i hate the breed. Anytime I see one, i want to put a bullet in its brain. Years ago, I had two small boys at home when we had a druggie move into a house with a backyard that cornered ours. They had a pit bull in their back yard that they kept on a chain attached to their clothes line. He got loose once. I walked over and told the druggie that if it got loose again and came into our yard or near our house, i would shoot it. It didn't, so I didn't have to (or get to, depending on your point of view). But that is the one dog I will never trust, ever. They should all be put down.

"Blessed is the man whose wife is his best friend - especially if she likes to HUNT!"

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."