This is some of the worst news out of Ottawa yet regarding the ongoing criminalization of Canadian Gun Owners! (Bill C-21) Jeff
Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights THIS IS A RED ALERT FOR ALL CANADIAN GUN OWNERS! BREAKING - New Massive Long Gun Bans Brought by the Liberal\NDP\Bloc Coalition
Today the Liberal/NDP/Bloc coalition government broke the glass on a typical Liberal distraction tool – gun bans. With Canadians reeling from a failed economy, tripling of taxes looming, 1.5M Canadians using foodbanks, hospitals overwhelmed with sick children who can’t even get Tylenol, Chinese interference in elections and of course a terrible showing at the Public Order Emergency Commission, the Liberals needed the media and Canadians in general talking about something other than their failures.
On behalf of this coalition, the Liberals added a disastrous amendment to Bill C-21 effectively prohibiting several million additional, individual rifles and shotguns. These new prohibitions will include:
SKS IWI Tavor & X-95 all AR180 and variants Canuck bullpup shotguns Crusader Arms Kel-Tec Sub2000 (and others) JR Carbine Kriss Vector Ruger PC Carbine GSG 16 GSG 15 Norinco T97 NSR Benelli MR1 Benelli M4 all B&T models countless others This amendment has been put forward by the Liberals and they have the votes to add it to Bill C-21. If Bill C-21 passes, and again they do have the votes, these firearms as well as all formerly prohibited firearms will be enshrined in legislation.
Bill C-21 also now prohibits ALL CENTERFIRE SEMI-AUTOMATIC firearms with removable magazines.
Back in 2020, the Liberals banned over 2000 models and variants of hunting and sporting guns commonly owned and used safely by gun owners across the country. They said gun owners would be compensated for this loss and were welcome to purchase other guns as replacements…now, they’ve come for the rest of them. This is why nobody can trust a word these people say. But hey conspiracy theorists – they’re not “coming for your guns”.
So take notice Canada, yes they are, and it doesn’t matter what they told you yesterday or what they tell you tomorrow.
The CCFR will come forward with a plan and provide more information in the coming days. Please continue to support your organization as we will fight these corrupt political parties (Liberal\NDP\Bloc and of course the Green Party), in every possible way.
Please also watch our website and social media account for more information.
Thanks for posting the video. Rod is very well spoken.
This entire process is disheartening to see, Absolute disregard for those of us who will be affected by this incredibly useless bill. Criminal comes to mind. Some folks say the Liberals et al are too stupid to comprehend the end result of this and all previous anti-gun bills/OIC's they have passed to bully us. I beg to differ: they know exactly what they are doing.
Destruction of an entire industry and culture/lifestyle in Canada is the end goal, has been since the 70's at least. Target shooting, firearm collecting, hunting are all being destroyed quickly. In addition to the firearm industry, ranges, outfitters, small town tourism and conservation will all be negatively impacted/destroyed. They have seen an opportunity to strike with a viscousness unlike anything else they have done prior. The impact of this bill will have zero effect on crime and they know it. Expert after expert has testified or presented studies to back it up, the wrong people will be hit and hit hard, the law-abiding citizen!
No, I am not going to give up this fight. We must fight them with every legal method at our disposal. I know there will be folks who say "If only we had a 2nd Amendment type bill in Canada" I truly feel that even a protection such as that would not stand in the way of this evil government.
There is a gunfight everyday in BC, it has now spread to rural area's. All these guys are recent immigrants, you know, the ones that are going to help our Country with our shortage of labor.
Legitimate is a broad word when we are talking about fighting.
Be prepared and accept you and your family being enslaved, your God and Bible to be banned. No Constitutional amendment is going to stop this train. They would simply not allow you banking, insurance, medical care, food etc if you don't follow along.
Jagmeet is largely responsible for all of it, I drop by the local NDP office to voice my opinion, but there are cobwebs on the door and the MLA is nowhere to be seen and hasn't been there in months. She survived a recall petition, I have no idea how. Jagmeet was not voted for.
I am going to maintain as I have stated previous......Canada's Native populace has played a large role in the Tyranny the general populace has had to endure, their silence says everything. It is the leadership that has herded the People into a pen and silenced them, unable and most telling...unwilling to use their Constitutional power at their hand.
I suspect we are nearing, or fully into the time of trouble never before seen, as foretold to us. It is because of this I will not comply, and frankly would rather be dead than live enslaved. It is going to get alot worse.
I just fired off a couple letters to Native governance, I will let you know if and when they respond. I simply ask what initiatives have been taken to oppose the Federal Liberals OIC.
Just out of curiosity, I do not own any Handguns or Restricted Firearms, for that reason I have never follow restrictions because it has never applied to me. In fact, I haven't even watched any Canadian TV or News for over 20 years. The only thing I do is vote and always for Conservatives.
Sure they will if you let them. That gussied up 03 with a scope will fit their definition of a " sniper rifle" and away it will go. You all need to figure out your government is like ours is composed of turds and vote them out...mb
" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "
Just out of curiosity, I do not own any Handguns or Restricted Firearms, for that reason I have never follow restrictions because it has never applied to me. In fact, I haven't even watched any Canadian TV or News for over 20 years. The only thing I do is vote and always for Conservatives.
Will Bolt Action Rifles be banned too?
If the Liberals stay in power bolts and levers will eventually be in play.
There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle----Robert Alden . If it wern't entertaining, I wouldn't keep coming back.------the BigSky
Just out of curiosity, I do not own any Handguns or Restricted Firearms, for that reason I have never follow restrictions because it has never applied to me. In fact, I haven't even watched any Canadian TV or News for over 20 years. The only thing I do is vote and always for Conservatives.
Will Bolt Action Rifles be banned too?
If the Liberals stay in power bolts and levers will eventually be in play.
Well, all I can say is that I am happy my hunting days are winding down. This country has become a chithole.
Really must suck to be a young person growing up in Canada now, more than ever before.
It started in the '60s, when the two Kennedy brothers were shot and has increased ever since. TOTAL elimination of private firearms is the goal and, so far, we are LOSING! Trudeau 1-era immigration has been and is a major driver and "special" rights for aboriginals also is a major factor, often promoted by NDPers.
It started in the '60s, when the two Kennedy brothers were shot and has increased ever since. TOTAL elimination of private firearms is the goal and, so far, we are LOSING! Trudeau 1-era immigration has been and is a major driver and "special" rights for aboriginals also is a major factor, often promoted by NDPers.
Just out of curiosity, I do not own any Handguns or Restricted Firearms, for that reason I have never follow restrictions because it has never applied to me. In fact, I haven't even watched any Canadian TV or News for over 20 years. The only thing I do is vote and always for Conservatives.
Will Bolt Action Rifles be banned too?
If the Liberals stay in power bolts and levers will eventually be in play.
Every firearm will be in play including the most basic single shot .22. Allan Rock, in the mid 1990's when he was Justice Minister, stated that the only people in Canada who should possess any firearms are the police and the military. And he does not mean they can keep their hunting/target or collector arms either, strictly duty weapons. I am deeply concerned about the near future of gun ownership and hunting in Canada. Jeff
I agree Jeff. They will ignore all the facts such as gang related homicides have increased 92% during Trudeau’s time in office, and that the liberals have reduced or removed mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes because they were racist, and they will chip away at legal owners piece by piece.
There is one end goal, no guns. Then they will go after sport fishermen.
The laurentian elite what all outdoorsmen to just go away.
Even if this latest round does not affect an individual we must fight it for trust me “you” will be affected.
For all canucks who value your guns there is only vote in the next federal election and that is the Polievre conservatives. We need to be single issue voters and a vote for the PPC in a tightly contested riding could be a seat for the Liberals, NDP or Bloc.
I agree Jeff. They will ignore all the facts such as gang related homicides have increased 92% during Trudeau’s time in office, and that the liberals have reduced or removed mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes because they were racist, and they will chip away at legal owners piece by piece.
There is one end goal, no guns. Then they will go after sport fishermen.
The laurentian elite what all outdoorsmen to just go away.
Even if this latest round does not affect an individual we must fight it for trust me “you” will be affected.
For all canucks who value your guns there is only vote in the next federal election and that is the Polievre conservatives. We need to be single issue voters and a vote for the PPC in a tightly contested riding could be a seat for the Liberals, NDP or Bloc.
A bit off topic but not really either. This criminal government is going after the entire outdoor community. After firearms, they will focus on knives and archers, Additionally sportfishing will come under more focused attack regards tackle and access. Yes, lead is bad for the environment but there are alternatives. Don't forget, lead is a naturally occurring substance. I also feel that simply going camping will be further restricted. RV's for example, yes there are vehicles which are capable of towing a trailer but, once at the chosen campsite, where are you going to plug in to recharge? How about off-grid camping? Gonna just plug into that Lodgepole Pine? Simple tenting? Still need a vehicle to get to your campsite. Dang, where's that Lodgepole Pine I can plug into? It is starting with our firearms but I see the end result being the demise of the outdoor lifestyle. I fear for my grandkids future. I fear for the future of conservation. Yes, eventually everyone in Canada will be impacted by these actions. Total control of your every activity. Jeff
First question Polievre will be asked when the next election is called will be “will you overturn Castreau’s gun bans”.
And his answer will be played 24/7 in the GTA, Montreal and Vancouver.
This was done for one reason and one reason only, to shore up Castreau’s flagging support in urban areas. Crime stats be damned.
I truly hope his answer is positive for us but not damaging to the campaign. It will require some very careful wording as you bet, the answer will be played over and over in those regions in an attempt to frighten folks who do not know anything about firearms other than the putrid BS they are fed by the social engineers. I get how it works. Most of the folks fed this BS are totally unfamiliar with safe gun use. They see nothing but drive-by shootings, robberies, murders and beatings. Many of them have fled from violence ridden countries where the only guns were used to terrorize them. Move to a peaceful country like Canada in search of a life free of violence only to be victimized by street gangs and a daily force-feeding from the government of the same. We as gun owners must find a way to get the truth out there. As well, the government must crack down on the smuggling and violence. It is complicated to be sure but, with a solid Conservative government in place, it can be done. Jeff
Sure they will if you let them. That gussied up 03 with a scope will fit their definition of a " sniper rifle" and away it will go. You all need to figure out your government is like ours is composed of turds and vote them out...mb
That is exactly what will happen. Anyone who has thought the end game is anything except totally outlawing ALL firearms is beyond stupid or naive . Or both
I agree Jeff. They will ignore all the facts such as gang related homicides have increased 92% during Trudeau’s time in office, and that the liberals have reduced or removed mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes because they were racist, and they will chip away at legal owners piece by piece.
There is one end goal, no guns. Then they will go after sport fishermen.
The laurentian elite what all outdoorsmen to just go away.
Even if this latest round does not affect an individual we must fight it for trust me “you” will be affected.
For all canucks who value your guns there is only vote in the next federal election and that is the Polievre conservatives. We need to be single issue voters and a vote for the PPC in a tightly contested riding could be a seat for the Liberals, NDP or Bloc.
A bit off topic but not really either. This criminal government is going after the entire outdoor community. After firearms, they will focus on knives and archers, Additionally sportfishing will come under more focused attack regards tackle and access. Yes, lead is bad for the environment but there are alternatives. Don't forget, lead is a naturally occurring substance. I also feel that simply going camping will be further restricted. RV's for example, yes there are vehicles which are capable of towing a trailer but, once at the chosen campsite, where are you going to plug in to recharge? How about off-grid camping? Gonna just plug into that Lodgepole Pine? Simple tenting? Still need a vehicle to get to your campsite. Dang, where's that Lodgepole Pine I can plug into? It is starting with our firearms but I see the end result being the demise of the outdoor lifestyle. I fear for my grandkids future. I fear for the future of conservation. Yes, eventually everyone in Canada will be impacted by these actions. Total control of your every activity. Jeff
I see it like this.....They are going after white Nationalist's (their words) who also happen to be predominantly Christian's. Trudeau said..."Evangelical Christians were the worst part of Canadian society"
In short, Trudeau hates Christians, the majority of gun owners are Christians, and there you have it, in my view, that is what it is all about. I have said before he would take all mention of God out of the Canadians lives, whether it be in the Constitution or in any language pertaining to legislation etc..
The part about "Canada was founded on acknowledging the supremacy of God" must really bother Trudeau, he will change the preamble to our Constitution, book it.