Peggy Noonan (heard the name, no idea who she is) article


Something is going on, some tectonic plates are moving in interesting ways. My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store. He is Dominican, an immigrant, early 50s, and listens most mornings to a local Hispanic radio station, La Mega, on 97.9 FM. Their morning show is the popular “El Vacilón de la Mañana,” and after the first GOP debate, Cesar told me, they opened the lines to call-ins, asking listeners (mostly Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican) for their impressions. More than half called in to say they were for Mr. Trump. Their praise, Cesar told me a few weeks ago, dumbfounded the hosts. I later spoke to one of them, who identified himself as D.J. New Era. He backed Cesar’s story. “We were very surprised,” at the Trump support, he said. Why? “It’s a Latin-based market!”

“He’s the man,” Cesar said of Mr. Trump. This week I went by and Cesar told me that after Mr. Trump threw Univision’s well-known anchor and immigration activist, Jorge Ramos, out of an Iowa news conference on Tuesday evening, the “El Vacilón” hosts again threw open the phone lines the following morning and were again surprised that the majority of callers backed not Mr. Ramos but Mr. Trump. Cesar, who I should probably note sees me, I sense, as a very nice establishment person who needs to get with the new reality, was delighted.

I said: Cesar, you’re supposed to be offended by Trump, he said Mexico is sending over criminals, he has been unfriendly, you’re an immigrant. Cesar shook his head: No, you have it wrong. Immigrants, he said, don’t like illegal immigration, and they’re with Mr. Trump on anchor babies. “They are coming in from other countries to give birth to take advantage of the system. We are saying that! When you come to this country, you pledge loyalty to the country that opened the doors to help you.”


My opinion, immigrants who come here and go through the proper channels to get citizenship are doing so because they want to be Americans. They want the opportunities, of course, but above all they want to identify themselves as Americans. They want to be bona fide, mainstream citizens.

They have little tolerance for those who just jump the border to ride the gravy train.
I can remember relatives, and friends from Italy. That were so proud to learn English, and finally be able to say " TODAY I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN ". Does anyone see this enthusiasm from criminal border jumpers?? No. But you do from those that do it the right way. It's really a simple novel concept. Do things legal, be proud to be a citizen, and mostly. RIDE FOR THE BRAND!!!!!!!

Take care, Willie
Hell, I'll bet if you asked them a substantial number of illegal immigrants wouldn't mind seeing illegal immigration curtailed. They have a good thing going. Those working, don't want to see more competition coming in for their jobs. Those on the dole don't want to see so many people coming in and getting on the dole as to upset the apple cart and ruin a good thing.

This whole illegal immigration thing is a gold rush mentality right now. The people are coming because they are afraid to be left behind. They know it will end eventually. No one wants to miss out. But, I'll damned well bet you that nearly every single person out there, even the illegal immigrants, wouldn't mind taking a step back and inserting a little sanity into the process.
Buddy of mine from Italy says that when they came over and were signed in , that once his family found a place and a job that their father walked into dinner and said , Not another word of Italian in this house till you learn English. If you spoke in Italian in the house thereafter you were knuckle knotted.

The immigrants that come here wanting to become American citizens are better Americans than a lot of folks born here.I can back this up with real life experience.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
My opinion, immigrants who come here and go through the proper channels to get citizenship are doing so because they want to be Americans. They want the opportunities, of course, but above all they want to identify themselves as Americans. They want to be bona fide, mainstream citizens.

They have little tolerance for those who just jump the border to ride the gravy train.

There is another type of immigrant. My folks came here, not necessarily seeking a better life materially speaking, but to escape the bonds of communism. These are your political refugees, most notably Cubans and South Vietnamese.

Once here, they and almost all like them, became staunchly pro-American and the American Way of life and Miami (not to mention the owner of this site) are proof-positive of the American Dream. It is also why Cubans loathe the democrats, although that dynamic is changing as more are born here and educated in the democratic matriarchy that is the education system here. Trump will easily capture the Cuban vote, if anything because the embodies capitalism and making money.

I will add this as well, that no matter how hard some of us have tried to assimilate, to many we are not or ever will be, "real Americans" and I'm fine with that, just keep my pension(s) coming... smile
You seem plenty American to me.
My wife is Canadian by birth,..first generation out of Russia (mother) and Poland (father).

The day she got her citizenship, she came out of the federal building in Louisville,...(lots of people sitting in the waiting room) held up her papers and loudly proclaimed "Americanski doc-u-ments!!"

I cracked up. Everybody else just raised one eyebrow and looked at her.
Maybe so (and thanks) and all these years away from Cuba..er Miami have given me a pretty good "varnish" so I can blend in even in your neck of the woods, or a Navy Ready Room for that matter.
But my wife. (a real German descent Gringa) always makes fun of me when we go to Miami because according to her, all it takes is about a minute of mixing it up down there and I start sounding like Ricky Ricardo. I still embarrass her because nothing (well many things) pisses me off more than someone coming up to me and starts talking in Spanish, ASSUMING I speak it. To which I reply in my best Florabama accent "sorry Pancho, I don't speak meskin'.. Anyway, we'll see what happens with Trump, but I'm betting he's got the Cuban-AMERICAN vote in the bag.
My wife is from the Philippines.I have a picture of her as she was taking the oath of allegiance at her naturalization ceremony. There were tears in her eyes and an indescribable look on her face. Pride, joy, relief--I really can't describe it. She has the most effective BS meter I have ever seen, and is a staunch conservative. She is 100% behind Trump, and yes, she votes in every election.
Originally Posted by jdm953
The immigrants that come here wanting to become American citizens are better Americans than a lot of folks born here.I can back this up with real life experience.

and the mere fact they have to take a test on American gov't puts them far ahead of way too many graduating high schoolers.

it's sad so many of our young folks know so little of how our gov't is supposed to operate.
I know and am friends with a bunch whose parents were not born US citizens. Every one is outspoken against the illegal invasion.
Like I said, even the illegals are afraid that the flood of illegals coming in right now are going to frick up a good thing.
Originally Posted by KFWA
Peggy Noonan (heard the name, no idea who she is) article

Reagan staffer - which is telling.

if the republicans don't start standing for something the rank & file feels (and knows) is important, they might as well fold the tent and slip away into the night.

I hear the demo's would like to annex a bunch of rinos to represent the conservative wing of the democratic party as their left-wingers migrate toward the socialist spectrum.

there is either value-added in being a legal American citizen or there isn't.
I think Peggy Noonan is a liberal columnist. If I remember correctly, she's often on Meet The Press or one of those other liberal Sunday Morning political hack jobs......ahh, I mean talk shows.

That's why she is so dumbfounded. The funniest part is that the liberal media is noticing this sort of stuff. They're so clueless about how real Americans feel, they don't understand why so many people like Trump.
Sorry, I guess I'm wrong about who she is.
Everyone can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Take care, Willie
Lord have mercy, do none of you really know who Peggy Noonan is? She is arguably the grande dame of conservative political columnists.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
My opinion, immigrants who come here and go through the proper channels to get citizenship are doing so because they want to be Americans. They want the opportunities, of course, but above all they want to identify themselves as Americans. They want to be bona fide, mainstream citizens.

They have little tolerance for those who just jump the border to ride the gravy train.

Been my experience as well, bet the liberals are all scratchin' their asses trying to figure out what's going on.
I was confused myself for a minute. I though she was married to the lead singer of Herman's Hermits. But my bad, his name was Noone...
Originally Posted by Strick9
Not another word of Italian in this house till you learn English. If you spoke in Italian in the house thereafter you were knuckle knotted.

This is too funny. My Dad was always telling Grandma that she was supposed to be talking to us kids in English, not Italian.

There were (at least) two problems with this:
1. To say she spoke broken English, would be charitable
2. Grandma didn’t like being told what to do.

So us kids would be sitting in her kitchen, getting a drink of water or eating a cookie, and she’d be jabbering away in dialect (mostly to herself, we never picked much of it up, despite my dad’s fears), and Dad would come in, hear her, and start bitching. She wouldn’t have any of it and off they went.

Invariably, within three sentences, they’d be arguing exclusively in Italian. Even at five years old, the irony was not lost on us.
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Maybe so (and thanks) and all these years away from Cuba..er Miami have given me a pretty good "varnish" so I can blend in even in your neck of the woods, or a Navy Ready Room for that matter.
But my wife. (a real German descent Gringa) always makes fun of me when we go to Miami because according to her, all it takes is about a minute of mixing it up down there and I start sounding like Ricky Ricardo. I still embarrass her because nothing (well many things) pisses me off more than someone coming up to me and starts talking in Spanish, ASSUMING I speak it. To which I reply in my best Florabama accent "sorry Pancho, I don't speak meskin'.. Anyway, we'll see what happens with Trump, but I'm betting he's got the Cuban-AMERICAN vote in the bag.

LMAO, Do you say "You got a lota splainin' to do Gretchen"?
I'll bet they'll be even more surprised as they realize that a third generation Hispanic in Texas, Arizona, Florida, or somewhere like that gets downright offended when he realizes that the leftists assume that he has more in common with an illiterate itinerate laborer from Central America than your average American simply because of "race".
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Lord have mercy, do none of you really know who Peggy Noonan is? She is arguably the grande dame of conservative political columnists.

none is a stretch as I am the one that said it

and for this website, thats a defacto statement I make because invariably if I post an article from anyone, someone here is going to go out of their way to discredit that author, taking away the message being delivered and focusing the topic on whatever indiscretion the author has done and should therefore be immediately discredited.
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Lord have mercy, do none of you really know who Peggy Noonan is? She is arguably the grande dame of conservative political columnists.

Sort of...
Peggy Noonan wrote speeches for Reagan and both Bush presidents. Damn good speeches.

She split with Bush 43, went out of her way to denounce Palin and supported Obama.
What She Said: "He [Obama] has within him the possibility to change the direction and tone of American foreign policy, which need changing; his rise will serve as a practical rebuke to the past five years, which need rebuking; his victory would provide a fresh start in a nation in which a fresh start would come as a national relief.... There is something else. On Feb. 5, Super Tuesday, Mr. Obama won the Alabama primary with 56% to Hillary Clinton’s 42%. Birmingham, 1963, and the water hoses used against the civil rights demonstrators. And now look, the black man thanking Alabama for his victory.
This means nothing? This means a great deal."

Peggy later supported Romney. Predicted he would win by a large margin.

She has called Ted Cruz “Too-Smooth” and Trump “a squid” without staying power.
Now Noonan admits Trump is staying around...“because the donor class doesn't have hooks in him”. ...
I recall this from Peggy Noonan from back in 2005.



I'm not talking about "Plamegate." As I write no indictments have come up. I'm not talking about "Miers." I mean . . . the whole ball of wax. Everything. Cloning, nuts with nukes, epidemics; the growing knowledge that there's no such thing as homeland security; the fact that we're leaving our kids with a bill no one can pay. A sense of unreality in our courts so deep that they think they can seize grandma's house to build a strip mall; our media institutions imploding--the spectacle of a great American newspaper, the New York Times, hurtling off its own tracks, as did CBS. The fear of parents that their children will wind up disturbed, and their souls actually imperiled, by the popular culture in which we are raising them. Senators who seem owned by someone, actually owned, by an interest group or a financial entity. Great churches that have lost all sense of mission, and all authority. Do you have confidence in the CIA? The FBI? I didn't think so.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Lord have mercy, do none of you really know who Peggy Noonan is? She is arguably the grande dame of conservative political columnists.

Sort of...
Peggy Noonan wrote speeches for Reagan and both Bush presidents. Damn good speeches.

She split with Bush 43, went out of her way to denounce Palin and supported Obama.
What She Said: "He [Obama] has within him the possibility to change the direction and tone of American foreign policy, which need changing; his rise will serve as a practical rebuke to the past five years, which need rebuking; his victory would provide a fresh start in a nation in which a fresh start would come as a national relief.... There is something else. On Feb. 5, Super Tuesday, Mr. Obama won the Alabama primary with 56% to Hillary Clinton’s 42%. Birmingham, 1963, and the water hoses used against the civil rights demonstrators. And now look, the black man thanking Alabama for his victory.
This means nothing? This means a great deal."

Peggy later supported Romney. Predicted he would win by a large margin.

She has called Ted Cruz “Too-Smooth” and Trump “a squid” without staying power.
Now Noonan admits Trump is staying around...“because the donor class doesn't have hooks in him”. ...

Nothing new here. Just another chameleon.
Met a woman in my complex a couple of years back who was born in England. After traveling around the world a bit she came to the US and worked with her husband in a business and earned her citizenship papers. July 4th she decorated her patio area to the hilt and she showed me her paperwork that was framed. She was very proud of that, having gone to the effort of citizenship.

A month after, she sold all her stuff and moved - to France- because -
since 2008 the economy has stunk.
the open immigration policy.
the amount of drug use around these days.
US foreign policy and implementation is a world joke now.

That was the start, but she doesn't see how the US will ever get back to what it was with the likes of the politicians we have now. Can't say as I blame her.
Good story, till the end. When ya said she moved to France. Then most realized she was retarded.

Take care, Willie
Originally Posted by Colo_Wolf
Met a woman in my complex a couple of years back who was born in England. After traveling around the world a bit she came to the US and worked with her husband in a business and earned her citizenship papers. July 4th she decorated her patio area to the hilt and she showed me her paperwork that was framed. She was very proud of that, having gone to the effort of citizenship.

A month after, she sold all her stuff and moved - to France- because -
since 2008 the economy has stunk.
the open immigration policy.
the amount of drug use around these days.
US foreign policy and implementation is a world joke now.

That was the start, but she doesn't see how the US will ever get back to what it was with the likes of the politicians we have now. Can't say as I blame her.

I do think that there are two or three Republican candidates right now who might very well prove her wrong. The proper leadership could really make a difference on those issues in a very short time.

Frankly, France is a wonderful place to live –– in some respects. As they always say, except for the people and the politics. Does it ever have an immigration problem, too.

The US is by far better than any other country, though, for numerous reasons. I can say that from living abroad for over 24 years. I know.
I'll say this about France and Europe in general. They have a lot more laws than we do. And by our standards, lots of those laws are downright oppressive and excessively intrusive. That said, they seem to be a lot more laid back about enforcing them and they don't seem to be constantly agitating for more. Thus, you know what the rules are before you start and there is a pretty good chance those will be the rules for a long time, and you don't have to worry about a SWAT team busting down your door for a code violation.

It is a bit freer in lots of respects. They don't seem to care what you think and aren't hell bent on making you think the right way like our puritanical liberal class is.
Most of them aren't going shooting today.

Wake up. Our liberals model themselves after Europe....
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