Over the past week, I had an adventure.

Drove to Phoenix to spend time with daughter and family. Came down with Covid (finally, after staying clean for two years) and then a severe episode of sciatica. The latter was so excruciating that on Sunday morning, I passed out in the bathroom, toppling over backward and hitting my head on the tile floor. I was completely unable to move and had Claudia and the VRBO landlord call an ambulance. I was taken -in agony- to the Mayo Clinic, where they took a head CT, chest X-rays, and hip X-rays. That's where I learned that I had not only Covid, but hip arthritis plus sciatica.

I never thought I would utter the sentence "I've fallen and I can't get up" but that's exactly what I said to the ambulance tech. He thought that was proof that I was out of it, and he was likely right.

Anyway, after resting for a day, Claudia and I managed to drive back home, arriving just a while ago. I am now Mr Gimpy, hobbling around with a cane and gobbling Tylenol like it was Halloween candy. Will see the local Doc as soon as I can and see what lies ahead.

We'll never know who gave what to whom, because our daughter was feeling bad when we arrived, but now all five of us have Covid. My case was no worse than several winter coughs I've had in the past, but it is true that some things do taste weird now. Hoping that Claudia's case is also mild, as she is now in only her third day of it and she managed to drive the whole way home.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.