By Nick Gass 5/4/16
To hear Rush Limbaugh tell it Wednesday, it was a miracle Ted Cruz made it as far as he did in the Republican race for president.
Accused of being the infamous Zodiac killer, mocked for his relationship with his children and constantly targeted by the media and his fellow candidates — though he declined to mention a certain presumptive nominee by name — the Texas senator bore a burden greater, Limbaugh said, than the radio host has ever shouldered himself.
But the conservative movement did not die with Cruz's defeat in Indiana on Tuesday night, Limbaugh told listeners. "I think what happened is that another conservative messenger was systematically, piece by piece, destroyed," he declared, calling it the "normal course of things."
Going into the Republican race, Cruz was likely as prepared as they could be for some attacks from the Republican and Democratic establishments, Limbaugh suggested.
"He knew he had made enemies in the Republican establishment, and he knew that the media and the Democrat Party are automatic enemies," he continued.
"But here’s what I don’t know: I don’t know just how equipped anybody is to cheerfully, happily live each and every day with the kind of garbage, lies, filth spewed about you and your family multiple times a day.
And yet we’re told that the conservative must be cheerful and must be happy and must be a happy warrior."
"Stop and think of that for just a second," Limbaugh commented, asking listeners to put themselves in Cruz's shoes.
"Ted Cruz loves America as much as anybody," Limbaugh said, ticking off a list of Cruz's political and personal virtues.
"And then he has to get up every day and read stories in the media about how he is so mean and he is so vicious and so Hitler-like that his daughters will not even be in the same room with him because he scares them so much," he continued. "I mean, the stuff that was said about Cruz and his family — long before the Rafael Cruz-Lee Harvey Oswald stuff started, long before the Zodiac killer stuff started.
It’s nothing that any other conservative had to put up with."
"My question is, how does anybody go through that? I mean, you’re running for president, you have these desperately held beliefs, you think that we’re in a national crisis.
You’re frustrated because so many people don’t see it that way," he said. "You’re hellbent on convincing them. You’re hellbent on trying to explain to them why you’re doing what you’re doing.
You’re very earnest about it. You care about it so much that you’re doing everything that you can to get people to listen to you.
And every time you open your mouth, some fool is out making fun of you, destroying you, with lies, innuendo and so forth. Do you not at some point say: 'This can’t be done?'"

In the face of claims about Cruz that are "demonstrably not true" and that "everybody laughs about," Limbaugh confided, "I haven’t gone through much worse than that."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...h-limbaugh-ted-cruz-222800#ixzz47iMB0epE
We have Boehner, et al to thank for that.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
. . . But the conservative movement did not die with Cruz's defeat in Indiana on Tuesday night, Limbaugh told listeners. . . .

Rush went on to emphasize there isn't a "conservative movement" anymore. If there is a "movement" then "who is the head of the conservative movement," he asked?

Can any of the Canadian Cruz-ers on here answer Rush's question? Who is the head of the Conservative Movement, if there is such a thing?
Conservative has been a label people hide behind. It's been bastardized to mean anti gay legislators of morality. I don't need a leader of a false movement dictating my beliefs to me.
Rush is a fat sack of chit.

He needs to shut up. The new GOP doesn't want him.
so sayeth the spokesmen...
Originally Posted by RWE
so sayeth the spokesmen...

You god damn right.

You'd be wise to try to comprehend and listen to Bristoe.

Rush is a fat old deaf terd whose time has passed.

Try to keep up.
This entire presentation is worth listening to. But if you don't want to listen to all of it, at least fast forward to 17:30 and learn what the new right,..the "alt" right is composed of.

If the GOP is to have a future, this is it.

If the GOP doesn't want it, it will find another outlet. But this the future for those who want to battle liberalism,..and it's already started. Trump is it's first representative.

Originally Posted by OrangeOkie

Who is the head of the Conservative Movement, if there is such a thing?

The man who allegedly plucked Sarah Palin out of obscurity and interviewed her dockside in Wasilla, Bill Kristol.
Right now Trump is behind Hillary.

Her lead is 5X bigger than the margin Obama beat Romney.

There are no demographics where Trump is positive, even white males [33% of voters].

Trump is ahead in the sub demographic of old white males without college.

What does it all mean?
Trump is going to have to turn around his relationship with white females and hispanics, the demographics that put Bush 43 in office.

May second Rausman poll has Trump leading Clinton 41 to 39 percent

Originally Posted by OrangeOkie

Rush went on to emphasize there isn't a "conservative movement" anymore.
He's right.. It's because we're a dying breed - fewer and fewer with each passing year, while the libbies spawn like rabbits and go to libby-run schools where the libby profs indoctrinate the minds full of mush into libby-loving policies and beliefs..
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Right now Trump is behind Hillary.

Her lead is 5X bigger than the margin Obama beat Romney.

There are no demographics where Trump is positive, even white males [33% of voters].

Trump is ahead in the sub demographic of old white males without college.

What does it all mean?
Trump is going to have to turn around his relationship with white females and hispanics, the demographics that put Bush 43 in office.

Boy I dunno about this. Some polls are showing Trump ahead...even this early.

I think we are underestimating the pent up hostility of voters from all demographics and party lines with (a) 8 years of Obama, and (b) the Establishment, and (c) with Hillary, 4-8 years of more of the same empty promises, lagging economy, rampant illegal immigration etc.

I also cannot ignore the way Sanders is giving er a hard time, and how so many have deflected to Bernie, which shows, if nothing else, a strong dissatisfaction with Hillary.

Where will these people cast a vote? Who knows but i think she is FAR weaker nationwide than we think.
of course she is weaker nationwide (than the media would lead us to believe).

cruz owned the delegate selection process and rules according to the mainstream media. yet, even if he did, it wasn't enough to save his candidacy. Trump had the overall better strategy, no doubt.

and that's what we are dealing in, the best overall strategy. so far, the money is on trump, for better or worse. cruz should have folded his tent much sooner, but ego what it is, it's a difficult reality that he was forced to face.. and Bohner didn't help him all that much either.
Originally Posted by BobinNH
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Right now Trump is behind Hillary.

Her lead is 5X bigger than the margin Obama beat Romney.

There are no demographics where Trump is positive, even white males [33% of voters].

Trump is ahead in the sub demographic of old white males without college.

What does it all mean?
Trump is going to have to turn around his relationship with white females and hispanics, the demographics that put Bush 43 in office.

Boy I dunno about this. Some polls are showing Trump ahead...even this early.

I think we are underestimating the pent up hostility of voters from all demographics and party lines with (a) 8 years of Obama, and (b) the Establishment, and (c) with Hillary, 4-8 years of more of the same empty promises, lagging economy, rampant illegal immigration etc.

I also cannot ignore the way Sanders is giving er a hard time, and how so many have deflected to Bernie, which shows, if nothing else, a strong dissatisfaction with Hillary.

Where will these people cast a vote? Who knows but i think she is FAR weaker nationwide than we think.

I think, or hope this is true. Sanders shows the weakness of hillary. She has less votes in the primaries this time than when she lost in 2008. Trump has record votes with 15 people in the race. Seems Trump fills up bigger halls, and those people will actually vote in November. Looks to me Trump has momentum, and hillary will stall.
But...at the end of the day Cruz was just another sitting politician...

I can't understand why people don't understand that a large part of trumps success in the primaries has been that he is not a sitting plotician, and thus was a statement made by the American people....we are tired of sitting politicians

Cruz was dry and couldn't excite anyone, trump said what was on his mind....arena that was something fresh for the American people.

Besides Cruz can do so much more for America sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court
Here is graphing all Trump v Clinton polls for a year

Cruz doesn't have an ideological problem. He is a true defender and believer in the Constitution. Cruz is hated because he is a failure at communicating with the masses. He speaks in a "debate or TV evangelist" form regardless of the setting. Everything is dramatic and comes across as memorized. Common people don't talk like that. He makes enemies of other politicians, whom he must depend upon to reach his goals, by alienating them, calling them names in public, and creating a "holier than thou" persona. He acts like a Pharisee in public, which is a big tun off to the masses. Because he has such poor personality/communication traits, he can't succeed in a national election.

However, these traits would be less likely to hurt him on the Supreme Court where his debating skills and intellect would be more agreeable.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
This entire presentation is worth listening to. But if you don't want to listen to all of it, at least fast forward to 17:30 and learn what the new right,..the "alt" right is composed of.

If the GOP is to have a future, this is it.

If the GOP doesn't want it, it will find another outlet. But this the future for those who want to battle liberalism,..and it's already started. Trump is it's first representative.

Great lecture. Listened to all of it. Thanks
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.
If you think Cruz was systematically destroyed, wait until Trump starts on Clinton.

There is a lot more material to work with, and a longer history of her actions that there was with Cruz.

Trump lives in the mud. Hillary couldn't stand going up against Grandpa Sanders from Burlington, and kept trying to get him to "settle down the rhetoric".

Trump may not come out of this looking good, but Hillary is going to end up looking a lot worse, and weak, and crooked.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
By Nick Gass 5/4/16
To hear Rush Limbaugh tell it Wednesday, it was a miracle Ted Cruz made it as far as he did in the Republican race for president.
Accused of being the infamous Zodiac killer, mocked for his relationship with his children and constantly targeted by the media and his fellow candidates — though he declined to mention a certain presumptive nominee by name — the Texas senator bore a burden greater, Limbaugh said, than the radio host has ever shouldered himself.
But the conservative movement did not die with Cruz's defeat in Indiana on Tuesday night, Limbaugh told listeners. "I think what happened is that another conservative messenger was systematically, piece by piece, destroyed," he declared, calling it the "normal course of things."
Going into the Republican race, Cruz was likely as prepared as they could be for some attacks from the Republican and Democratic establishments, Limbaugh suggested.
"He knew he had made enemies in the Republican establishment, and he knew that the media and the Democrat Party are automatic enemies," he continued.
"But here’s what I don’t know: I don’t know just how equipped anybody is to cheerfully, happily live each and every day with the kind of garbage, lies, filth spewed about you and your family multiple times a day.
And yet we’re told that the conservative must be cheerful and must be happy and must be a happy warrior."
"Stop and think of that for just a second," Limbaugh commented, asking listeners to put themselves in Cruz's shoes.
"Ted Cruz loves America as much as anybody," Limbaugh said, ticking off a list of Cruz's political and personal virtues.
"And then he has to get up every day and read stories in the media about how he is so mean and he is so vicious and so Hitler-like that his daughters will not even be in the same room with him because he scares them so much," he continued. "I mean, the stuff that was said about Cruz and his family — long before the Rafael Cruz-Lee Harvey Oswald stuff started, long before the Zodiac killer stuff started.
It’s nothing that any other conservative had to put up with."
"My question is, how does anybody go through that? I mean, you’re running for president, you have these desperately held beliefs, you think that we’re in a national crisis.
You’re frustrated because so many people don’t see it that way," he said. "You’re hellbent on convincing them. You’re hellbent on trying to explain to them why you’re doing what you’re doing.
You’re very earnest about it. You care about it so much that you’re doing everything that you can to get people to listen to you.
And every time you open your mouth, some fool is out making fun of you, destroying you, with lies, innuendo and so forth. Do you not at some point say: 'This can’t be done?'"

In the face of claims about Cruz that are "demonstrably not true" and that "everybody laughs about," Limbaugh confided, "I haven’t gone through much worse than that."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...h-limbaugh-ted-cruz-222800#ixzz47iMB0epE

Politics do be a "Blood Sport"
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
Cruz doesn't have an ideological problem. He is a true defender and believer in the Constitution. Cruz is hated because he is a failure at communicating with the masses. He speaks in a "debate or TV evangelist" form regardless of the setting. Everything is dramatic and comes across as memorized. Common people don't talk like that. He makes enemies of other politicians, whom he must depend upon to reach his goals, by alienating them, calling them names in public, and creating a "holier than thou" persona. He acts like a Pharisee in public, which is a big tun off to the masses. Because he has such poor personality/communication traits, he can't succeed in a national election.

However, these traits would be less likely to hurt him on the Supreme Court where his debating skills and intellect would be more agreeable.

What has happened is the "conservative movement" has been exposed for the sham it was.

Originally Posted by Clarkm
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.

No, he didn't.
the pc, or politically correct crowd believes that a female should be at the top of the ticket. i mean, we've made room for the minorities such as the blacks, and now it's time for a female. she's been waiting patiently in line. like Romney, he was patient for his time to come also.

but now, the apple cart appears to be upset by the rancor of the masses. why aren't we addressing the problems we and this country are facing? why business as usual for the elites while the commoners are being kicked to the curb?

what the average commoner wants to see is progress for the working & middle classes. and who comes closest among the 3 candidates to offer that opportunity?
It's interesting that Limbaugh would come to Cruz's defense at this time, when he was very recently so far into Trumps pockets that I suspect he was fingering the billiard balls. But until Bernie gets canned - and he will- no poll will show us a true reflection of how Trump compares to Hillary.

When all of that is finally washed out, then we can begin to polish the turds we have so carefully selected, hoping to ascertain which of them takes on the glow smells the way we like.
I drove by a drs office today owned and operated by two old white hippie lesions

They have trump signs everywhere. I think people on both sides are just sick and tired of career politicians
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.

No, he didn't.

I stand corrected
Originally Posted by gitem_12
I drove by a drs office today owned and operated by two old white hippie lesions

They have trump signs everywhere. I think people on both sides are just sick and tired of career politicians

Cruz, Kasich, Bush, Rubio, Huckabee, et al were clueless and remain clueless. They just don't get it, the massive undercurrent of anger that crosses party lines.

"Trump is the warning shot. He’s the food riots before the revolution. He’s the stack of letters to the editor in protest over some issue. People do not go from happy to bloody revolt overnight. It’s a process and the early stages are warnings, at least they should be viewed as warnings. If the people in Washington insist on flooding the country with helot labor, despite what’s happening in the election, the people are going to insist on building scaffolds in Washington. The Trump phenomenon is the warning."
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.

No, he didn't.

Cruz was a top gun in the Heller case.
February 19, 2016 How Scalia and Ted Cruz Saved the 2nd Amendment
By Daniel John Sobieski
...What few people know -- and the media won’t remind them -- is that Ted Cruz was a prime mover in getting Heller, in which Scalia wrote the majority opinion, before the Court and decided in favor of gun rights, ruling that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right and that the word “militia”, as the Founders intended, meant the “whole people” of the United States. If Heller had gone the other way, our gun rights would have been thrown on the ash heap of history.

In January Cruz told CNN:

I represented 31 states in the Heller case, which upheld the individual right to keep and bear arms. You know what Barack Obama's position is? That there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever under the Constitution… Hillary Clinton, for example, has said she will put Supreme Court justices on the court who will overturn Heller. And if Heller is overturned… there were four justices who said that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever, that it is only a collective right in the militia, which is fancy lawyer talk for a nonexistent right… [If] Hillary Clinton gets one more Supreme Court justice, what it would mean is, the Supreme Court would say you and I and every individual American have no constitutional right under the Second Amendment at all, and either the federal government or a state government could make it a crime to possess a firearm.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/arti...ved_the_2nd_amendment.html#ixzz419WD0ooF
Originally Posted by Klikitarik
It's interesting that Limbaugh would come to Cruz's defense at this time, when he was very recently so far into Trumps pockets that I suspect he was fingering the billiard balls. But until Bernie gets canned - and he will- no poll will show us a true reflection of how Trump compares to Hillary.

When all of that is finally washed out, then we can begin to polish the turds we have so carefully selected, hoping to ascertain which of them takes on the glow smells the way we like.

I think Rush is trying to save his audience, many of whom are conservative Constitutionalists. Over the past few days, leading up to Indiana, Rush has had several callers questioning his "Conservative Credentials." I think he made a business decision by publicly backing Cruz on Tuesday.
well, for god's sakes, some one seems to be getting it. unless there was a worthy reason, nobody would be voting for an ultra-rich investor/owner who has been married more than once.

but, here we are. and why is that?

it's because he is beginning to scratch the surface of just how badly unbalanced the system has become. can he fix it? of course not, at least not without the masses electing to unite behind him to attempt to fix it.

if it can't be fixed, then Katy Bar the Door. and if he can't do it, then whom?

i think he wants us to take the bull by the horns?

i think he wants us to take the bull by the horns?

Is that a question? Who is "he"? How does one "take the bull by the horns"?
Originally Posted by Ringman

i think he wants us to take the bull by the horns?

Is that a question? Who is "he"? How does one "take the bull by the horns"?

Takes balls!

[Linked Image]
Kind of pathetic, really. Trump scares the GOPe, but so does Cruz. At the last minute, they decide Cruz is their last hope to stop Trump from pooping their party (well - those not deluding themselves over Kasich). This, after having spent so much drama on trying to beat Cruz earlier, when they thought Trump wasn't going anywhere.

I know that Rush understands that so many of us are tired of getting stabbed in the back by the GOPe. We can only hope that the same sentiment exists against the elite in the Dems. I do see signs of exactly that. Seems to me that the populace is primed for an establishment-challenging event.

Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.

No, he didn't.

Cruz was a top gun in the Heller case.
February 19, 2016 How Scalia and Ted Cruz Saved the 2nd Amendment
By Daniel John Sobieski
...What few people know -- and the media won’t remind them -- is that Ted Cruz was a prime mover in getting Heller, in which Scalia wrote the majority opinion, before the Court and decided in favor of gun rights, ruling that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right and that the word “militia”, as the Founders intended, meant the “whole people” of the United States. If Heller had gone the other way, our gun rights would have been thrown on the ash heap of history.

In January Cruz told CNN:

I represented 31 states in the Heller case, which upheld the individual right to keep and bear arms. You know what Barack Obama's position is? That there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever under the Constitution… Hillary Clinton, for example, has said she will put Supreme Court justices on the court who will overturn Heller. And if Heller is overturned… there were four justices who said that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever, that it is only a collective right in the militia, which is fancy lawyer talk for a nonexistent right… [If] Hillary Clinton gets one more Supreme Court justice, what it would mean is, the Supreme Court would say you and I and every individual American have no constitutional right under the Second Amendment at all, and either the federal government or a state government could make it a crime to possess a firearm.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/arti...ved_the_2nd_amendment.html#ixzz419WD0ooF

“When Cruz tells the story of his role in the landmark Second Amendment case known as Heller, he leaves ample room for listeners to assume he was one of the principle lawyers in the Supreme Court victory. His actual role, as author of one of 70 friend of the court briefs, had little known effect on the outcome
His actual role, as author of one of 70 amicus curiae briefs in the case, had little known effect on the outcome — except, perhaps, in urging a pragmatic course, one that clashes with his gun positions today
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Kind of pathetic, really. Trump scares the GOPe, but so does Cruz. At the last minute, they decide Cruz is their last hope to stop Trump from pooping their party (well - those not deluding themselves over Kasich). This, after having spent so much drama on trying to beat Cruz earlier, when they thought Trump wasn't going anywhere.

I know that Rush understands that so many of us are tired of getting stabbed in the back by the GOPe. We can only hope that the same sentiment exists against the elite in the Dems. I do see signs of exactly that. Seems to me that the populace is primed for an establishment-challenging event.

The GOP has exactly what they planned on since Bush flushed. All they have to do now is protect Hillary.

"Stop and think of that for just a second," Limbaugh commented, asking listeners to put themselves in Cruz's shoes.
"Ted Cruz loves America as much as anybody," Limbaugh said, ticking off a list of Cruz's political and personal virtues.

He owes his political career to Goldman Sachs. He can can love Amercia as much as anybody, Their interest comes first.
Originally Posted by 700LH
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Clarkm
Cruz argued for the 2nd amendment in front of the SCOTUS, and won.

No, he didn't.

Cruz was a top gun in the Heller case.
February 19, 2016 How Scalia and Ted Cruz Saved the 2nd Amendment
By Daniel John Sobieski
...What few people know -- and the media won’t remind them -- is that Ted Cruz was a prime mover in getting Heller, in which Scalia wrote the majority opinion, before the Court and decided in favor of gun rights, ruling that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right and that the word “militia”, as the Founders intended, meant the “whole people” of the United States. If Heller had gone the other way, our gun rights would have been thrown on the ash heap of history.

In January Cruz told CNN:

I represented 31 states in the Heller case, which upheld the individual right to keep and bear arms. You know what Barack Obama's position is? That there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever under the Constitution… Hillary Clinton, for example, has said she will put Supreme Court justices on the court who will overturn Heller. And if Heller is overturned… there were four justices who said that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms whatsoever, that it is only a collective right in the militia, which is fancy lawyer talk for a nonexistent right… [If] Hillary Clinton gets one more Supreme Court justice, what it would mean is, the Supreme Court would say you and I and every individual American have no constitutional right under the Second Amendment at all, and either the federal government or a state government could make it a crime to possess a firearm.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/arti...ved_the_2nd_amendment.html#ixzz419WD0ooF

“When Cruz tells the story of his role in the landmark Second Amendment case known as Heller, he leaves ample room for listeners to assume he was one of the principle lawyers in the Supreme Court victory. His actual role, as author of one of 70 friend of the court briefs, had little known effect on the outcome
His actual role, as author of one of 70 amicus curiae briefs in the case, had little known effect on the outcome — except, perhaps, in urging a pragmatic course, one that clashes with his gun positions today

I supported my sources and you have not.

Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
I supported my sources and you have not.

[quote]Amicus curiae briefs[edit]

Because of the controversial nature of the case, it garnered much attention from many groups on both sides of the gun rights issue. Many of those groups filed amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs, about 47 urging the court to affirm the case and about 20 to remand it.[21]

A majority of the members of Congress[22] signed the brief authored by Stephen Halbrook advising that the case be affirmed overturning the ban on handguns not otherwise restricted by Congress.[23] Vice President Dick Cheney joined in this brief, acting in his role as President of the United States Senate, and breaking with the George W. Bush administration's official position.[22] Arizona Senator John McCain, Republican, also signed the brief. Then Illinois Senator Barack Obama, did not.[24]

A majority of the states signed the brief of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, authored by Abbott's solicitor general, Ted Cruz,[25] advising that the case be affirmed, while at the same time emphasizing that the states have a strong interest in maintaining each of the states' laws prohibiting and regulating firearms.[26][27][28] Law enforcement organizations, including the Fraternal Order of Police and the Southern States Police Benevolent Association, also filed a brief urging that the case be affirmed.[29]

A number of organizations signed friend of the court briefs advising that the case be remanded, including the United States Department of Justice[30] and Attorneys General of New York, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico.[31] Additionally, friend of the court briefs to remand were filed by a spectrum of religious and anti-violence groups,[32] a number of cities and mayors,[33] and many police chiefs and law enforcement organizations.[34]

A collection of organizations and prominent scholars, represented by Attorney Jeffrey Teichert, submitted an "errors brief" arguing that many of the common historical and factual "myths and misrepresentations" generally offered in favor of banning handguns were in error. Teichert's errors brief argued from a historical perspective that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to keep and bear arms.[35]


Of all the good folks involved in the Heller case only one is using his involvement to attempt to further himself, and has been since day one,

Says a lot about that person, doesn't it?
Bottom line is that if Cruze was the strongest candidate he couldn't have been systematically destroyed. Trump started with one percent or less support the week he announced his candidacy and Jeb! had 22% and 135 million dollar war chest that week. Trump has overcome all comers and everything the establishment could throw at him. Cruze couldn't have withstood a tenth the effort marshaled against Trump.
Originally Posted by davet

Trump may not come out of this looking good, but Hillary is going to end up looking a lot worse, and weak, and crooked.
..and, I pray, in PRISON!!!
Good ole Rush What a $hit spoutin puss bag the only thing more ignorant than him are the people that listen to his ilk!!
Rush is the only right wing radio talk show personality that had the sense to cater to both sides.

Some days he defends Cruz, others Trump.

Rush will continue to get paid and the oxycontin will continue to flow like wine.

Originally Posted by deflave

Rush will continue to get paid and the oxycontin will continue to flow like wine.

I was unaware it came in liquid form.
Vodka and a blender will systematically destroy your plans for the day.

Unless you're Rush. He's a warrior.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
Rush is a fat sack of chit.

He needs to shut up. The new GOP doesn't want him.

You couldn't be more wrong. But at least you are consistent.
Originally Posted by deflave
Vodka and a blender will systematically destroy your plans for the day.

Unless you're Rush. He's a warrior.


I'm thinking the brain freeze on an oxycontin smoothie would be epic.
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
Cruz doesn't have an ideological problem. He is a true defender and believer in the Constitution. Cruz is hated because he is a failure at communicating with the masses. He speaks in a "debate or TV evangelist" form regardless of the setting. Everything is dramatic and comes across as memorized. Common people don't talk like that. He makes enemies of other politicians, whom he must depend upon to reach his goals, by alienating them, calling them names in public, and creating a "holier than thou" persona. He acts like a Pharisee in public, which is a big tun off to the masses. Because he has such poor personality/communication traits, he can't succeed in a national election.

However, these traits would be less likely to hurt him on the Supreme Court where his debating skills and intellect would be more agreeable.


He's not a President. He would make a fine Solicitor General, and maybe a fine judge, but he is and was a poor candidate for POTUS.
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