Not arguing one way or the other...but it seems everything in our lives the last few years is viewed through a political prism. Politics definitely enters into everything, communicable diseases, nice places to live, fish and game policies, building codes, education of our kids, safety stuff on cars, investment strategy, retail buying habits, the species of animals we can have sex with, the gender of the people we have sex with, if any, sinister motives of people using left handed rifles, environmental views, to Round up or not to Round up on our goddam tomato patch, healthcare decisions, entertainment etc goes on forever, inextricably entwined with every waking moment of our lives. Make all the categories we want, it all comes out of the same ball of yarn. I don't see how we can separate ourselves from it.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.