This after a couple of states polled Johnson higher than 15%, over 30% in a poll said they would consider Johnson, etc.


To professional economists, Trump isn’t even the second best presidential candidate in the race

By STEVE GOLDSTEIN Published: Aug 22, 2016 8:48 a.m. ET

Professional economists have such low regard for the Republican presidential candidate that a survey found Donald Trump wasn’t even considered the second best candidate in the race.

A survey of 414 economists by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday found 55% thought Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would do the best job of managing the economy. The Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, narrowly beat out Trump, 15% to 14%, with another 15% saying they don’t know.

Sixty-two percent of professional economists say uncertainty about the election is holding back growth.
To be fair to Trump, these economists hold views that he’d find distasteful. On immigration, 80% say the federal government should remove restrictions on high-skill immigration. A majority of economists, 61%, say there should be increased immigration more generally.

On the Trans-Pacific Partnership, 47% believe the U.S. should adopt the trade pact in its current form, and another 30% say the U.S. should seek more favorable terms.

Trump has generally been resistant to the idea of welcoming more high-skilled immigrants — though at one debate he said he was for it. Trump has previously indicated a desire for a deportation force tackling the 11 million who live in the country illegally.

Trump has been vocally opposed to the TPP pact, and Clinton also now says she opposes the pact she helped negotiate when she was secretary of state under President Obama.

The professional economists say uncertainty about the election is holding back growth, with 62% saying so.
It is more than likely that Trump makes more money in one month, than that entire sample of 414 economists does in one year. That counts for something.
This is mistitled. Economist trust Hillary Clinton the most to manage the economy.
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite

A survey of 414 economists by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday found 55% thought Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would do the best job of managing the economy.

Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton is capable of managing anything more than the donut stash on her campaign bus is a fool. She's screwed up everything she's ever touched.
These so called economist were trained, uh, I mean indoctrinated in liberal university's!

They were taught Keynesian economics.
The majority are clueless lib's with an agenda and bias towards the status quo.
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite

A survey of 414 economists by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday found 55% thought Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would do the best job of managing the economy.

Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton is capable of managing anything more than the donut stash on her campaign bus is a fool. She's screwed up everything she's ever touched.

^^This. Nothing more to be said.
Everyone has an azzhole and an opinion.
This is a deceiving post. Keynesian economists will not be favorable to Trump, nor are they favorable to America. They believe in fiat money to stimulate our economy. Keynesian economists love useless wars because it stimulates illusory monetary velocity. It has never worked. But they're married to that stupid belief, and they'll die with it.

Austrain economics accords greatest liberty to individuals, not the government. It is closest to Adam Smith economics in which the big hand of consumers shapes the marketplace, not effing government.

I've just read that the defense industry is throwing in with the uncharged felon. It makes sense. She'll have the USA quagmired in stupid Middle Eastern wars until our military cemeteries have no place to inter our dead soldiers. Trump is aligned with our Founding Fathers: stay the he!l outta other countries internal affairs, and fight no wars that do not directly involve the security of the USA.

Keynesian economists love the uncharged felon. Austrian economists love Trump.

When government becomes involved in our economy, politicians, not the marketplace, determines who wins and loses. It's known as honest graft.

I'm an Adam Smith/Austrian dude. I'd go back to laissez faire capitalism in a New York second. That way, politicians won't get PAC money because businesses and corporations won't have to bribe them. Consumers, not government, will determine who wins and loses.
Originally Posted by Crow hunter

Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton is capable of managing anything more than the donut stash on her campaign bus is a fool. She's screwed up everything she's ever touched.

That's why she had to outsource to Monica Lewinsky.
Urbaneruralite: I have some advice for you - DON'T believe a pphhuccking thing you hear, read or see that comes from todays mass media.
Taking my advice would serve you well, as it has for me - NOT taking my advice will just keep you floundering in misinformation, propaganda, deceit, distortion, deception and demonization of traditional valued Americans.
Hold into the wind
Gary who?
floundering in misinformation, propaganda, deceit, distortion, deception and demonization of traditional valued Americans.
That is why it's here. Hoping to help us flounder in disinformation .
These so-called economists aren't very bright.

"...A quick rundown on Johnson's fiscal record as governor: when he entered office the state budget was $4.397 billion and when he left it was $7.721 billion. Johnson claims to have balanced the budget each year, which isn't impressive by itself because the state constitution mandates it. But thanks to some off-budget gimmicks, Johnson actually was able to run deficits. James Spiller of National Review notes: "In fact, Johnson inherited a debt of $1.8 billion and left a debt of $4.6 billion, a rate of increase unmatched by the 22 governors in either party who have filed for presidential primaries in the past two decades, with the exception of Governor Tom Vilsack (D., Iowa) in 2007. During every year that Johnson, as he says, balanced the budget, he added to the debt..."
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite


Who freaking cares, we're going to get Hillary or Trump anyhow, so how does Johnson's economics matter?
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite



one of the few times I'll agree with ole Bristoe. lol
A lot of good stuff has already been said but the fact that those Liberals think a so-called Libertarian is going to have good economic policy is plenty to tell you HE ISN'T A LIBERTARIAN AT ALL.

He is a Liberal of the open-borders/kill babies/continue status quo sort. Not that there is any other sort...
Did you know that unlike other "professions" such as engineers lawyers, doctors, nurses, vets, truck drivers, merchant mariners, dentists, exterminators, etc., there is no exam, certification or licensure requirement to call yourself an economist? Or that somewhere around half of the "economists" in the US work for the government, and most of those positions only require a degree that included or was supplemented by 21 semester hours in economics and three hours in statistics, accounting, or calculus? And have you noticed the US "economy" is in shambles?

Considering the above, no - I'm not surprised at all that 55% of them think Hillary would do the best job of managing the economy, considering they are first and foremost interested in promoting their paycheck and sense of importance, and Hillary offers them the best chance of keeping that gravy train rolling.

It reminds me of another taxpayer funded self-licking ice cream cone - the grievance (diversity) industry.
Read James Rickards.

Paul Craig Roberts, too.
Not having to be certified explains how there's so many economists posting on this thread.

Please understand I do not post these for Trumpkins. Trump could order a death raid on their cousin and they'd figure out a way that said cousin probably deserved it, and after all it was necessary to defeat Hillary. Wasn't it?

Democrats are well documented to have been good for the economy in the near term. They can be disastrous in the long term (see the Great Recession as caused by government mandated sub-prime mortgages), but presidencies don't last that long. So, Clinton is easily identifiable as likely good for the economy.

Fiscal conservatives tend to be good at stabilizing the economy after liberals wreck it. Enter Gary Johnson.

How about Trump? If you want to know about how he is bad for an economy, ask all those people he gave the shaft in Atlantic City.
"Economists Trust Gary Johnson More Than Donald Trump"

So what? He'll never be president.
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite
Not having to be certified explains how there's so many economists posting on this thread.

Please understand I do not post these for Trumpkins. Trump could order a death raid on their cousin and they'd figure out a way that said cousin probably deserved it, and after all it was necessary to defeat Hillary. Wasn't it?

Democrats are well documented to have been good for the economy in the near term. They can be disastrous in the long term (see the Great Recession as caused by government mandated sub-prime mortgages), but presidencies don't last that long. So, Clinton is easily identifiable as likely good for the economy.

Fiscal conservatives tend to be good at stabilizing the economy after liberals wreck it. Enter Gary Johnson.

How about Trump? If you want to know about how he is bad for an economy, ask all those people he gave the shaft in Atlantic City.

So your economic model is elect a democrat to destroy the economy followed by a conservative to stabilize it? So since 'Bummer and Hildebitch have had the last 8 years are you saying its now time to vote against them? Cool, but I'm voting for an actual candidate in this election..so, Exit Gary Johnson.
Gary Johnson favors instituting a "carbon fee" which would affect everyone and everything that relies on conventional inexpensive, efficient fossil-derived energy.

That may not affect some of you reading this, but then how do you manage to read at all when you are 6 feet underground?


Johnson is a Libertarian In name Only (LINO) if he thinks it is government's role to tax every citizen and business in order to somehow alter or affect Earth's ever-changing and poorly-understood climate system.
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite
Not having to be certified explains how there's so many economists posting on this thread.

Please understand I do not post these for Trumpkins. Trump could order a death raid on their cousin and they'd figure out a way that said cousin probably deserved it, and after all it was necessary to defeat Hillary. Wasn't it?

Democrats are well documented to have been good for the economy in the near term. They can be disastrous in the long term (see the Great Recession as caused by government mandated sub-prime mortgages), but presidencies don't last that long. So, Clinton is easily identifiable as likely good for the economy.

Fiscal conservatives tend to be good at stabilizing the economy after liberals wreck it. Enter Gary Johnson.

How about Trump? If you want to know about how he is bad for an economy, ask all those people he gave the shaft in Atlantic City.

Another interesting factoid: The United States' Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) banned lead paint in 1977 in residential properties and public buildings.

The window sill next to your crib must have had a fair amount of residual.
Originally Posted by rlott
Originally Posted by urbaneruralite
Not having to be certified explains how there's so many economists posting on this thread.

Please understand I do not post these for Trumpkins. Trump could order a death raid on their cousin and they'd figure out a way that said cousin probably deserved it, and after all it was necessary to defeat Hillary. Wasn't it?

Democrats are well documented to have been good for the economy in the near term. They can be disastrous in the long term (see the Great Recession as caused by government mandated sub-prime mortgages), but presidencies don't last that long. So, Clinton is easily identifiable as likely good for the economy.

Fiscal conservatives tend to be good at stabilizing the economy after liberals wreck it. Enter Gary Johnson.

How about Trump? If you want to know about how he is bad for an economy, ask all those people he gave the shaft in Atlantic City.

Another interesting factoid: The United States' Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) banned lead paint in 1977 in residential properties and public buildings.

The window sill next to your crib must have had a fair amount of residual.

You DO NOT want to get me started on liberals and LBP...but then I am an evil slumlord.
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