Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by goalie
Did we get our overly dramatic daily update yet?


Total Deaths:

Total Cases:

Inspite of surge Governor Edwards is not currently planning lockdown.
School workers to have vaccinations or be tested weekly.

Inside Louisiana hospitals the situation is as dire as ever with people, mostly unvaccinated, dying in droves . People suffering from strokes and heart attacks cannot find open beds.

The US Military is sending in more assistance for beleaguered doctors and nurses.

Ain’t the common cold a real bitch and what a fuggin hoax all of this charade actually is. My my.

That's a scary way to say 51......

Seeing as how you’re part of this Government Healthcare System that has no credibility, according to you,,,,why don’t you volunteer and bring all of “ your seasoned expertise “ on down to dear Ole
Lousyanner ?
I doubt you’d have the time to f’k around on your computer like you now do at work, presently.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.