I have lived and hunted in Alabama my whole 54 year life. That map is pretty spot on. I am hunting in the southern half of Wilcox County and the Northern part of Monroe County. Our rut doesn't kick in until late January.

And no I am not seeing a secondary rut for does that didn't get bred the first go round. We see no bucks chasing does earlier than mid to late January. There is no increase in scrapes and rubs until mid to late January. And if that isn't enough for the doubters a study of the does in this area by wildlife biologists determined that the "AVERAGE" time of conception for the does in this area was about the first week of February.

By contrast I have friends and family who live and hunt in other parts of the state where the rut is totally over by the start of January.

This Sitka blowhard talks about laughing at such claims. Here's what I find funny. People who have never stepped foot in, much less hunted, a state trying to lecture the people who have hunted that state for generations on how the deer behave there. Now that's some funny s#$t.