Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by JeffP
I have also read that the priests are already trained to resume animal sacrifice . And the raising of the red heifers with dna specialists .


I read about that too. It's been a while since they had full red cattle.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, just asking.
Why haven't they been sacrificing for two thousand years? God didn't even ask for a temple. When we think about it, you'd think they'd be doing it all along.
Before Christ, there were specific instructions for the alter to be made of a pile of rocks or soil. There wasn't much special about it other than what not to do, like no tool work on the stones.

They won't sacrifice without the Temple. The last one was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans. The rebuilding of the Temple is not so to speak of God himself but it is part of the time line. The Temple plays a significant role regardless of not being needed for salvation. Here's some interesting reading too https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/22093/eVerseID/22093

I have asked a man from Israel who claimed to be orthodox why they no longer sacrifice animals.
He said what many evangelicals say.

"The temple must be built first."

When I read my Bible, I do not recall anything about the requirements of having a temple or a particular red heifer before a sacrifice can be offered.

Historically speaking one of the reasons the Jews want the temple site purified might go back to when it was built in the first place. Over time the Pharisees and the Sadducees added to the Mosaic law. Much of it was just plain junk. Keep that in mind when talking about the Mosaic law. What they added was "extra". In reading about the actual construction of the firs temple it's believed, because of Jewish belief, that they felt the ground was not hallowed. The fist temple actually had a foundation that was as large as what was about the ground. They removed dirt that had been exposed to human blood from past conflicts. To them to not do so was taboo.

Also you can find several accounts in the Bible where some sacrifices that were given were not allowed by God and were considered a sin. One example is when King Saul offered a sacrifice after growing tired of waiting on Samuel. If you recall Samuel admonished him for this. So the people responsible for the construction of the Temple today are very aware of all the history involved in the past and it matters to them. The Temple is also strictly Jewish and shares no connection with the New Testament church. We are tied together from the standpoint that it will be part of the end times process but we are not at all in regard to salvation. As you mentioned in another post, Jesus is our sacrifice and all we ever need.

So because of the old law and traditions the Jews want a temple for sacrifices of whatever kind they choose to submit. Whatever the reason it's going to be an elaborate thing and something of great interest to many of us. What it won't ever be is a place for God to dwell in as in times past. We as Christians that are saved by His blood are that dwelling place now!