Originally Posted by rockinbbar
[quote=gsganzer]I'll put my flame suit on.

I'm not for the passage of this bill. We had a concealed carry system that worked well, wasn't broken and provided basic training to ensure safe handling, storage and education of laws pertaining to the use of deadly force. In addition, the law enforcement agencies voiced their own opposition to it. All this talk about supporting our law enforcement agencies in contrast to the defund movement, but then you push for a bill that our law enforcement agencies denounce because it will impact their safety and make their jobs harder.

With the passage of this law you're risking an increase in events that will polarize the views against gun ownership. Including more unnecessary/unlawful armed confrontations and firearm theft.

You're creating a problem where one did not exist.

There's SO much wrong with what you say. I'm not even going to get into the whole statement.

But the first mainstream media lie you repeat is that Texas law enforcement is against this.

The fact of the matter is, that MSM made a big deal out of LIBERAL CITY police chief's being against it. They are liberals. Dallas, Austin...

The second fact is that 83% of Texas county sheriff's SUPPORT Constitutional carry.

Here's the poll article. https://www.brettsanders.me/exclusive-83-of-texas-sheriffs-support-constitutional-carry/

How about we have LESS goddam govt interference and regulation?

When you have to jump through hoops and PAY for a constitutional right, it ceases to be a "right" and becomes a privilege. crazy

Try again.

He's right you know.


"It's a terrible thing when governments send their young men to kill each other." Charles Byrne,WW2 Vet.
On the day Desert Storm began.