Looks like they are trying to replace the aborted babies with illegals. They haven’t been able to hang Russian collusion around Trumps need so family separation might do the trick. Hasbeen
So, you spend time trying to figure out pseudomonas along with folks with a mental disorder?
Don't try to understand them other than they are pushing for a fascist regime where freedom is not part of the story. I suggest kicking their ass each and every time they insult you with their stupidity. Probably won't change their minds but the personal satisfaction level will rise exponentially with every leftist POS that gets their as handed to them.
Originally Posted by hasbeen1945
Looks like they are trying to replace the aborted babies with illegals. They haven’t been able to hang Russian collusion around Trumps need so family separation might do the trick. Hasbeen

I think that's called sleight of hand.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Oh, lets see if we can get the masses to debate the aborted vs illegal babies. The blind lead the blind..................................
'...I'll never understand liberals...'

It's really easy if you try..................

Just dispense with Logic, Facts and Reason................. let yourself run with emotion and feeling.......
believe it or not some of the people on 24 hr.campfire are liberals .
Originally Posted by muffin
'...I'll never understand liberals...'

It's really easy if you try..................

Just dispense with Logic, Facts and Reason................. let yourself run with emotion and feeling.......

The lower level idiots are manipulated this way, but make no mistake, the upper level people behind liberalism/communism are thinkers.
Originally Posted by pete53
believe it or not some of the people on 24 hr.campfire are liberals .

I thought that was what the ignore button was for. That and most of the boys from Tennessee.
When I say I don’t understand liberals, I’m mean their desire to turn the US into a cesspool, like most of Central America. Hasbeen
It extends back to Kruschev's "We will destroy you from within." The seeds of the pernicious and invasive socialist weed were planted back then, and they are flourishing today.
Originally Posted by hasbeen1945
Looks like they are trying to replace the aborted babies with illegals. They haven’t been able to hang Russian collusion around Trumps need so family separation might do the trick. Hasbeen

Liberals are hard to understand. They appear to be normal people for the most part but when politics and now social issues come up, they act as though they have been brainwashed into thinking the exact opposite from the truth. That's because they have been. Think of the pied piper and those of compromised minds who followed him to their destruction. The fairy tale has became reality and the solutions are few and bleak but necessary if we are to survive.
I’ll never understand liberals

I don't try anymore.

Once I came to the conclusion that liberals are the most dangerous enemy our country has ever faced, I settled in to fight them. Not understand them.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I’ll never understand liberals

I don't try anymore.

Once I came to the conclusion that liberals are the most dangerous enemy our country has ever faced, I settled in to fight them. Not understand them.

I'm there too.
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
It extends back to Kruschev's "We will destroy you from within." The seeds of the pernicious and invasive socialist weed were planted back then, and they are flourishing today.

Originally Posted by RickyD
Liberals are hard to understand. They appear to be normal people for the most part but when politics and now social issues come up, they act as though they have been brainwashed into thinking the exact opposite from the truth. That's because they have been. Think of the pied piper and those of compromised minds who followed him to their destruction. The fairy tale has became reality and the solutions are few and bleak but necessary if we are to survive.

Sad, but true.
"Don't try to understand 'em"
"Just rope, throw and brand 'em" - Rawhide!!!
It’s truly a mental disorder. They’ve failed to launch. They are driven by emotion not fact. I mostly FEEL sorry for
Them. God help them if they are stupid enough to hatch a violent uprising as they watch their fragile world collapse. It’s a war that wouldn’t even last a week.
A liberal argument is an enigma stuck in a Chinese finger trap.
Originally Posted by pete53
believe it or not some of the people on 24 hr.campfire are liberals .

There's a whole damn bunch of 'em on here and a whole damn bunch of them don't even know they are liberals.

Fools abound.

Originally Posted by 6mm250
Originally Posted by pete53
believe it or not some of the people on 24 hr.campfire are liberals .

There's a whole damn bunch of 'em on here and a whole damn bunch of them don't even know they are liberals.

Fools abound.


grin True!
I was once completely baffled about why so many “educated” people were so completely wrong in their beliefs. I could not understand why there were so many liberals in America that truly believed Marxism was a good choice for our country and our citizens, notwithstanding the fact that history has verifiably shown that Communism fails (and fails spectacularly) each and every time it has been instituted as a form of governance. Nor do these liberals seem to understand that due to its very nature, Communism can only result in incredible misery and brutality for the citizens of countries unfortunate enough to suffer under Communistic rule.

When I began to consider the reasons for this liberal/Marxist ideology in America that is so very prevalent today, the reasons became highly evident. Not to mention the lingering death of the American family and American family values, the fact is that the U.S. educational system long ago ceased to provide the well-rounded education, which is so vital to the production of free-thinking individuals.  The public schools have largely transformed into indoctrination centers, where our children are taught the following:

1) Truth comes from authority
2) Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat
3) Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded
4) Non-compliance is punished
5) Conform: intellectually and socially
6) Everyone is a winner

This convoluted/Marxist method of instruction, utilized on our children, has directly resulted in the inability of the younger generation(s) to think critically.

So really, it’s completely understandable that such doctrine has produced generations of useful idiots. After all, in 1903 when John D. Rockefeller created the General Education Board in order to dispense Rockefeller funds for US education, he stated: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers.  I want a nation of workers.”

Further, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, raised requirements for rote learning of Math and English such that other important subjects were crowded out of the curriculum, including History and Civics, and much less time and money have been available for enrichment classes such as music and the arts.  Today, more than 50% of college freshmen do not understand how American government is supposed to be structured and new textbooks that cover the American Revolution make no mention of the desire for religious freedom as a reason for leaving Europe to emigrate to America.

What the liberal elite, the Globalists, the Marxists, fear most is an enlightened and truly educated society.  Jordon Maxwell stated that "The most dangerous thing you can do is educate people.  Because when people become educated, you cannot control them, you cannot frighten them. People who are educated know their own power and don’t surrender it to others.”  This, of course, would directly lead to their loss of power and control of the American Population, which is why there is such an organized effort to discredit and remove Trump from office.

Today’s Democrats/Marxists have no understanding of history. “Revisionist History” is an important tactic of the Marxist and one that has permeated America’s public educational system. History is a vitally important subject for our children and Americans in general, to truly understand, for without it they will have no concept of America as the last true bastion of freedom in the world. They will have no understanding of why our Founding Fathers formed America in the Manner in which they did. They will have no understanding of how the Scottish Renaissance influenced the Founding Fathers and they will have no understanding of the way in which liberty enabled America to become the greatest country in history. For without America, the world would slip back into the dark ages, which we are seeing before our eyes as the Marxists make more and more progress towards their goals. As Edmund Burke so perceptively stated: “Those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.”

Let us take the Democrat stranglehold on modern black America as an example of this “Revisionist History.” A quick internet search will yield thousands of results claiming the moral superiority of the of Democrat (as a political party). The Left’s self-righteous proclamation of compassion is matched only by their insatiable eagerness to twist history. However, it was the Republican Party – the party established on the abolitionist platform – that passed the Civil Rights acts of 1866 and 1875. Furthermore, the founders of the NAACP were all registered Republicans. Dwight Eisenhower (a Republican) is the president who sent troops to Arkansas to de-segregate schools. Republicans carried the Civil Rights acts of the ‘50s and 60’s to the President’s desk. Richard Nixon wrote the US commission on Civil Rights in 1975, and it was George W. Bush who appointed more minorities to his cabinet than any President before him.

Despite the fact that the Democrat party supported the KKK, instituted Jim Crow laws, fought for “separate but equal” southern laws, and opposed Martin Luther King Jr.’s march on Washington, they claim to be the party of the downtrodden. Perusing through websites like Salon, the New York Times, and the Huffington Post, one can find an endless number of articles describing the GOP as a party of rich, and racist, white men.

Barack 0bammy and Harry Reid, completely ignored FDR’s history of opposing anti-lynching laws. They ignored John F Kennedy’s vote, as a Senator, against the 1950’s era civil rights laws. They even ignored the egregious violence and lawlessness that plagues some of America’s most Democrat cities, i.e. Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, Baltimore and Los Angeles.

In a raging display that resembles the clinical definition of “denial”, the American left claims that Republicans have abandoned their civil-rights-minded past. They assert that the right wing of America is nothing more than racist, backward thinking rednecks who “cling to their guns, religion, and an antipathy toward people not like them.” (Remember the former Pant-Load-in-Chief saying that?) But nothing could be further from the truth.

Conservative values – values that were intrinsic in the American Republic long before the Republican Party existed – have always been the core of the right wing. Limited government, individualism, and equality are three values that helped spur the Republicans onto the national scene; and ultimately lead to their success in the fight for civil liberties. Today’s conservative causes continue the traditionally Republican heritage of promoting a better life for every American. Democrats claim to fight for the oppressed minorities in violence plagued urban cities, but how dare we, as Conservatives, point out the abject failure of the Democrat leadership, liberal initiatives, leftist gun control, progressive teacher unions, and socialist rhetoric in those very same urban areas.

It’s not as if Republicans are responsible for the woes of Detroit… There are no Republicans in charge.

It’s not as if Conservatives are to blame for Chicago… liberals run it.

It’s not as if the Right Wing was engaged in voter fraud in Philly… Democrats won 100 percent of the vote in multiple districts.

Democrats, the left, and progressives have always been the party of permanent class status. Where would the Democrats be without the “exploited” worker? Where would they be without the “struggling” man? The American left has exploited, plundered, and manipulated their way into power since they first justified laws that banned freed slaves from owning weapons for self-defense. Democrats have built their image off of class warfare, race-based politics, and envy. They promise, in every election, to better the lives of the afflicted by penalizing the affluent. Their entire philosophy is based, not off of individual empowerment, but off of gaining comfort through government dependency. In short: Conservatism proudly declares that rights are granted by G-d, and every human being is capable of prosperity. Further, Conservatives believe that Government’s role is to protect the Nation and the individual from oppression, and guard our individual rights to life, liberty and property.

Liberalism declares rights are gifts from Government. The American Left appeals to those who identify themselves as victims in the same way Marxism (and by extension Socialism and Communism) appealed to the oppressed masses of Europe and Russia. The truth is, their policies only promise the destruction of the powerful (in favor of their own, drooling lust for power), not the empowerment of the oppressed. Thus, the “victims” will forever remain “victims” of urban violence, failing schools, deteriorating infrastructure and welfare dependency.

I am embarrassed and ashamed that so many Americans have turned to Marxism as a solution to the issues we face as a nation today. History is the key and the lack of historical understanding today, and the indoctrination of the younger generation(s) has directly resulted in the implementation of liberal/progressive/Marxist policies throughout our country and it is precisely this, which is the verifiable source of the problems we face today. But trying to convince a liberal of these facts is an exercise in futility. No matter the logic, no matter the number of undeniable facts refuting their beliefs, no matter the number of historical examples, a Marxist will never, ever admit that their belief system is not only wrong, but incredibly dangerous to our American way of life. America is exceptional precisely because we have rejected these dangerous systems of government and the thinking behind them.

They get to get on their ideological high horse, demanding all kinds of undoable stuff, protected by the very laws they "abhor ". Most of the liberals I know are quite wealthy, yet rail against "the wealthy". They are more than happy to use other people's money, but are not very good at charity. Morons.
High Noon,

Excellent article!!

Originally Posted by Semper_Fi57
High Noon,
Excellent article!!

I'd come closer to understanding women or Chinese double talk than Liberals.
h n good rite up i will vote for you if you run for office
44mc: Thanks, but I don't think I could subject myself to the circus of public office.
Originally Posted by benchman
They get to get on their ideological high horse, demanding all kinds of undoable stuff, protected by the very laws they "abhor ". Most of the liberals I know are quite wealthy, yet rail against "the wealthy". They are more than happy to use other people's money, but are not very good at charity. Morons.

More like slimey criminals and wretched hypocrites. Morons don't get away with what they do.
Originally Posted by reivertom
I'd come closer to understanding women or Chinese double talk than Liberals.

Very likely you don't understand child abusers or meth heads, either. They are all demented and are not to be a part of successful society.

Lieberals deserve the same ostracization and treatment as vile criminals and dope fiends.

Actually, more, since lieberals want to destroy all the decency of civilized society and child abusers or dopers only want to satisfy their specific addiction.
The key to understanding a liberal is to realize you are dealing with someone who reasons with the capacity of an 8-9 year old. If someone has something they don't, petty jealousy kicks in, and they think they ought to have it, too. Nothing is ever completely "fair", hence the constant running to mommy (government) to complain/do something about it.

The worst part is, if you had a group of 10 people, and 9 were perfectly happy playing with 9 toys, a liberal (child), rather than wait their turn, would rather complain/blow up system, have mommy take the toys away for not "sharing", and have all 10 equally miserable, than see 9 of the 10 happy.

The lower level idiots are manipulated this way, but make no mistake, the upper level people behind liberalism/communism are thinkers.[/quote]
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
It extends back to Kruschev's "We will destroy you from within." The seeds of the pernicious and invasive socialist weed were planted back then, and they are flourishing today.


Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by muffin
'...I'll never understand liberals...'

It's really easy if you try..................

Just dispense with Logic, Facts and Reason................. let yourself run with emotion and feeling.......

The lower level idiots are manipulated this way, but make no mistake, the upper level people behind liberalism/communism are SCHEMERS.
The abortion issue is quite complex. I watched a lib on tv the other night saying it's not about abortion but about a woman's right to decide. I scratched my head for a bit but I still figured out it's the same number of kids killed. Not as complex as I thought. Ed k
Originally Posted by edk
The abortion issue is quite complex. I watched a lib on tv the other night saying it's not about abortion but about a woman's right to decide. I scratched my head for a bit but I still figured out it's the same number of kids killed. Not as complex as I thought. Ed k

The woman's right to decide comes before she spreads her legs, as it does for the man getting between them. If they don't want a child and only pleasure, it's on them to be sure they prepared well. If not, they may be responsible for a life. If they kill that life, it's murder. So, it's really quite easy and not the least bit complex. Lieberals just want to make it complex because they hate reality.
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by edk
The abortion issue is quite complex. I watched a lib on tv the other night saying it's not about abortion but about a woman's right to decide. I scratched my head for a bit but I still figured out it's the same number of kids killed. Not as complex as I thought. Ed k

The woman's right to decide comes before she spreads her legs, as it does for the man getting between them. If they don't want a child and only pleasure, it's on them to be sure they prepared well. If not, they may be responsible for a life. If they kill that life, it's murder. So, it's really quite easy and not the least bit complex. Lieberals just want to make it complex because they hate reality.

There are certain exceptions (incest/rape), but you're right. The "choice" should come BEFORE the sex/pregnacy, not after it.

The liberal mantra today seems to be that no one should be responsible for their actions, or what results from them, unless, of course, they're a white male.
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