Originally Posted by Hastings
...I've wondered if Judas was saved. I don't see how he could have been more sorry and repentant for what he did. He went back and told the ones who hired him how wrong he was, threw their money back at them, and then he was so distraught he went out and hung himself.
Thought about this this morning, sorry for the late response. Some thoughts...after Jesus was condemned, Judas returned the betrayal money to the chief priests because he felt remorse. But they wouldn’t put the money back into the treasury because “it is against the law...because it is blood money.” It’s telling that the chief priests had no problem giving Judas money to betray an innocent man, but true to character, they refused to break certain ‘laws’ while overlooking their own gross sins as they planned the murder of an innocent man. Judas understood that he had betrayed an innocent Jesus - he clearly experienced feelings of regret. But we’re not told if he had a change of mind that led to a change of heart. We can feel remorse without repenting. I don’t know if that was the case with Judas, just kickin’ around some thoughts regarding your inquiry. Just because we’re sorry for bad deeds doesn’t mean we’ve repented of them...it doesn’t mean we’re gonna change anything in our life. Maybe his remorse led him to think there was no longer any hope for him and he killed himself - forgiveness was available but he didn’t pursue it. Peter, when he denied Jesus, also had remorse...but he repented and was restored.

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