You miss read me or I didn't explain it good enough and if that is the case, I apologize....But if you want to get an attitude, have at it, because you can't keep up when we start going there....We have had no problems in the past, but if you want attitude then you best go home and get yourself some....

No doubt they can travel that distance and will when conditions are correct or the mood strikes. It does happen and one of the reason we kill so many on the roads here. However, I tend to be skeptical of some of the data that comes out of intensively managed Deer properties as it applies to free range herds and more than a little..Nor do I think you are one of few that has all the answers based on who you know....You may think you have an inside tract on being the Deer Whisperer, but others of us have been watching them for just as long....

Nor does my head spin, or am i guessing when I know what can be done with supplemental feeding and Deer behavior modification. I can have 5-9 in my yard within 30minutes just by yelling come on....

What can be done on large properties with unlimited feed, water, refuge areas and winter cover has little resemblance to the natural habitat Deer evolved in. Which was my point...The Deer in Pa drifted from the the Northern big woods down South to the farmlands and better habitat. You tell me why....

Last edited by battue; 03/24/20.

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