For LEO's it is a given. Who here has incorporated a Tactical Strength flashlight in their Conceal Carry preparation? Do you practice at your range using it? I am not talking about a weapon mounted setup, but using one in conjunction with your firearm in various situations. What do you look for in the everyday carry size light?
Gun Shows are almost as comical as boat ramps in the Spring.
Small bright "tactical" flashlights are such an under appreciated necessity that it's almost funny.
I can't begin to tell you how often I've used a flashlight in broad daylight.
I never leave home without one
Currently I've been using the pd32 fenix.and it's a great value in my opinion
The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude
Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell
Even if you don't want to pay over $200 for a Surefire, there are some very good LED's on the market for much cheaper. They're tough and bright enough to blind an attacker.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell
It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.
Thats makes sense. I just wonder if maybe a person should spend less time trying to blind some one and more time making sure he does not start shooting, or shooting back.
Not for tactical purposes, but I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as a too bright light that focuses. I shoot 3 deer in the evening for every one shoot in the morning, bow or rifle. That means sometimes you have to follow the blood in the dark. I have a number of decent lights. All the good ones have internal contacts that are gold plated to avoid the thump and glow syndrome. Once you get past 200 lumens or so, you are putting out enough light and it becomes a question of how well can it be focused and how long will the battery last.
I hunt under red oaks and buckthorn. The oaks can drop very red leaves making blood harder to see and the buckthorn leaves turn the blood blackish. I use an old style multi-LED headlamp that casts a bluish light which will make blood on those leaves stand out better. The headlamp makes the gutting in the dark easier and faster. Favorite lights are Coast PX1 and Coast P-14. PX1 is tiny and throws 350 lumens. P-14 is mid size and throws 720 lumens. Either will light up a 4-6 foot circle at your feet like daylight. I suppose for purely tactical non-weapon mounted purposes I'd use something that threw a lot more light, 1000 to 3000 lumens. But if I wanted to blind and thus incapacitate someone, I'd use a laser, preferably attached to the barrel of a gun.
For LEO's it is a given. Who here has incorporated a Tactical Strength flashlight in their Conceal Carry preparation? Do you practice at your range using it? I am not talking about a weapon mounted setup, but using one in conjunction with your firearm in various situations. What do you look for in the everyday carry size light?
I like a weapon mounted light and have a couple. Anybody who doesn't carry a flashlight with them when there is any chance it will get dark, is an idiot.
I've owned and still own Surefires and Streamlights. Simply put, there is no reason to spend the extra money they command. You can get the same technology-usually better, and the same quality from Chinese lights you buy on the internet. Maglight at one time, built a great light. Sadly, they have been surpassed so far in technology that they really aren't competition, though their lights are typically works of art as far as quality. Walmart won't have the best buy you can get or the best light, but if you're in a hurry, they sell stuff that is close. The Bushnell brand is overpriced and underpowered but is good enough if you want one and don't want to wait on UPS or the US Snail. Gunshows will have some better stuff than Walmart but are just as overpriced. For a specific recommendation, Beam Tech makes some good stuff if you're willing to pay up at the gunshow or wait on it from the internet.
A few years ago, I found a Coast LED light at Walmart. About the size of an old 2 D Maglite, but uses 9 AA batteries, and throws a 1075 Lumen max beam. I use rechargeable batteries in it, and it is an awesome light. It's brighter than most of the old plug-in spotlights that I had years ago. I sold both of the Surefire lights that I had shortly thereafter, as I just no longer had any need for them.
While it's true that all liberals are crazy people, not all crazy people are liberals.