Originally Posted by jaguartx
I hope that is true re RR. He could turn a lot of skeletons over from years ago which we have consdered buried forever. I still think Sessions will come through for us.

He might, but if he does, he will not be the "darling of the left". He has not been in the public eye enough for the media and the public to think he is without political influence. A few anti-Sessions tweets by President Trump ain't enough to put him in that position.

If he is going to take on that roll, then within the next few days and weeks he is going to have to go public. Make speeches, tweets, speak to reporters denouncing President Trump, support Mueller, threaten to resign etc.etc.

He has done some of this already, but that was months ago, if he is going to get in the good graces of the Media and the left, he needs to make something happen and fast. Of course that's only if the video link you posted has merit, meaning that, a lot of this is going to take place before the Midterms. If that is not part of the "plan" then it matters not when Sessions come out from under his desk.

That's why I think it is [RR] that is going to be the "guy" and that is why I think Q is not letting this cat out of the bag. If the Media and the Deep State had even the slightest hint that [RR] was the WH, the plan would be compromised.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe, an Obama phone, free health insurance. and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.