My wife has been diagnosed with early onset dementia. Most folks don’t notice anything yet but it is very apparent to me. Today was the first time she didn’t feel comfortable driving. Most days are good but I know harder days are coming.

Doesn’t seem to be a lot of support here from the medical community. We went to the local specialists who did all the tests and confirmed the results indicated dementia. Promised they would follow up regularly and recommend treatment, care, meds, etc. Never heard from them again. Won’t answer phone calls, return messages or answer emails.

Getting concerned enough now with the progression that I’m going to have to find a specialist who will stay in contact with us.

It’s hard to watch her struggle with things that came easy to her. Math confounds her. I have to remind her daily of the names of new friends. Several times a day she’ll ask what the plan for the day is. Fortunately I work from home a great deal now. Recipes she’s made all her life she now has to follow the recipe closely.

She has a good attitude about it so far. She accepts what is happening and makes jokes about it. Some days I just have to hold her when she gets down or feels out of focus as she puts it. My hope and prayer is that I will handle it with grace and compassion as it progresses for her.

Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.