
The 7600P was NOT a "limited production" firearm. Instead it was a FLOP as an item that was for sale. = A friend, who works at Remington, said that "The company lost our toucas" on the carbines.

As he said, "HOW could Remington know that the police agencies would be FLOODED with M16 rifles & M4 Carbines for 100.oo each or less?".= Those CHEAP (or sometimes FREE) rifles/carbines DOOMED ever making a profit on the police carbines.
(The SD in my home county received six M16 rifles, of the 1970s era for FREE, after the sheriff told the US government representative that the department couldn't even afford 100.oo each. - Further, each of the 3 Constables & the county's animal control office were "issued" a M16 each, W/O cost.)

Note: I "heard" but cannot confirm that the 3 local Lake Patrols (YES the officers of the lake patrols are sworn TX LEOs.) also received FREE M16 rifles, on the basis of one rifle per patrol boat.

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836