To date they say one million men and women have given their lives in the defense of our country and our freedoms. While this is a huge price it does not reflect the total cost of our freedom. To this we must add the lost futures and the devastated families. We must add the children that are forced to grow up without father or mother. We must add to the tally the men and women that returned broken in body and spirit and left to fend for themselves as they dealt with their physical challenges and demons. Add to the costs their time and anxiety as they try to find jobs to support their families in a market place and society they do not understand and does not understand them. Add to the costs the thousand tears the mothers and fathers shed when the stranger in the military uniform knocks at their door bearing a letter and the scars they bear forever in their loss. Do not misunderstand, I do not begrudge my service nor do I think many others do. We went knowing the price that might be paid and for a variety of reasons. If our Country was in peril we would go again. Many of us believe we are better for our service. Many of us know it had to be done. Just remember that when you see the young service man and he is standing tall and clean with all his parts still attached, there are many others with the thousand yard stare, haunted by their demons and broken in body. These are not so clean and not so strong but they gave their all for what they thought was right and now they just do the best they can. These men and women are still paying for our freedom. These men and women also deserve our help and respect. If you’re a vet and you’re doing ok, thank God. If you’re a civilian thank a vet, if you have the opportunity to help a vet whether with a job or your vote, think about the cost of your freedom.