Some points I have extracted from Juan Williams latest article in The Hill praising Biden:

The legendary standup comedian Rodney Dangerfield famously complained that he got “no respect.”

After 15 months as president delivering the most successful domestic agenda since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, President Biden is entitled to make the same complaint.

Biden gets no respect even though he has a record of success and Republicans in Congress don’t have any legislative agenda. They are content to stoke culture wars and bash Biden.

He is swimming against big tides of voter discontent rooted in nationwide frustration from living with a pandemic for two years.

Then there is unhappiness with inflation, anxiety over rising violent crime, and upset within his own party about the failure to stop Republicans from suppressing the minority vote.

And it all collects around one man: Biden.

Midterms elections are always a referendum on the president. That’s why Biden and congressional Democrats are running against themselves, not Republicans.

The Republicans are in line to benefit simply because they are not the party in power.

Their base is composed of radical extremists.

So which is it Juan, has Biden delivered "the most successful domestic agenda since Lyndon Johnson" or are voters "unhappy about inflation and anxious about rising violent crime", all of which happened under Biden? And the Republican base is composed of "radical extremists"?????

It's those pesky dumb and uninformed voters again, they just fail to recognize the brilliant success of ol' Joe.