You may disagree with his policies and that is OK. You undermine your arguments by resorting to name calling. Our President deserves respect. Don't call him names! George Bush has integrity, and honor.

There are a few simple reason why we need to defeat Iraq. The first and most important one is to show that rest of the world that then can't mess with us. We have had eight years of a "President" who was more interested in his dick and image then in the country. Iraq, the terrorists and North Korea are problems created by Clinton.

We fought a war and our soldiers died to defeat Saddam. The war ended with an agreement that required Saddam to eliminate his weapons of mass distruction and he broke this agreement which is justification for the war to resume. In addition, his attempted assasination of former President Bush was an act of war which justifies attacking Iraq.

It is people like you that caused WWII. They were too afraid to stand up to evil and defeat the Nazis before they became strong. Saddam is weak now and now is the time to take him out.

Your charges that "he is imperialist" is completely bogus. We could have easily conquered Iraq in 1991 if we wanted to take it over. There was nothing stopping us. What you call imperialism is just the mechanism for sucessfully transitioning Iraq from an evil dictatorship to a better government. We have done it before with Japan, Germany and Italy. We defeated them and then rebuilt their countries and societies along demcratic lines and an honest person would have to admit that they are better off because we did.

Do you think that Saddam Hussein deserves to be in charge of Iraq ? I know he worked hard for the job. Murder and torture is hard work! Did you know that his role models are Hitler and Stalin ? Do you think that the Iraqi people will fight to the death for Saddam ? If you are honest you will admit that the Iraqi people will be better off if we are sucessfull.

Leaving logic and policies aside for a moment. I would like to know why you hate our President ? Are you a true blue Democrat and upset that Al Gore did not succeed in stealing the election ? Or do you hate rich people ? You do realize that hating people because they are republicans or because they have money in not to much different than hating people because they are black.

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