I've borrowed my brothers fly rod to learn on while I'm looking for the right set-up to pounce on. Been hitting the local creek to practice casting in a place that isn't crowded. Been pulling in a lot of small bluegill, not eating size. In my reading old threads here, there was a bluegill thread pretty regular.
So how bout it? Are you guys still fishing for them, or just to busy talking politics in the hunters campfire?
Let's see some pics from this summer, Bluegill, Perch, Crappie, Bass, Trout.....
My dad live on a lake with a lot of grass that came up high enough to lay on the surface. Every so often there were opennings in the grass about the size of a hula hoop or larger. we would drop a popping bug in the and just work it across the opening. Plenty of nice sized crappies and bluegills with an occasional bass and northern. Fun evenings with my dad.
Long time ago we lived on the Milwaukee River and would float the river working the deeper holes below riffles and where the river was deeper under the over hanging willows, plenty of smallmouth bass and an occasional northern. Some of the most fun was hitting some of the faster waters catching large shiners for bait, we'd stock up our bait tank for northern pike trips. Drifting dough balls on a flyrod through the deeper holes in the river would put some big carp on the line, boy do they fight in the current, some could make a big steelhead look like a slug.
When I moved to northern MN, in the fall we'd hit the drainage ditches with rubber ants and stock up on chubs for trapline bait.
My farm pond had a lot of panfish in it. Bluegills, Perch, Crappie, and Bass. Fly fishing for larger than average bluegills with a fly rod and small poppers or wet flies is a lot of fun.
My farm pond had a lot of panfish in it. Bluegills, Perch, Crappie, and Bass. Fly fishing for larger than average bluegills with a fly rod and small poppers or wet flies is a lot of fun.
I have a pond behind my place I might give a popping bug a try. Crazy but I have lived here 8 years and never tossed a line in this pond that is 15 yards from my back door. I suppose it like hunters that don't shoot their yard deer. Always someone fishing across the pond off the church property. I'm alway loading up the kayak and heading to the saltwater.
A year or two ago I asked for information about fly fishing sunnies. I think Ingwe responded and maybe a few others.
I already had a 7 weight rod, but wanted something lighter. I bought a 5 weight rod and a few little poppers.
I have access to a nice little lake with lots of panfish and have to say I havnt had this much fun fishing in quite awhile. I love to see the fish come up and literally gulp in the fly. Some in the evenings I can hear them feeding from quite a ways away.
I leave my fly rod on my pontoon boat and I can go out and fish for a half hour or so almost whenever I want. What a hoot when a big bluegill comes up and hits the fly with a gulp and a bid swirl!
I have been using a yellow and black popper that looks like a yellow jacket. Actually, not much paint left on it.
My casting technique leaves a lot to be desired and I have more knots in my leader than I care to count, but itās coming along. And I love it!
I have some photos but not sure how to post them anymore. Gary
For those using fly rods or tenkaras, try a "popper" dropper rig - only you don't need more than between 6-to-10 inches between the popper and the dropper. You have no idea how many big bluegills (we call 'em bream in SC), fliers, redbreast, and other just sit there and never hit the topwater but will inhale your drop fly.
AKA The P-Man
If you cherish your memories with kids, be a good role model . . . . so the RIGHT memories of you mean something to them.
For those using fly rods or tenkaras, try a "popper" dropper rig - only you don't need more than between 6-to-10 inches between the popper and the dropper. You have no idea how many big bluegills (we call 'em bream in SC), fliers, redbreast, and other just sit there and never hit the topwater but will inhale your drop fly.
This right here is the secret! Sometimes you can catch 2 at a time.
My intended rod for this summer is 3wt, for small trout and panfish. Hitting a lake in June that is loaded with bluegill, perch, tiger Muskie, and general baitfish. Since this is my first season of fly fishing, hopefully there will be some success. Only have a couple poppers, but just acquired a bunch of fly typing stuff, and included were about 25 flies, some look appropriate for pan fish.
I seem to catch bigger 'gills on subsurface flies. One of my favorite set ups is a 2-3 wt rod a small popper and a Bully Spyder on the dropper. If I aint catching them on a bully spyder I go back home because they aren't biting.