Originally Posted by MRitchie
Darren, politically we would probably agree. I'm libertarian (small L, philosophical not political libertarian) and I'd agree that the NRA has stood behind things that I don't agree with. I also have to be practical, while they might not do all that I want them to do, they do a damn fine job of lobbying and standing in front of absolute garbage legislation (for the most part). I'll stay a member simply because it doesn't cost much and they actually do some good. If you're that dead set against the NRA, check out the GOA. They are a pretty "no nonsense, no backing down" group.

I'm a member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) http://jpfo.org/ because they get it right:


1. When the NRA announces, from the rooftops, that the police have NO LEGAL DUTY to protect the average American citizen.

2. When the NRA aggressively presses to abolish all concealed carry permit laws.

3. When the NRA calls for the complete and unconditional disbanding of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).

4. When the NRA soundly condemns, and works tirelessly to abolish, the “Gun Control Act of 1968”.

5. When the NRA quits kowtowing to authoritarian police bureaucrats and takes a no compromise stand against the increasing paramilitarization of our local and State law enforcement agencies.

6. When the NRA assertively speaks to our active duty military personnel and respectfully (but emphatically) reminds them that any disarming of innocent Americans is a blatant and evil breach of their oath to uphold and protect our Constitution.

7. When the NRA forcefully and persistently brings up the uncontestable fact that every major genocide of the 20th Century was preceded by “gun control” policies.

8. When the NRA honestly and accurately “grades” politicians for their real position on the Second Amendment.