Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by Whip
Important point to remember. 99% of us on this thread are Patriots. We all want the same thing...our country delivered from the hands of the fuggin' crooks, an end to BS cabal wars, and our children and their future safe.

It wouldn't hurt to see fanatic libtard heads explode. Or some heads being clocked with a good ol' Louisville slugger. Start in Portland.

We all have varying degrees of trust in POTUS and the plan. That's the nature of human differences. Some are stoic and silent, others whine like little bitches. But we are all Patriots. Therefore...

Where we go one, we go all. Some just bitch and moan along the way. You know, the complainers you never take hunting again after that first trip...

At the start of your post I was going to give you a heartfelt Amen, but you lost me big time in the last two lines.

You can get your information anyway you like, but this method has not really been more informative, timely or forthcoming than Fox and conservative outlets. It's just harder to work with and for, which obviously makes it more fun for a few and a PITA for others.

Check this Jag post out. It cuts to the chase and makes my heart glad!


Sounds like Huber's the man and Sessions is still recused. We'll see. Tic tok

Oh, yeah, a couple more things. I trust President Trump as much I have ever trusted anyone in my life. He has some failings, but he keeps his word. And in this present darkness, that is YUGE! His plan is my plan and I see it coming to fruition.

You take Portland but I want DC. Now, there is a nice looking blond 27 yr old physical therapist in Portland who is not an Antifa, activist or anything like that. And he has this really cute Italian looking fiancee. They are both arrows in my quiver and not to be trifled with. He carries
and benches 300, too. His name is Joshua and he was well named.

That video is pretty old news, but if it helps you that is great.

Have a great hunt Whip and a great time with your boys.