn't personal choice, but some people have to work a lot harder than others. Most people who are at that perfect healthy weight never give a thought about doing so. It just comes naturally.

Most of the folks I know who are "heavy", work very hard and really have to put a lot of thought into their diets just to stay out of the obese category. Some simply give up and no longer try. I don't know anyone who is obese that really want to be there.
"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous."


"Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort
As if he mocked himself and scorned his spirit
That could be moved to smile at anything.
Such men as he be never at heart’s ease
Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,
And therefore are they very dangerous."
Originally Posted by JMR40
Most of the folks I know who are "heavy", work very hard and really have to put a lot of thought into their diets just to stay out of the obese category.

Most of the heavy folks I know don't spend that much time on their diets. They might make smarter choices sometimes, but aren't regularly making the best choices, not 3/4 of the times they are making a food choice. On the other hand, most of the folks I know that look "impressive" eat like it is a mission, sticking to their guidelines at least 80% of the time, eating not only "better choices" but the best choices out there. I get that folks with certain advantageous body-types are more likely to maximize their diets, as it works really well and really fast for them and they see results. It's less rewarding for those who struggle to get slower results. Still, if "most" of the big folks in the country ate like it was a job, it would make a huge difference. People don't want to eat grilled chicken and broccoli 10 times a week, but it works like gangbusters. Many decide to eat the Lower Fat Snack Crackers instead of the Doritos they were eating and then complain that they are "eating healthy but it doesn't work." Their diet is still crap and not what they need to get the results they want. The food industry ain't exactly helping here. They make a lot of money off fat people....
Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by krupp
You can always tell a man's self worth when his tit's are bigger than a woman's and his belly is the size of a bean bag chair.

But their response is always, "It's my genetics."

Is that correct...I have worked with an awful lot of big heavy fellows that worked like Trojans, and have worked with enough skinny and muscle bound fellows who couldn't raise a sweat in an iron lung to not make broad sweeping generalisations like you have just done.

Seen a few big fat fellows beat the living piss out of fellows that looked like a million dollars to know that I no longer judge a man on how he looks.

Have a nice day.

Sorry you don't like my generalizations but your life experience is totally different than mine must be. I think it boils down to stamina and mental state ( if it does not kill you it only makes you stronger) but I will put my money on the soccer player over the sumo wrestler any day when it comes to staying power. Besides are we talking about real work or a hot dog and pie eating contest?

He's right and you'll only be offended by that rant if you are fat piece of schit. Sorry, but losing weight is as simple as not eating and getting up and doing something. If you can't do it, you either don't want to or you have no discipline.

We are so fat as a nation that when we see people of normal weight today, we think they look sick. Go pull out some old family photos from the 70s and earlier and see how skinny the men were in those photos. Nowadays people would say they are skinny and weak. But look at them, and I'm talking about men's men who were construction workers, loggers, and farmers. There were skinny as schit by today's standards.

No amount of preaching or yelling will convince any one to try and lose weight. You gotta want to do it. Now once you start it helps to have support from friends and family.

Genetics is a huge part of obesity. I have always been a big man. I always noticed that most of normal sized people I know ate as much or more than I did plus most of them drank a lot of beer as well.

I have lost a lot of weight in the last 5 months and it has taken a lot will power and a lot of walking. I figure I take in an average of 1500 calories a day. That is about equal to one double quarter pound cheeseburger meal at mcdonalds. So those calories a day plus an average of 20-25 miles a week of walking on top of whatever I walk at work or at home going about daily business is what it takes for me to lose 15-20 pounds a month.

It takes a lot of time to walk that much extra it takes a lot of time and extra money to plan healthy meals and buy healthy food. Now at some time I am gonna have to invest in gym membership and more time to go there and work out. I need to get in more cardio and start on some weight training .

It is easy to see how people get discouraged about weight loss. Its not as easy as just "quit eating" it takes a plan and time and money to execute the plan. But having someone who has never been obese yelling and cussing at you to lose weight aint gonna do anything but discourage someone. My two cents.

Ive lost 89 pounds since 3-5-15 Hoping tomorrows weigh in will get me past the 100 lb mark.

And not all fat people are lazy. I have seldom been outworked and have always done my fair share and more at any job or activity. But as I get older It just got harder to keep up so it was time for a change. Best decision I have made.
Mato, you're a rock star!

I've battled it most of my life, too. My research as of late has shown me that while a calorie may be a calorie may be a calorie, what they do to your body & brain can be wildly different. Sugar & carbs can lead to wild cravings in lots of people, leaving even the toughest guy nearly powerless to control what seems to be an unshakable hunger. In other people, sugar & carbs might be no big deal.

It takes a lot of strength & courage to find out what works for your own body, & to commit to making the changes necessary to bring things under control. A lot of the time, the changes needed result in a diet that can be hard to work into daily routines and/or social situations.

Maybe the guy in the video feels good for shaming. Dunno that it's particularly helpful, though.

His rant doesn't bother me; to each his own. But his main objection is lack of self-discipline in other people. I'm betting some area of his own life shows a lack of self-discipline. It's easy for him, with a trim body and six-pack abs, to complain about people who are overweight, but the mere fact that he is doing this with his shirt off is evidence enough for me to know he has a problem with humility, and a lack of humility will lead to excesses of one kind or another. Very likely, one weakness he has is in the area of personal relationships. But then, as I said, to each his own.

Thanks Folically Challenged. It is a life style change for sure. His video didnt upset me it is just a way for him to show how cool he is. Trust me Im pretty bullet proof when it comes to this stuff.

Eveyone has something in there life that needs to change its just different things for different people. Just got to buckle down and make it happen.

I have to work four nights this week, do you think anyone will be upset that I will be eating a T-bone steak with chips and gravy whilst I am at work...I will also hit the bain-marie half dozen times as well.

Yes I know that most in this world get a single meal each day, but I guess I am lucky in that respect as I get more.

I have got to tell you...guilt is a hard sell when that T-bone with chips and gravy cost myself and my fellow employees less than $5.00.
I think we can all agree that living and eating healthy is a good thing for everyone whether fat or skinny.
i'm 6'1" and 210-ish and when i get into the lifting mode, i can bench my weight. if i chose to get back into it, i could run 6 miles in about an hour after a few months build up. i am considered obese. this bothered me somewhat until i realized that my COCK weighs almost 20 pounds so i now feel better.
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