
Thinking this would rate as a very bad idea... right up there with letting people drink in public and drive home...

Alaska Marijuana Control Board considers proposal to allow consumption in retail outlets
Laurel Andrews
November 20, 2015

Bob Hallinen / ADN
A proposed change to the Alaska Marijuana Control Board’s draft regulations would allow for consumption of marijuana at retail stores across the state.

The change allows for people to buy marijuana at a retail store and consume it in a designated area on the store’s premises.

If the amendment passes, Alaska would become the first state to allow an area for consumption of marijuana outside of a person’s home or other private spaces.

Alaska Marijuana Control Board rejects proposal to allow Outside investment
It would also be a major shift from the board’s former policy position.

In Alaska, several social clubs focused on marijuana consumption opened after legalization, in response to the question of where one might go to consume marijuana. But the clubs were deemed to fall under the definition of a public place, and since public consumption is illegal, so were the clubs, the state argued. The clubs maintained they were acting legally.

Then in August, the Marijuana Control Board rolled out proposed regulations that would explicitly ban the clubs. The decision was met with a wave of negative public comment, including a brief demonstration by social club supporters during the board meeting.

The board had argued that it didn’t have the power to create an additional license type, as only four license types (retail, cultivation, manufacturing and testing facilities) were specified under Alaska’s legalization initiative.

The proposed amendment sidesteps the argument by creating a space to consume marijuana under the auspices of a retail license. It would also exclude the retailers from the definition of a public space.

If the amendment passes, Alaska would be bucking a trend that has so far held steady in other states that have legalized recreational marijuana.

In Washington and Colorado, public consumption is illegal. In July, though, legislation was passed in Washington that explicitly banned clubs.

In Colorado, local governments are taking a crack at rules that would allow for clubs. The state doesn’t monitor or license spaces for consumption, wrote Ro Silva, acting communications director for the Colorado Department of Revenue.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, social clubs are neither expressly permitted nor banned, said Mark Pettinger, spokesman for the recreational marijuana program with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, but public consumption is likewise banned.

Contact Laurel Andrews at [email protected] or on Twitter
I don't know about all that stuff. I just hope the more urban areas appreciate the way the rural areas turned out to support the legalization of dope uh.... weed uh ...marijuæna. After all, none of the folks off the road system - with very few exceptions, will be able to legally acquire dope since the systems of transport which supply these areas are all federally controlled.

• United States Postal Service? Nope

• Airlines ? Nope

• Marine and navigable waters? All Federally controlled. (Let's see the State take up the issue of State v. Federal control again - backed by the "need" to transport the weed.)
I heard from a fellow that the airlines were working on a check in system for pot between states that it's legal. Don't know for sure.
Well sure, why the hell not. This country is tits up anyway... lets just do whatever the hell....
Smoke 'em if you've got 'em!
Originally Posted by Ptarmigan
Smoke 'em if you've got 'em!

I don't smoke'em myself but anyone who wants to always has. The amount of money spent for years to stop it has to be astronomical. And it never even slowed down the illegal sale and use of pot.

I don't know if making it legal was the right answer but the status quo sure as hell wasn't doing anything to curtail the use so why waste time and money trying.

I find the turnabout to be absolutely hilarious. They worked so hard for so many years to have all smokers vilified and exiled from anywhere public, and now they're screaming that they can't have public pot dens for smoking. Well, they forced all the bars to go smokeless, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Heck and I'm not even a smoker of either variety, but smoking in bars never bothered me. It was just the people...
I wonder what the Tobacco companies think now after giving the State millions of dollars to settle theTobacco lawsuits .
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