The following is an excerpt from a document I wrote for my young leftist cousin in LA regarding gun control:

Liberals and Conservatives

In order for you to truly understand the matter, you must first understand the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative. I am not referring to the difference between Democrats and Republicans, as the two political parties have ceased to be representative of two opposing ideologies, which represent the American People, long ago (but this is a lengthy explanation in and of itself).

Liberals believe that government action (interference is a better word) is necessary to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. Liberals believe that it is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. They believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems (Student News Daily, Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs, (2005, 2010)). Taking this a step further Liberals believe in the government’s power over the individual and believe in the mantra “Tax and Spend” and when that doesn’t work (which it never does) they believe that the solution is to tax more and spend more. In other words, Liberals plan extensively and when their plans fail, as they inevitability do, they plan more. Liberals use emotion and coercion broadly to support their agenda. Think Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which we are rapidly approaching in this country.

Conservatives, on the other hand, believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Conservatives believe that the role of government is to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems (Student News Daily, Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs, (2005, 2010)). Taking this a step further, Conservatives believe that the duty of the government is foremost to protect our country from aggressors (both militarily and economically) and provide a climate that is conducive to economic growth, without undue regulation, onerous taxation, interference, oppression or tyranny.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue