Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
The police cannot allow folks to deal with criminals on their own, because that's their only justification for existing, thus they make examples whenever they can of folks who do it.


Explain to me then why I roll out to every single medical and fire call in my jurisdiction if my only reason for existing is to make examples of people who catch their own bad guys!

My last days on I hauled a$$ out to a house on fire. I got there and met the home owner/rancher who was already outside with the wife. It was a chimney fire that caught rafters and attic insulation on fire.

He and his wife had already grabbed a couple of photo albums and some stuff. The fire was really not that bad. Anyways, I told him I would help him get his furniture out and safe outside. Whatever it took.

We went in the back of the house and scouted out what we could get out if things went bad for the firemen.

I know a bunch of cops who do the same thing whenever they get the chance. I figure someone would help me if the roles were reversed.

Med calls every single shift are no different.

Don't hand me that crap.

He doesn't have a clue. He doesn't understand that many LEO's in this country are the first responders in fire and Med. calls. I myself have had three saves due to an AED that my agency provides in each unit since we're many times on scene prior to EMT's. The same with fire, LE is many times on the scene way before FD, especially in a Vol.FD area.

I'm proud to say that I was once able to detect a fire in a subdivision due to smoke in the area, that neither the homeowner knew about or FD, I called it in, awakened the homeowner. It to was a chimney fire the homeowner was able to get water on it prior to FD's arrival, which helped.

He doesn't have a clue, nor wants to acknowledge that LE does more then what he assumes they do. I've challenged him many times to become involved in his county S.O's reserve program, but he won't. He'd rather be blind then open his eyes to what really occurs.