Most recent one. Packing up in a downtown parking lot after a long Alamo event. Putting away all my 1835 gear in my car.

My $1,500 flintlock fowler was leaning against an adjacent wall in a simple cotton canvas gun sleeve, period style. I never carry visible firearms outside at my house so no one will see that I have them. I would transport that fowler in the original nondescript shipping box it came in.

Packing up my car, a passer-by engages me in conversation. He moves on, I check my stuff is packed up, including flintlock box, drive home.

30 minutes later, at home, I pick up flintlock box and it was empty, I had left that fowler leaning against a wall in downtown San Antonio. Drove back expecting it to be gone.

Nearly a hour after I had left it, there it was in the fading light, right where I left it. Hundreds of people must have walked right by it. Somehow, completely covered in that plain heavy cotton sleeve, it hadn’t caught anyone’s eye.

Well, if it had been gone I doubt it would be used in a crime 🙂

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744