Posted By: BOWSINGER Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 06/19/16
I have been posting for a long time that Hillary will not survive her FBI primary.
There is a detailed summary worth reading of the mess she is in posted Saturday on RCP.

Clinton Email Troubles Present Constitutional Crisis John Schindler, NY Observer

Here are some of the highlights:
The Coming Constitutional Crisis Over Hillary Clinton’s EmailGate
The nominee insists her mishandling of State Department email is no big deal—but the real drama is just beginning
By John R. Schindler • 06/15/16

...The president’s praising assessment of Clinton, including “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office,” should go a long way toward unifying their party as she faces her Republican opponent, presumably Donald Trump, this autumn.

Obama’s praise was salve on the wounds Clinton recently suffered at the hands of the State Department over EmailGate. The long-awaited report by the Office of the Inspector General at Foggy Bottom can be fairly termed scathing and, as I assessed in this column, it leaves no doubt that Hillary Clinton systematically dodged a raft of laws and regulations on the keeping of Federal records and the handling of classified information.

Worse, the IG report leaves no doubt that Clinton has lied profligately about EmailGate from the moment the scandal broke over a year ago. Since the State Department, which Clinton headed during President Obama’s first term, cannot plausibly be painted as part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that Team Clinton sees lurking behind every piece of bad press, this report caused real damage to Hillary’s presidential campaign.

...True to form, she began punching back herself and through surrogates. Their main talking point—that EmailGate remains a nothing-burger, a figment of the overheated FoxNews imagination more than a bona fide story—continues to be peddled daily. As she confidently said to the cameras last week, there’s “zero chance” she will be indicted over EmailGate, no matter what the FBI finds in its still-active investigation of the matter.

For good measure, Clinton stated for the umpteenth time, “nothing I sent or received at the time was marked classified.” This dodge has been employed for a year as cover by Team Clinton to explain how so much classified information, including at least two dozen emails classified top secret or higher, among them enormously sensitive special access programs from both CIA and NSA, wound up in Clinton’s “unclassified” private email.

...Clinton’s evasions aren’t working. A new survey indicates that 60 percent of voters think she’s lying about her emails, versus 27 percent who believe her. Although she still possesses an edge over Donald Trump in polling, EmailGate remains a serious problem for Hillary’s campaign, since it highlights so many Clintonian mores that so many Americans have disliked for so long. Pervasive, carefully planned dishonesty. Lies to cover up corruption and grifting off our political system. Above all, a deep sense that rules are for average citizens, not for Clintons and their privileged coterie.

Yet another revealing intersection of Clinton lies, corruption, and secrets has come to light thanks to EmailGate. This involves the 2011 appearance of Rajiv K. Fernando on the International Security Advisory Board, a sensitive committee that oversees the State Department’s work in counter-proliferation and nuclear matters.

The ISAB sees a lot of highly classified intelligence and consists of seasoned experts in arms control and international security. Its members are largely greybeards with decades of experience in the military, diplomacy, and security.

Fernando was none of those things. A Chicago securities trader with no relevant background, ISAB members seemed perplexed by his appearance in their midst in 2011. “We had no idea who he was,” said one board member. Fernando knew nothing about intelligence or nuclear weapons, but he was a big-league donor to the Clinton Foundation—and that was the fact that mattered.

...To make matters worse for Hillary, it recently emerged that at least one of the emails she handed over to investigators under subpoena in fact did contain classified information that was marked as such.

...This gives the lie to Clinton’s much-repeated mantra that she never sent or was sent anything marked classified in her unclassified, personal email while serving as our nation’s top diplomat. That is demonstrably false, we now know.

...It’s also difficult to see how the FBI can ignore such an obvious violation of the law. It likewise raises questions about what was in the 30,000 emails that Clinton decided to delete. In the nearly five months remaining until the presidential election, we can expect a regular drumbeat of revelations about EmailGate, none of them flattering to the Democratic nominee.

Last week the Associated Press broke a big story about how Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included the true names of CIA personnel serving overseas under cover.

...To make matters worse for Team Clinton, last week it emerged that several of the classified emails under investigation involved discussions of impending CIA drone strikes in Pakistan.

Clinton aides were careful to avoid hot-button words like “CIA” and “drone” in these “unclassified” emails, engaging in a practice that spies term “talking around” an issue.

However, the salient fact is that the CIA—which has the say here—considers this information to be Top Secret, as well as enormously sensitive. It had no business being in anybody’s unclassified emails.
As the secretary of state, Ms. Clinton and her top staff had access to classified communications systems 24 hours a day. They chose not to use them here—a choice that clearly violated Federal law.

...How the FBI can look at all this and not recommend prosecution of someone for something in EmailGate strains the imagination. Yet President Obama has clearly signaled that it’s all no big deal.

Director James Comey has a tough job before him when he takes the FBI’s official recommendations regarding EmailGate to Attorney General Lynch for action, probably sometime this summer. Since Comey is now under a cloud over the FBI’s embarrassing mishandling of Omar Mateen, the Orlando jihadist mass murderer, perhaps his resignation over that matter would be welcome in the White House, which then could find a new director more willing to bend to Obama’s wishes.

Make no mistake, there are more than a few senior intelligence officials in Washington, DC, who are livid about Hillary Clinton’s willful disregard of clearly defined laws on the handling of classified information. Her misconduct endangered sensitive intelligence programs—and lives.

Even if Comey is a sacrificial lamb here, there are high-ranking spies who are perfectly willing to leak the sordid details of EmailGate to the media if the president pulls a Dick Nixon and tries to subvert our Constitution to protect himself and his designated successor.

And in the unlikely event that nobody in our nation’s capital is willing to go public with exactly what Hillary Clinton did, it now seems the Russians may do so. It’s highly plausible that Russian intelligence services, among others, have many of Clinton’s emails, perhaps all of them, given how slipshod her security arrangements were.

...It would be supremely ironic if the Kremlin demolishes Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations thanks to her own neglect of basic communications security when she was secretary of state.

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he’s also been a Navy officer and a War College professor.
Ya but no matter how bad, no matter how incriminating, Loretta Lynch will not prosecute and the press will pass it off as a biased attack. The evidence will either sway public opinion or will be ignored, but I'm going to have to see the indictment before I believe it will happen.
It will come...
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
It will come...

Bet you a beer if I ever get to AK. wink
Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
It will come...

Bet you a beer if I ever get to AK. wink

Originally Posted by Barkoff
"Ya but no matter how bad, no matter how incriminating, Loretta Lynch will not prosecute and the press will pass it off as a biased attack. ..."

You're correct. An indictment of the Wicked Witch of the West (Wing) would be a direct reflection on Hussein's incompetence and disregard for her idiotic carelessness and our Nation's security.

Hussein appointed the Wicked Witch of the West (Wing) and an indictment would blow apart his "wonderful and brilliant" legacy.

What's that old saying? "If wishes were racehorses ...."


Posted By: Nrut Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 06/19/16
Bull shiit!


We would all like to believe that the nation's top cop is above political motivations, but let's take a look at Lynch's background. She's Harvard-educated, she worked as a litigator for a white-glove law firm in New York City, and in 1990, she became a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, New York.
She rose in the ranks, and in 1999, President Bill Clinton appointed her to the post of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
Lynch was responsible for several high-profile prosecutions, and, by all accounts, she was terrific and tough in that post. In 2014, President Obama nominated her to come to Washington, D.C., to head the Department of Justice as attorney general of the United States. See a pattern there?

Broken record fool
Still doesn't matter....her voters would vote for her regardless of her history. They simply don't care. Logic has never been the basis in which her base chooses candidates to support. They use FEELINGS and images painted with rainbow colored pixie dust...
Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
It will come...

Bet you a beer if I ever get to AK. wink

If "The Donald" can secure the nomination before he shoots himself in the face, you can rest assured this will become an issue that will demand resolution prior to November, regardless of assurances made by Lynch or Obama to the contrary...and even IF Trump can't somehow secure the nomination, I really can't fathom the spec ops guys letting this schitt go...
I hope it happens, but this administration allowed guns to go to Mexican drug cartels, on multiple occasions, and so far no one has gone to prison...
They have every one talking about gun control now. Trying to get everyone's mind off the email scandal. Hasbeen

Try some different drugs.
As much as I wish you were right, it ain't gonna happen.
The "email scandal" will come back to haunt them over and over and over until it is litigated. It doesn't matter how many diversions they can develop--there aren't enough other issues that excite people to divert this one forever.
Hussein appointed the Wicked Witch of the West (Wing) and an indictment would blow apart his "wonderful and brilliant" legacy.

What's that old saying? "If wishes were racehorses ...."



His legacy is that the enemy attacks us here at home from coast to coast and he did nothing to stop it.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Yet President Obama has clearly signaled that it’s all no big deal.

And for all intents & purposes, that is the operative statement in the entire article............nothing else means anything.

She will not be indicted.

Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner

If "The Donald" can secure the nomination before he shoots himself in the face, you can rest assured this will become an issue that will demand resolution prior to November, regardless of assurances made by Lynch or Obama to the contrary...and even IF Trump can't somehow secure the nomination, I really can't fathom the spec ops guys letting this schitt go...

Trump will surely make an issue out of it, but The Muslim & Lynch will simply stonewall & her Dumbocrat idiot voters will still hang with her.

As for the spec op guys, they have no leverage & will be poo-poo'ed, so no real impact.

This is all big league politics & DC hardball & whitewash at its very best.

"Make no mistake, there are more than a few senior intelligence officials in Washington, DC, who are livid about Hillary Clinton’s willful disregard of clearly defined laws on the handling of classified information.
Her misconduct endangered sensitive intelligence programs—and lives.
Even if Comey is a sacrificial lamb here, there are high-ranking spies who are perfectly willing to leak the sordid details of EmailGate to the media if the president pulls a Dick Nixon and tries to subvert our Constitution to protect himself and his designated successor"
The current vast bulk of the MSM will never attack The Muslim so extremely unlikely that he can ever be leveraged into having her indicted & Lynch will never take ownership & do it on her own w/o his approval.


Hard to say politics aside she is guilty, but that is the case. The administration will never charge her, the best case for justice is orchestrated leaks, then congress doing their duty. That seems difficult with the current climate of corruption.
Who makes the decision as to whether this lying harridan is indicted? Not Loretta Lynch, nor the FBI.
This is being managed by Obama. He is the boss.
She will walk.

Should a Republican be elected, he won't want to touch this steaming pile of horse [bleep] and it will all go away.
Posted By: ingwe Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 06/19/16
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Who makes the decision as to whether this lying harridan is indicted? Not Loretta Lynch, nor the FBI.
This is being managed by Obama. He is the boss.
She will walk.

Should a Republican be elected, he won't want to touch this steaming pile of horse [bleep] and it will all go away.

I just heard a quote from Joseph Stalin that wraps up how I feel about this whole system/situation.

" It doesn't matter how the vote goes. What matters is who counts the vote...."
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Who makes the decision as to whether this lying harridan is indicted? Not Loretta Lynch, nor the FBI.
This is being managed by Obama. He is the boss.
She will walk.

Should a Republican be elected, he won't want to touch this steaming pile of horse [bleep] and it will all go away.

Hillary walks, then she loses her election.

Hillary doesn't walk, then she loses her election.
Posted By: dh84 Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 06/19/16
Keep in mind how close all these national elections have been. It may not take a lot to swing the swingers and keep dems home on e day.
Originally Posted by dh84
Keep in mind how close all these national elections have been. It may not take a lot to swing the swingers and keep dems home on e day.

I saw a recent poll that said 71% of dems would vote for Hillary if indicted. I thought the number was low. Ahole dem at work said she is allowed to do anything. Wild guy, and a classic big time mooch. King of riding on other people's work. Genetic dem.
Originally Posted by Terryk
The administration will never charge her, the best case for justice is orchestrated leaks, then congress doing their duty.

Congress does not have the ability to charge her with anything nor can they force DOJ to charge her with anything either.

Other than holding useless, & softball hearings which they've already done, Congress is on the sidelines.

Ignore, deny, or redirect and it will all go away. Mainstream press could not care less.
And don't forget all thoise folks in the cemetery who will get to vote for her.
Grasping at straws. Same thing eight years ago with the "birther bit". And Republicans are suppose to best realistic. LOL
Seriously, have ya'll not been paying attention. The Clintons have things arranged, regardless of the circumstances. If Hillary wins the election in November, I expect her to plead a deal the next week. It will be rushed through very quickly, in a matter of days. Obama will pardon her before the end of the year. Problem solved.

You can bet there is a plan. Hillary is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.
Originally Posted by LostHighway
Grasping at straws. Same thing eight years ago with the "birther bit". And Republicans are suppose to best realistic. LOL
The "birther bit" was hardly grasping at straws. Obama got a pass. He never produced a long form, uncontested birth certificate. He produced a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth. That is a different document. The former Governor of Hawaii could not locate the actual birth certificate. The Certificate of Live Birth required little more documentation than the applicants word. That is why Hawaii was a conduit for Asian immigration. How is that acceptable beyond reproach verification? He could not even have gotten a PA drivers license with that document.
This situation is another example of how we will put up with just about anything. Evidently we are just worn down and have become complacent about corruption within our government. Pretty pathetic really.
Seriously! Hitlery and the Dem Leadership had it in the bag for her several years ago. She and Bill are masters at deflecting issues. Just look at the lists of issues that have followed them for years and years and they are still at the top of the pile (of s_ _ _)!
Trump keeps shooting himself in the mouth and keeping the attention from her. The only hope is that the Repubs maintain majorities in congress and keep her at bay for the next 4 years.
Originally Posted by Barkoff
Ya but no matter how bad, no matter how incriminating, Loretta Lynch will not prosecute and the press will pass it off as a biased attack. The evidence will either sway public opinion or will be ignored, but I'm going to have to see the indictment before I believe it will happen.

The FBI won't ignore violations of the law, but the US AG will not prosecute (as you said).. But even if she DOES, the AIC will pardon her sorry azz..

She has the ultimate "get out of jail" card..
At this point, Hillary is like saving a sinking ship. They're plugging holes almost as fast as new water is getting in. They're slowly sinking but there's still hope.

Elizabeth Warren is like their lifeboat at this point. They still believe they can save the ship but they have the lifeboat standing ready over the rails in case they need to bail.

I think (the Clintons) they are terrified that every day brings the possibility of more leaks or more hushed people making deals to talk. The DNC and Obama could care less though because if it becomes obvious that she's going under, everyone on board will rush to the lifeboat.
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot

I think (the Clintons) they are terrified that every day brings the possibility of more leaks or more hushed people making deals to talk. The DNC and Obama could care less though because if it becomes obvious that she's going under, everyone on board will rush to the lifeboat.

I'm sure about your first point: the Clintons are very, very nervous. Maybe not terrified, but really quite fearful. Folks who think the Clintons are too smart or too careful to get caught (which includes the Clintons, btw) seem to be failing to recognize that for a smart woman she sure as sch!t stupided up her handling of email as SecState.

On your second point, I disagree slightly. The DNC and Obama are willing to shift the nomination to somebody else, possibly Warren, but they likely have mixed feelings. On the one hand, they hate Hillary and would love to see her go down in flames. On the other hand, they know they have a poor chance of winning the presidency with anyone else.
Originally Posted by DocRocket
On the other hand, they know they have a poor chance of winning the presidency with anyone else.

I would think that the democrat electorate would RUN, not walk, to any candidate THEY consider acceptable other than Hillary. She has the personality of a cyborg, nobody likes her and they don't want to deal with the scandals. If there was a graceful way for her to go away and another to step in, it would ignite the democrats and their turn out would go up probably 25%.
This has been all her race since she lost to Obama. Also the Republicans got no good man to run. Probably because they know it is a done deal.
Originally Posted by TheOldTree
This has been all her race since she lost to Obama. Also the Republicans got no good man to run. Probably because they know it is a done deal.

It's pretty obvious, that a majority of right of center voters do not want anyone the establishment republicans have to offer. After all, we did so well with Dole, McCain and Romney. And, we almost did not get Bush.

I'll take Trump over Hillary any day for the next 4 years. In reality, Congress is the powerhouse if we can get the right folks in and the wrong folks out.

Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by DocRocket
On the other hand, they know they have a poor chance of winning the presidency with anyone else.

I would think that the democrat electorate would RUN, not walk, to any candidate THEY consider acceptable other than Hillary. She has the personality of a cyborg, nobody likes her and they don't want to deal with the scandals. If there was a graceful way for her to go away and another to step in, it would ignite the democrats and their turn out would go up probably 25%.

They did run to a nobody in numbers. Bernie Sanders was never suppose to be a serious candidate. The educated Liberals flocked to him. Hillary has 99% of the African American vote. Bernie is too strange for them. The blue collar union Dems are up for grabs. They hate Hillary. Trump is poised to win big in the rust belt IF he plays his card right. Not sure he can but he's defied the odds so far.
Folks who think the Clintons are too smart or too careful to get caught (which includes the Clintons, btw) [/quote] The Clintons are neither smart OR careful. They get caught all the time. You don't have to be smart, if people refuse to prosecute you, and ignore the crap you do. If that changes, they are toast, and they are smart enough to figger that out.
Originally Posted by kwg020
Congress is the powerhouse if we can get the right folks in and the wrong folks out.

Yeah, right...............it's been a real powerhouse alright.

WTF are you smokin'?

We've had control of both house & what have we gotten out of it?

C'mon.............name something, anything.

A million more illegals.
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Yeah, right...............it's been a real powerhouse alright.

WTF are you smokin'?

We've had control of both house & what have we gotten out of it?

C'mon.............name something, anything.


10 years ago
"If we win the House, think of what we can get done."

6 years ago
"When we win the Senate, then we see real progress."

"We can't pass anything meaningful until we take back the White House."

"Remember when the Democrats didn't control the Supreme Court, Congress and the White House?"
Originally Posted by LostHighway
Grasping at straws. Same thing eight years ago with the "birther bit". And Republicans are suppose to best realistic. LOL

I told you so. Kicking up dust about birth certificates and now emails. And what became of it? N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
Does't matter really, Obama would of pardoned her.
Posted By: 4ager Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 07/05/16
Originally Posted by LostHighway
[quote=LostHighway]Grasping at straws. Same thing eight years ago with the "birther bit". And Republicans are suppose to best realistic. LOL

I told you so. Kicking up dust about birth certificates and now emails. And what became of it? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. [/quote

If you had a clue about there now being a declared separate set of laws, you'd be on to something.
never happen. The majority of the folks in this country don't care about what she does and we have no effective peoples Gov left
My plate of crow tastes like chicken. But Comey did lay out in great detail what she is guilty of.
Lots of detail and more to come for Trump to beat her over the head with. She will go down in the polls.
Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It.

Bow.....Bad news.... she made it!
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Yeah, right...............it's been a real powerhouse alright.

WTF are you smokin'?

We've had control of both house & what have we gotten out of it?

C'mon.............name something, anything.


10 years ago
"If we win the House, think of what we can get done."

6 years ago
"When we win the Senate, then we see real progress."

"We can't pass anything meaningful until we take back the White House."

"Remember when the Democrats didn't control the Supreme Court, Congress and the White House?"

Yep. Hillary is our next president. That's what happens when you stew yourselves in conspiracy theories, ignore facts and nominate a sociopathic loser. You boys need to understand that time is passing you by. You cling to fantasies about how you think things used to be. The world is changing. Prejudice, bigotry, hatred aren't popular in America today. The 'fire is a special place, where stupidity swirls in the bubble, bigotry reaches critical mass, blood pressures skyrocket, and all for naught.

Get used to disappointment. We will not replace the trollish Scalia with another of his ilk. Americans will tire of Republican BS, Congress will be controlled by the Democrats. Keep nominating know-nothing, stupid, lying people, it will only hasten to process.
Posted By: CCCC Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 07/05/16
Piddler - will you care for any special sauce with your plate of crow?
I'll be sipping Lagavulin 16 on November 8th. Maybe some Trace. I hope she just crushes the Donald. You gotta admit, only Republicans (well, 40% of Republicans, who are 28% of voters, so really only 11% of voters) believe a word he says. Thankfully, most of us see right through His Bullsh*tness. Too bad you guys don't. Well, maybe not too bad, we'll just call it just desserts.
What a pathetic excuse for a human being...
Originally Posted by northwestalaska
Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It.

Bow.....Bad news.... she made it!

The cover-up is always worse than the crime.
They will pound her over her head with this.
It is now proven that Hillary is above the law.
Posted By: 4ager Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 07/06/16
Originally Posted by Paddler
I'll be sipping Lagavulin 16 on November 8th. Maybe some Trace. I hope she just crushes the Donald. You gotta admit, only Republicans (well, 40% of Republicans, who are 28% of voters, so really only 11% of voters) believe a word he says. Thankfully, most of us see right through His Bullsh*tness. Too bad you guys don't. Well, maybe not too bad, we'll just call it just desserts.

Yeah, your client reviews indicate you have a thing for 16-year-olds...
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Paddler
I'll be sipping Lagavulin 16 on November 8th. Maybe some Trace. I hope she just crushes the Donald. You gotta admit, only Republicans (well, 40% of Republicans, who are 28% of voters, so really only 11% of voters) believe a word he says. Thankfully, most of us see right through His Bullsh*tness. Too bad you guys don't. Well, maybe not too bad, we'll just call it just desserts.

Yeah, your client reviews indicate you have a thing for 16-year-olds...

It's ok[in his mind], he IS a democrat after all. crazy
Originally Posted by Paddler
I'll be sipping Lagavulin 16 on November 8th. Maybe some Trace. I hope she just crushes the Donald. You gotta admit, only Republicans (well, 40% of Republicans, who are 28% of voters, so really only 11% of voters) believe a word he says. Thankfully, most of us see right through His Bullsh*tness. Too bad you guys don't. Well, maybe not too bad, we'll just call it just desserts.

I've got something else you can sip on.
Old too time to move on and let someone with a brain run the show....

Originally Posted by Paddler
The world is changing. Prejudice, bigotry, hatred aren't popular in America today.


[Linked Image]

Posted By: cfran Re: Hillary Ain't Gonna Make It. - 07/06/16
Originally Posted by Redneck
What a pathetic excuse for a human being...

Couldn't agree more, can't imagine being so sick and wrong. Wow.
Originally Posted by Redneck
What a pathetic excuse for a human being...

Too funny! Anyone who does not agree with you is pathetic? You do realize that most of the country thinks Trump and the "Conservative" Right is out of touch and thus must be pathetic?

By the way.....Been meaning to ask...Exactly what Trump says or has said do Social Conservatives and Fiscal Conservatives agree with?

I know...ABC.....Perfect!
Originally Posted by cfran
Originally Posted by Redneck
What a pathetic excuse for a human being...

Couldn't agree more, can't imagine being so sick and wrong. Wow.

++ Yep!
Originally Posted by Paddler
I hope she just crushes the Donald.


And I say that not in the good-natured, campfire spirit.

Originally Posted by GunReader
Originally Posted by Paddler
I hope she just crushes the Donald.


And I say that not in the good-natured, campfire spirit.

Typical response- GFY your are POS- steam, saliva and mucus . For different opinions are not well received here. Toe the far right line and you are a good old boy. Everything and everyone else is a POS. The lovers of the bill of rights and 1st amendment here love it only when it is line with their beliefs values and only when it suits them.
Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Originally Posted by Paddler
The world is changing. Prejudice, bigotry, hatred aren't popular in America today.


[Linked Image]

Yea....that's what I thought.....crickets....

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