During our freakishly cold weather last week, we ended up with frozen plumbing...and when your plumbing is PVC, you've got a small disaster on your hands. I forget what day it was when the water stopped flowing, but when it thawed out at the end of the week it didn't take me long to realize I was in for a nasty job. To make a ling story short I spent half of Saturday, all day Sunday, and all day Monday crawling around in slimy mud and sharp rocks repairing busted lines. We went about eight days without running water. I finally fixed the last leak yesterday evening. To say my first hot shower in eight days was heavenly would be a bit of an understatement.

Most all of us live with basic modern conveniences that make life so much more pleasant, but I wonder just how jaded we are. I know I'd grown to take some of these things for granted, but last week opened my eyes...and I know a lot of folks were much worse off than we were.

I surely won't take warmth and running water for granted ever again.

Don't be the darkness.

America will perish while those who should be standing guard are satisfying their lusts.