Instead I'm at home after driving 200 miles because I have a not so smart hunt pard whose ex wife tries to call him in camp and doesn't leave a message, and his lazy daughter won't drive 30 miles to check on the problem.
So I miss a days hunting and get to drive another extra 200 miles back tomorrow
Everybody is going to be so sorry I'm sure, but that doesn't put the gas back in the tank or the day back in my life.
Sorry for the rant but its midnight and I need to yell at somebody
You had to drive that far to punch his exwife in the crotch?
That pard would be driving himself to camp next year...
EX-WIFE? why even bother??
I turn my cell phone off when I'm at hunting camp.
I don't allow a cell phone in elk camp!!!!!
If it was a real emergency they should call 911, otherwise it can wait until your hunt is over. You are a good friend for helping out. Make sure you find out exactly what is going on to warrant a 200 mile trip back. Be polite, but stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. Offer advice for all parties involved. If they act like it is none of your business remind them that they made it your business since you are a personal chauffeur for your friend. I would make sure your friend has transportation for the return trip.
Our cell phones are way out of service long before we reach camp. That's one thing we get away from.... try it you can actually survive without a cell phone.

Be safe,
Well why not make a call from the nearest land line? I would be dammed if I would drive 200 miles then 200miles back for BS!
Your partner should pay for all your gasoline for the trip to and from his "problem."

If he doesn't he isn't much of a friend.

He had you drive him 200 miles over a missed call? WTF
Co-dependent divorced couples are a pitiful thing. Or he's still 'whipped, and she toys with him for sport.

You are a good friend to do what you did for your pard, but remember the old saying,

Screw me once, shame on you.....screw me twice, shame on ME.
Yeah, that's messed up. I'd find a new partner w/o ex wife problems. Elk camp is sacred.
My sympathies and kudos for you doing what you thought was right.

That said, I'd be pretty pissed if my hunting pard didn't pay all the costs for dealing with his problem - gas both ways, eating expenses on the trip if any and maybe extra for the aggravation factor, wear and tear on the vehicle, etc.

My long time hunting partner is diabetic and has gone home with medical problems early in the hunt 3 times since 2004. Two other times he had medical issues, including hallucinations because his meds were temporarily out of whack, but stayed for the entire trip. (That year he should have gone to the hospital but he didn�t tell me about the hallucinations until afterwards.) In 2009 he stayed home because he thought he might be getting sick but wasn�t sure. Turned out he was right and he ended up very sick (I think diabetes related again). That year he decided not to come only after we had a serious talk about how he would be going to the nearest hospital rather than home if he was too ill to stay in camp, never mind the rest of us didn�t want to catch whatever he might have.

The first time he went home sick I lost a day, driving halfway home to meet his wife. The second time (badly sprained ankle) he stayed in camp and she came and got him. Last year may have been the final straw - he went home sick and my daughter and son-in-law cut their already short hunt a day shorter to take him.

Not knowing what the problem was it is hard to say what I would have done in similar circumstances. An ex-wife, though? Maybe take my buddy to the nearest town with rental cars.
This story has a strange ending,first off nothing was wrong at home.
My buddy was seriously injured in an accident a few years ago with some pretty bad brain trauma.
He gets confused at times, this time he got his incoming and outgoing phone record all screwed up. Nobody was trying to call him, he was looking at he calls he made and forgot about.
He's a hell of a nice guy and a good friend, so it's not a big thing. I'm gonna forget about.
I had about all the fun I could stand in the days I did hunt.
Thanks for the kind responses
I couldn't hold that against him either.
I would say: "Here are the keys, see you when you get back"
Originally Posted by txhunter58
I would say: "Here are the keys, see you when you get back"

^^^ That. That said we've all done some for others what they couldn't do for themselves because of of who they were to us.

Hope you enjoyed your time in the hills!
Originally Posted by Tracks
This story has a strange ending,first off nothing was wrong at home.
My buddy was seriously injured in an accident a few years ago with some pretty bad brain trauma.
He gets confused at times, this time he got his incoming and outgoing phone record all screwed up. Nobody was trying to call him, he was looking at he calls he made and forgot about.
He's a hell of a nice guy and a good friend, so it's not a big thing. I'm gonna forget about.
I had about all the fun I could stand in the days I did hunt.
Thanks for the kind responses

He has a good friend in you. The rest is just life happening.
I took a guy, hunting elk with me one year. I didn't know the area real well, but I knew enough about him, that he needed to get out and see some country. Turns out he had diabetic keto acidosis in the field , and started puking his guts out. I brought him back to town right away to be checked out. I lost hunting time, but that turned out to be not what was important.

I hate to say it, but you did what needed to be done and its only a day or two of hunting.

Hunting may seem like the most important thing to us, but I've found that a missed day here or there, or a missed hunt, may be more important than the hunt itself.

And it took a lot of years for me to get to the point of saying this.

Damn shame it had to fall that way, but good job for being the friend. Too many folks would be selfish.
Tracks you did the right thing helping out your friend is more important than a day of hunting. Next year do him another favor, pick up his cell and delete the Ex's number on the way to camp. He will never know the difference.
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