
Well said but I fear you are wasting your breath on this character.

The fact is, there has always been a segment of the population that was content to accept all the advantages of our society and feel perfectly snug and safe in their homes and beliefs without having to worry about having to sacrifice to defend or even earn these privileges we sometimes take for granted. God forbid, they might have to actually spill blood to earn these rights- that is what the Soldiers are for!
I guess for better or for worse, our system guarantees them the right to turn their noses up at and criticize whatever they don't agree with- all with the caveat " I was born with this right and if you don't like it tough!"
I get the feeling that most of these kind of people weren't the ones picked early when sides were divided up for games in school.
Having their head in the sand is a way of life and it is obvious that isn't going to change anytime soon. - Sheister

Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.