Arkansas senator wants name changed:

Erase any record of the Clintons.
Good idea.
In September when I was passing thru Arkansas and going around Little Rock at 8 in the morning... I admit to laughing my ass off when I saw signs for the William Jefferson Clinton International Airport....

or whatever they called it...

I thought it was pretty ironic....

if I was from Arkansas, I also would have thought it was pretty darn embarrassing...
Who are the Clintons?
Originally Posted by 12344mag
Who are the Clintons?

I used brain bleach , i cannot recall that name
I'd contribute toward the cost of the new signage if that'd help?
Not a fan, at all - EVER, of erasing history. If we are, and should be, opposed to the BLM and "sjw" attempts to erase Southern heritage and culture and rename places named for Founding Fathers because of what they did back then, then we ought to be against erasing history and renaming places because they are named for leftist icons as well. History is history; let it stand and learn from it (otherwise, we are doomed to repeat it).

Arkansas gave American the Clintons and there should be a reminder of that.
Great idea! Put it back to the original name..
Fug them Clinton's
Originally Posted by Seafire
In September when I was passing thru Arkansas and going around Little Rock at 8 in the morning... I admit to laughing my ass off when I saw signs for the William Jefferson Clinton International Airport....

or whatever they called it....

I'm a pilot & I just noticed on the charts about six months ago that the name had been changed to "Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport". I laughed out loud too & showed it to the guy I was flying with, he just chuckled & shook his head.

Trump beat Hillary by 30 points in Arkansas, that should tell you how they feel about their former First Lady. She couldn't get elected dog catcher there. Little Rock is full of minorities though and the city controls the naming of the airport, that's how it happened.
if I was from Arkansas, I also would have thought it was pretty darn embarrassing...

Bunch of crazy SOB's in Little Rock. Did ya happen to notice the Clinton Library? It looks like a large mobile home on piers. A local radio wit said on air one morning, that the contractors needed to come back and underpin it. The also recently renamed Confederate Boulevard because of its racist theme. The did not rename MLK Boulevard. Confederate Boulevard runs by the old Confederate Cemetery, so the name was appropriate. miles
They ought to leave it as a reminder.

Don't change history. Just remember the mistakes.
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