My wife has held out to the last of the last and still hasn’t taken it. And ya know ....she actually GOES TO CHURCH. If anyone was some sort of legit concientious objectorit would be her.

And she works in state govt. 98% of her dept has taken the poke.

Her objection is not religious, she just flat says that she’s been in he faces of thousands of adults and kids with green shît snot running outta their faces, worked front lines with a paper masks while all the other ass holes had space suits on, and never caught any of this.

So to hell with it, she doesn’t want it.

All these other coffee pot babysitting bitches in her dept and up the food chain wanting exemptions so they can work from home and smear peanut butter on their twáts and let their Yorki-Poo lick it off are the fearful ones.