Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by beretzs
For sure. No point in shooting them unless you’ll have some excitement or point of the hunt. I get that.

My point is I don’t wanna crap on someone else’s hunt. We should back each other’s play as long as it’s legal take.
Watch Burns's video of the buck he killed at 760 yards. Three people talking in a normal voice and the buck doesn't even look their way. Yeah, required much stealth and hunting skill. That buck was super alert and was gonna bust those sneaky bastards any second. LMAO

Long range target practice at a live target.

Do you have a link? I have noticed in these long distance shots that there is often a gorge with steep walls between the shooter and the animal. The instant you take a few steps from the would be shooting position, you lose sight of the animal. Picking steps carefully in rocky terrain is time consuming. Climbing up through chest high vegetation, you can't see anything 20 yards in front of you. You may in fact have to hike around and past where the animal was last seen in order to get it into your field of view. You know what I am talking about if you have ever hunted wide open mountain country.
Geesus he posted a link to that video in this thread. Pay attention.

Every video in this thread that I have watched has shown substantial obstacles between the shooter and the target. If you had ever hunted open mountain terrain, you'd know that you have to take the shots the terrain and the time gives you. Walking closer to the animal isn't always an option. It's not like he's seeing animals at 200 yards and walking further away just to try to notch a long distance kill. I'll let him tell you this, but I suspect that he'll tell you that before he takes any long distance shots he evaluates whether or not the terrain will let him get closer in a timely manner. It's a matter of either not taking the shots at all or taking them shots at distances your skill level won't allow you to. There may be no feasible in between.