I’ve shot quite a few different heads over the years. NAP thunderheads, muzzy, slick tricks, kuduPoint, ironwills. Longest run was with the slick tricks, when the company was sold I found that quality slipped. Their blades weren’t as sharp and they didn’t spin as true. I shot the ironwills last season, they are a high quality head and have no complaints other than the cost. They are expensive. This drove me to start searching for a new broadhead again. A friend gave me a couple of SEVR mechanicals to try. I have always been anti mechanical broadhead, even though I have almost no experience with them other than hunting turkeys with old rocket tomhawks. The SEVRs flat out shoot great. They have minimal wind drift. The blades lock for practice. I have been able to practice with them for the last couple of months with minimal target damage compared to a fixed blade. They are machined of titanium and spin like a dream. I am going to hunt with them this fall. If things go as planned I will have a report on how they do on Antelope, Elk, and Deer.
I’ve lost count on how many hogs I have killed with them here at the Ranch.
Once had 3 sows lined up at my ground blind by the feeder. Closest one was 10 yards away. All were probably 80 to 100 lbs. Aimed for the lungs on the closest pig. The arrow zipped right through the first 2 pigs, and stuck in the 3rd pig, with the broadhead sticking out about 4” on the far side of the furthest pig.
The first 2 ran about 50 yards and died. The 3rd one flopped over on its side and broke off the back half of my Carbon arrow. She kicked a few times and died. The Muzzy Broadhead was still usable with some minor sharpening.
Last edited by chlinstructor; 06/03/22.
"Allways speak the truth and you will never have to remember what you said before..." Sam Houston Texans, "We say Grace, We Say Mam, If You Don't Like it, We Don't Give a Damn!"
I’ve lost count on how many hogs I have killed with them here at the Ranch.
Once had 3 sows lined up at my ground blind by the feeder. Closest one was 10 yards away. All were probably 80 to 100 lbs. Aimed for the lungs on the closest pig. The arrow zipped right through the first 2 pigs, and stuck in the 3rd pig, with the broadhead sticking out about 4” on the far side of the furthest pig.
The first 2 ran about 50 yards and died. The 3rd one flopped over on its side and broke off the back half of my Carbon arrow. She kicked a few times and died. The Muzzy Broadhead was still usable with some minor sharpening.
Thunderhead 125s when I still shot wheels. Since going trad 20+ years ago it's be almost exclusively old Rathaar Snuffers and old Bear Greenies with the bleeder blades.
100 grain Exodus head flies like a little bullet at 335 fps from Triax bow, real hide/bone drill bit, really tough penetrator, 160 grain ACE head from Montana Whip long bow flys great at 180 fps.
Fly like darts as fast as I have ever run them. Had one setup with an old hatchet-cammed, split limb Browning doing 308 fps and the Steelforce were laser accurate. Haven't chrono'ed my current hunting setup. But it's 270-ish (?) and have had amazing results.
Where I bow hunt the ground is 100% big ass rocks under the leaves. I seldom find the arrow and the tips are always horseshoe shaped at best. I do buy quality arrows because they fly accurately. I do use Schwackers, Slick Tricks, Thunder Heads etc.
Send it behind the leg and get the grill hot. Don’t take much for deer. For elk I use Muzzy 100gr or Montecs.
For hogs and doe these Allen heads kill 100% every time with a good blood trail.