Well done indeed! Congratulations!
My daughter started at 10, and has taken at least one deer every year. She is now 16. Started with only breadbasket shots for certainty of hitting vitals. The last one she got, I had her in a nice raised blind, and we had decided it was only lights out, high shoulder shots if we could help it. A yearling was facing us, with fading light, and she wanted to shoot it. It's front legs were spread apart a bit, head down, eating. We were elevated. I explained best I could to aim where the neck meets the shoulders, dead center. She made a perfect shot, as usual. @100 yds. The deer dropped to it's knees, and tipped over. She thought she missed because she didn't see movement. When we didn't have to track, and pulled the four wheeler right along side the deer, she appreciated that we were shooting for the nerve bundle rather than lungs. She's got shooting down pat, now if I can get her to gut deer by herself I'll be set!