I got one of my best buddies hooked on fly fishing about 12 years ago. We've fished a lot of great water together. He's in a much different tax bracket than me. A couple of years ago he and his wife bought a yacht to eventually sail around the world. It's currently living in Anacordes, WA. I've been invited to sail from Anacordes and fish the remote headwaters of BC's Bute Inlet, the Homathko and Southgate Rivers.� What a deal! We're looking at July dates right now. June is out for me and August is out for them. Does anybody have experience fishing this water? Is July prime for this water? Suggestions please. What weight rods? Floating line or sink tip? Suggested flies? Thanks for your help.


I met a French guy the other day. I asked him "Do you speak German?" He said "No." I said "You're welcome!"