The strategies they employ are probably more obscure, or contrived, than we might imagine, but I have a theory.

For what it's worth, I think the DNC is crunching the numbers and realizing that the best they can do for now is to continue to create distractions (pushing impeachment talk and endless investigations, decrying racism {and patriotism, family values, etc.}, delaying/protesting any appointments; promoting the Green New Deal, massive illegal immigration, man-made Climate Change and unlimited abortions; shouting about gun control/confiscation and avoiding any constructive activity in Congress) while they practice their "long game", crafting new restrictive laws, shouting these outrageous ideas into the public's ear and making their agenda eventually seem inevitable. They never give up, although some RINOs/NeverTrumpers and a few naive GOP's think they can negotiate "common sense reforms". That is BS and we should all recognize the Progressive's duplicity. And, just maybe, they will tarnish Trump enough so that the turnout of Republican voters will go down, giving them a better chance at the 2020 Senate, or holding strong numbers in the House.

The Dimms don't have a real leader now, although the Clown Mob front-runners are openly pushing the extremes of generic socialism. True Believer Dimms seem to think that Marxism will become more mainstream thought, especially with the increasing numbers of uneducated potential voters (the young, the dead and/or illegal immigrants). The DNC is working behind the scenes to refine the techniques for voter fraud, campaign finance shenanigans and crippling the Constitution. Willing donors and allies fund caravans of illegals and mobs of Antifa thugs with the violence or conflict being the desired goal. Media shills pound the public with their deceptive push polls and fraudulent editorials that often incite legal harassment. The PLO and BLM folks would be proud.

When will it end? Don't know, but gun restrictions or confiscations will be a trigger for the next steps.

“You must endeavour to enjoy the pleasure of doing good. That is all that makes life valuable.”
Robert E. Lee, in a letter to his invalid wife.